Black Dragon Code

Chapter 221 Rock Fortress


The flames were raging, and on the edge of the defense wall of the Rock Fortress, a huge black figure stood majestically. The guy was covered in armor-like scales, his huge head swung from side to side, and his two scarlet vertical eyes looked like a monster coming out of a nightmare.

The Black Wing Clan has not yet arrived, and there is only this one opponent in Rock Fortress today, but the pressure is no less than that of dealing with the entire undead army, or even worse, its destructive power is far better than that of ordinary troops.

"Surrender, or die."

The overlapping low roars sounded like thunder, and the horned eagle and griffin uttered nervous chirps, barely supporting the knight behind them, circling the body of the black dragon, waiting for an opportunity, if it weren't for the multiple layers of "fearless brilliance" and "brave encouragement" With the blessing of buff spells, they might not be able to last even a moment, and they would immediately flap their wings and flee.

Soldiers rushed up wave after wave, and were harvested one after another. Flames, thunder, strong acid, and frost were all things they could not resist. The Dragon King could clear a large area with just one breath. .

"Wow, boom!"

The two soldiers who were slashing wildly were crushed by the howling claws that fell from the sky. Between the flying flesh and iron armor, the huge force pressed their bodies hard to the ground, squeezing them into two puddles of unrecognizable mud.

The black dragon lord didn't look any further, turned around, bit a griffin that had already exploded and kept screaming, and dismembered it together with the knight on it.

A large piece of feathers with white tips and deep yellow down feathers floated down from the black dragon's mouth.

This scene made other people's scalps tingle. They shouted and shouted, trying to escape, but they had to go back under the whip and scolding of the warlord. They were trembling for a while, and then closed their eyes and rushed towards the Dragon King.

But the next moment, another black shadow enveloped him, and several unlucky ones were crushed to death on the ground.

Said it was twenty-four meters,

But the dragon king's physique is far stronger than that of ordinary real dragons, and because of his short and thick neck, the visual effect presented by this guy can almost be compared with the ancient red dragon of more than 30 meters.

At the same time, it has an unimaginable weight. When the black dragon steps forward, the entire rock fortress trembles—it's good if it doesn't collapse.

The Rock Fortress is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless craftsmen in the South Rhine Kingdom, and it is also the first line of defense against the invasion of the undead army. Therefore, in this case, its load-bearing columns and walls are blessed with countless spells, so that they can block Caesar A collision without slowing down at the first arrival

You know, that was the strongest blow he had delivered so far.

At this time, the Dragon King suddenly changed his goal.

He stared at the four towers of elements that exuded brilliance. Although these things could not cause him much trouble, they would cause a lot of damage to the Blackwing clan that was about to arrive, which was equivalent to an important strategic fortification. He had to get it out of the way first.

Under the trembling gaze of the cowardly man, the Dragon King began to move forward, and the dense crowd at the top of the city immediately began to gather, and even retreated. No one dared to get too close to the black dragon. This guy is simply a super-giant heavy weapon. A slight scratch can cause injury, even death.

In fact, even if the armies of the northern countries encountered an ancient dragon, it is reasonable to say that they would not be so powerless, but this black dragon is too strange, it is difficult for spells to work on it, and it is difficult for soldiers to cause fatal damage to it. Injuries, even giant war puppets will not work if they go to the battlefield, they will be torn to pieces-I am afraid that elemental golems like the central city-states and the empire on which the sun never sets can be effective.

But Caesar was not without trouble.

Although the strong colony armor and adaptive scales have been strengthened, they are not invincible. The crossbow gun and heavy hammer with the "armor-piercing" trait can still break through his defenses under repeated gouging, layering the armor layer by layer. peel off.

Although not every soldier can use such a weapon, most of them can only be owned by high-level fighters such as feudal knights and oath knights, but in the Rock Fortress where more than half of the northern army gathers, under such a large base, There are not a few guys who have the ability to destroy the defense of the black dragon.

At the same time, after discovering that it was difficult for ordinary spells to hurt the Dragon King, the spellcasters in the North Land were not fools. They quickly changed their strategies, using various terrain control spells like "Marshland Spell, Collapse Spell", and "Steel Gate" , tree branch twining" and other evocation spells caused Caesar a steady stream of troubles.

The commanders of the Northland firmly believed in the truth that "many ants kill elephants, and many people pile up dead dragons", and required soldiers to take action, continue to resist, continuously send troops, and push them up.

But this can still hardly stop the Dragon King's footsteps, arrows snapped, spears and hammers split, shields cracked, and swords collapsed.

It wasn't until the moment when they finally approached a tower of elements that the army finally stopped retreating.

Baelish Lane appeared before the black dragon again.

The ruler of the South Rhine went into battle in person, holding a sword in one hand, pointing straight ahead at the Dragon King, the one or two meters of human beings were in stark contrast to the mountain-like black dragon

"I won't let you go any further, Black Dragon."

He said that his thick blond hair was glued together by blood and sweat, and his expression was ferocious: "If you want money, we can give it to you; Neither can."

"Then you will die."

Caesar bowed his head in reply, looking down at the commander of the rock fortress.

To tell the truth, he is actually a harmonious black dragon. If threats, negotiations, conspiracy and other means can solve the problem, he will give priority to these methods, but on this issue, it seems that the only option is to conquer by force.

"Death, what does it matter?"

Grand Duke Ryan sneered twice and said: "Even so, don't enslave us. The worst thing is to fight a dragon slaying war and burn the war to the north. We are ready to destroy the entire alliance of nations, and you One must have the consciousness of being cut off and nailed to a copper pillar."

Baelish Lane yelled: "Soldiers, fight with me and defend the Elemental Tower!"

At this time, the morale of the human army has dropped to a freezing point, and there must be some people who inspire them with blood and life, such as the supreme commander.

"Listen, warriors of the North: if we don't hold here, they'll take our lands; if we don't hold here, they'll take our women; if we don't hold here, they'll would kill our children."

Grand Duke Ryan's voice became louder each time, and the legendary weapon "Elemental Prayer" in his hand began to shine: "If we don't fight, we will be enslaved, and we will still be killed. At that time, those monsters will still be alive!" will point its ugly claws at our bodies and say, 'Look, this is a slave."

"Who will be the servant of these disgusting monsters!?"

"Soldiers who were born and raised in the northern countries, follow me lightly, unite, move forward together, and never retreat."

The Grand Duke of the Rhine held up the legendary weapon that had completely turned into light, and stood at the front of the queue: "For the countries of the North, for the Rock Fortress!"

"For the Rock Fortress!"

The impassioned declaration infected everyone. Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison.

"great speech."

The black dragon smiled. If it wasn't for the fact that his actions were too funny, he really wanted to applaud Duke Lane in a timely manner to make a big impact.

However, the overwhelming momentum of the human army had nothing to do with him, it was of no use, because he was no longer going to fight them single-handedly.

When tens of thousands of people roared in unison, Caesar just whispered a sentence that was completely submerged in the roar - "A place without dust."

In the next second, the magical aura of the elemental tower they swore to guard to the death was extinguished instantly, and the magic circles and elemental crystals inside the fortifications all collapsed and completely failed at the same time.

Under people's horrified and unbelievable gazes, the black dragon spread its wings with a smirk, no longer fighting with the army at close quarters, and soared into the sky under the cover of crimson flames.

On the other side, the figures of the Black Wing Clan appeared at the end of the dark curtain.

The King of Dragons, Caesar Altorrenzo Targaryen, took a deep breath. The most powerful flame breath in history did not descend on the garrison camp, but directly affected the indestructible rock fortress. above the city wall.

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