Black Dragon Code

Chapter 186 Adulthood

Watching the sullen Luna leave, Garcia turned around, facing the sparkling Elf Lake alone, slowly bent down and sat down, pulled up the corner of the skirt, and dipped his legs into the cool and transparent pool water.

Seeking the tranquility of Fairy Lake helps her think.

She was born in this forest and grew up in Fairy Lake. The broad-leaved forest here is a bright and clear garden. With the fragrance of flowers and leaves.

But she knows that this peaceful beauty may suffer from secular disturbances and be trampled by war in the near future.

King of Dragons...

Garcia leaned on his chin, staring at the moving Mizusawa in a daze.

Compared with Luna's parents, Dialope and Bai Lanwei, Garcia, as the leader, paid more attention to observing the emotional characteristics and handling methods of the Dragon King during the last meeting, so she is very aware of the changes in the attitude of the Black Dragon Lord , the key point lies in the mention of Luna's parents and Luna's appearance.

In the subsequent private talks, the black dragon lord even specifically raised the issue of the forest goblin to her.

From this, Garcia knew that Luna had a high status in its heart.

Now that Luna is grounded, she is not allowed to contact the Black Wing Lair. If this situation continues, Garcia can predict that after this, the black dragon lord will probably come to her directly.

Five-colored dragons are evil breeds that must be punished, and will be furious over a trivial matter.

Even though the Dragon King is different from other five-color dragons, he is not a purely kind creature after all. Judging from the establishment of the Black Wing Lair and the living conditions of the clans under the Black Dragon Lord she observed, the Dragon King still advocates using violence to solve problems creature.

But here's the real problem: It was her parents who ordered Luna not to leave.

Luna is still underage, her parents have the right to discipline and restrain her, and the system of Elven Forest and Garcia's philosophy are civil rights and equality for all. If you follow the rituals and traditions, logically speaking, she is No intervention is allowed in this.

But if it was not handled properly, it would be fine for the Black Dragon Lord to come to his door, but what Garcia was worried about was that there might be a war between the Black Wing Lair and the Elven Forest that had been gradually approached.

what can we do about it?

After rejecting the little goblin, Garcia felt a little regretful. After all, she was still young.

Inexperienced, this is the first time she has dealt with a large-scale and complicated event after taking over the power of the Elf King. Indecision is inevitable. Garcia wants to avoid wars and abide by traditions, and is caught in a dilemma.

In the end, she still didn't come to a result, so she had to close her eyes and use her consciousness to link up with the kingdom of God while praying, praying for the help of Su Lun, the god of the moon, and listening to the teachings and guidance of the gods she believed in.

As a divinely favored person, Garcia Yufeng has this ability.


While the Elf King was thinking, the little guy had already left the Elf Lake angrily.

The forest of elves has a complex and complete food chain, which maintains the ecological operation, so there are not many people in it. Luna found an inaccessible place, climbed up the giant ancient tree with a high dome, and avoided it under the shade of greenery. From the perspective of other ethnic groups, secretly contact Caesar.

When she painstakingly cut open the crystal used to transmit the message, a large cloud of water vapor immediately appeared in front of her, and illusory bubbles floated up. Although the image was slightly blurred, she still saw a row of sharp white fangs.

"Caesar, step back a little."

Luna found a place to sit on the leaves, dangling her legs. As soon as she saw her big silly dragon, Luna's mood became much better: "In this way, I can only see your teeth, hey... you forgot I picked my teeth, and there is still meat on it.”

The minced meat in the gap between the black dragon's teeth is surprisingly large for Luna, and it is self-evident how ugly it is.

"Is that so?"

The black dragon lord stepped back a little, stuck out his tongue and licked it, and deftly rolled the food residue into his stomach: "You usually have to sleep at this time."

"Caesar," she called softly.

Heilong tilted his head to look at her: "What's the matter?" He asked, feeling the sadness in the little guy's emotions, and she would not experience similar situations when he was by his side.

"I had an argument with my parents."

Luna confides to him: "They say that the five-color dragons are all bad enough to ooze pus. I say you are different, and they don't believe it anyway. They insist that their natures are hard to change, and their natures are inalienable."

"I was originally a dragon."

Caesar spread his paws, as if he had said this sentence some time ago, a string of indifferent laughter came out of the black dragon's throat: "You don't need to argue with your parents about this."


Regarding this guy's self-abandonment, Luna blurted out to refute, but seeing the crimson eyes of the black dragon, she held back and didn't continue. Thinking of the possible scene where the Black Wing clan enters the forest of elves, she couldn't help but Live with shudders.

"Well, some time ago, the green dragon in the treasury has been dealt with. Speaking of which, the demi-lich named Renn is quite useful. He knows how to use spells to use the true blood of the dragon to endow the dragon veins."

After discovering that Luna stopped talking, Caesar took the initiative to talk to the little guy, and he also needed someone to talk to. Also exhausted.

"Actually, I originally wanted to transform the green dragon into a necromantic dragon, but Garhog Erha and they are too slow. Also, have you noticed Hogg recently, this guy is already dying of old age."

Said, Caesar sighed: "I don't want him to die."

"I don't want to either."

Luna listened very carefully, and then nodded. Hogg was considered a relatively familiar guy in the Black Wing Clan, so she continued to ask: "And then? Has the dragon vein transformation been successful?"

"Of course." Heilong smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

After receiving Caesar's affirmation, the little guy was relieved and kept silent, so Caesar noticed that she was absent-minded, and asked again: "Luna, what's the matter?"


Luna read his name, and suddenly said: "When I become an adult, shall we get married?"


"Even if you want to find other five-color dragons in the future, I want to marry you, okay?" True dragons are promiscuous, and they will find different species to mate to give birth to more dragon descendants, although these her She knew everything, but Luna still asked.

She has already started counting on her fingers how long she will be until she becomes an adult.

Unlike dragons, forest goblins are monogamous, which means that once they form a mate, they will not change their mates, even if there is further disagreement in life.

"Okay." Caesar nodded calmly in agreement, his voice very gentle.

Neither he nor Luna had any strong emotional fluctuations, as if they were discussing a trivial matter.

After that, Caesar immediately asked the previous question: "Okay, tell me now, what happened?"

"I was grounded."

Since she couldn't hide it, Luna decided to tell the truth: "I'm very sad. My parents won't allow me to set foot in dangerous places and go to the Blackwing Lair until I'm free as an adult."

"this one?"

The big black dragon in the bubble wagged its tail and waved its paws indifferently: "It's okay, I'll send some tribes to the Elven Forest later, your leader is pretty good, I guess we can talk about it then gone."

"Really?" Luna nodded reassuringly, she was very relieved and trusted Dahei, but this did not stop her from continuing to ask: "You stinky bastard, tell me what is good about her?"

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