Black Dragon Code

Chapter 265 Battle of Tuhala (3)

Elradia, Tuhala Desert.

Dark clouds covered the sky, light rain fell, thunder and lightning entangled from the rare cumulonimbus clouds in the north, and landed on the ground with a bang, illuminating the surprisingly huge real body of the black dragon lord.

Caesar's astonishing size surpasses many color dragons and metal dragons in the ancient dragon stage. It is three or four meters larger than the ancient black dragon under normal circumstances, and his physique is extremely strong and ferocious. Even the five-color dragon mother overlooking the endless realm, When I saw him, I couldn't help but express my admiration.

It is conceivable how much pressure the Black Dragon Lord will bring to people.

Caesar spread his wings and breathed while flying in the sky, but his opponent changed his strategy, trying his best to avoid fighting with the Blackwing clan, and instead focused his attack on the terrifying black dragon in the sky.

Offensive spells are almost ineffective against it, but spellcasters can rely on buff spells to enhance the strength of other melee troops on their side, or rely on evocation spells to build traps out of thin air to cause trouble for the black dragon as much as possible.

But in fact, the feedback obtained by doing so is really not good, and the effect is worrying. The black dragon lord is still brazenly showing off his powerful force.


A roar that was far higher than the roar of the battlefield sounded from below. The leader of the dragon beast accumulated strength, raised his head, and spit out a thick and powerful lightning breath from his mouth, which was exactly the same as the black dragon's thunder breath, as if the whip of light hit the black dragon precisely.

Well, it managed to get Caesar's attention.

This is a blue dragon dragon beast. From the color of the scales on its body, it can be seen that although the dragon beast is an eliminated species without dragon inheritance, it is actually no different from a real dragon in appearance, with big, narrow ears and The stubby one-horn on the nose is a unique feature of blue dragons among dragons.

As the second most powerful dragon species among the five-color dragons, blue dragons generally only appear in deserts and wastelands. In the entire Northland, the Tuhala Desert is their best place to breed. Many blue dragons lay eggs wantonly here. The dragon beast cubs eliminated after hatching will be ruthlessly abandoned, and then the weak god Mara will take advantage of them and receive them all.

After hundreds of years of accumulation, there are already quite a few blue dragon beasts that Mara can command in this place, as many as thirty.

As they grow older, the color of the scales of these guys who like to hide under the sand will gradually change from brilliant sky blue to deep indigo. This is the case with the leader of the dragon beast in front of you. If you calculate the age of a real dragon, this guy It can be regarded as an extremely old dragon, and it should be the first dragon beast accepted by Mara when he laid out the northern land.

The leader of the dragon beast is not afraid of Caesar's dragon power at this time,

Grinning and staring at the black dragon, the outer skin made crackling and crackling sounds due to the strong electrostatic reaction. This is a feature that only appears on real dragons with blood power, and it will increase dramatically as they fight and get angry.

It can be said that due to the attention of the hunting god, in the process of continuous training and guidance, the performance of this dragon beast has approached the real blue dragon in some aspects.

It's a pity that these guys are not even qualified to fight Caesar in close combat.

It opened its mouth, and the bright lightning rushed towards the black dragon again.

Then it was instantly snapped off by the huge black dragon, and the thunder that pierced the sky struck directly on the right paw of the black dragon facing it, but Caesar did not show any signs of being hurt, but instead showed a deep majesty, the blue dragon dragon beast Their roaring and roaring were covered by layers of hoarse voices: "King Power."

As Caesar whispered, the dragons and beasts around suddenly found that no matter how they flapped their wings, the god-given levitation and air gusts could no longer drag their bodies. These sad dragons and beasts fell heavily to the ground, screaming There was an angry roar.

It's not that the god-given spells lost their effect, but that they were bent over by the terrible gravity.

But the effectiveness of the law does not stop there, the kingship is still spreading outwards rapidly, the unprecedented gravity acts on all possible life, with Caesar as the center, circle after circle of black blood believers and beasts are crushed He was on the ground, screaming hoarsely, but couldn't move.

From above, this scene is quite spectacular.

The domain of kingship continues to expand. Since mastering spiritual power, Caesar has been able to gradually control the strength and scope of the power of law, and what he consumes is only spiritual power. As long as he does not use too much force, this way of using it is very It's a good deal, the power of the psychic black dragon has already begun to emerge.

Unfortunately, this scene did not last long.

The reason is this: God has come.

"Damn reptiles, lizards!"

A crazy laugh sounded from behind, stirring up the dark clouds in the sky, and two rows of black blood believers walked out there, and then knelt down respectfully, welcoming their master who was walking slowly.

"I gave you a chance, but I will never forgive those who dare to offend the gods! I will wring your head off and turn it into a sacrifice. I will roast your flesh and blood with the flames of hell and raise it with your vile internal organs. My dragon beast followers!"

This time, Mara was far less unbearable than before. Almost instantly, as if a bullet pierced through the glass, the God of Hunting defeated the black dragon's royal domain with a lot of power.

Although it was the same incarnation as before, this time, the God of Hunting prepared a suitable incarnation for himself. The godhead is put into the apostle's body to ensure that he can exert his divine power in the limit state under the condition of life safety.

It can be said that apart from the most dangerous real body coming, this is the strongest state that Mara can show in Elradia.

Caesar turned around. It was hard for him to imagine what was going on in the minds of these chaotic gods. In the middle of the battlefield, there were roaring beasts and gushing blood everywhere, and Mara, the monkey, was still putting on a show. , incomprehensible.

However, this did not affect Caesar's judgment. The surging divine power was proclaiming the power of a true god all the time. The value of more than 1500 in the test device told him that Marat was very difficult to deal with this time.

Mara, the god of hunting, found a ferocious ocelot cat with a body length of fifteen meters from nowhere, and then brutally killed and eroded all its meanings, transformed into his own apostle, placed in the godhead, and descended here.


For this guy, Caesar has nothing to say. His second energy heart is beating vigorously, and fine crimson cracks spread from his chest to the whole body of the black dragon. rushed over.

Seeing the mountain-like black dragon getting closer, Mara laughed wildly, and then became angry again. The roar of the black blood god shook the sky: "Reptile, you are looking for your own death!"

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