The acceleration of the Ark spacecraft took only three minutes and reached the speed of light within a few astronomical units.

Completing a curved leap at the edge of the solar system, accompanied by the six rings of halo completely disappeared in the solar system.

The monitor in the biological spacecraft was stunned looking at the information sent by the main core.

I didn't expect that a civilization that looked so low-level and could not even go out of its own star system could actually master such a terrifying instant jump technology.

I thought that even if this worm civilization had a light-speed spacecraft, he could use the non-material to get to the front of the opponent's route like a cat and a mouse, and let the opponent fall into his own death trap.

But I didn't expect that these insects jumped directly and caught the watcher by surprise.

The jump is completely beyond the scope of the monitor's ability, and the biological spacecraft can't catch up with them.

This kind of navigation is a means of war between top civilizations, and the spirit walkers don't have much control over it.

These bugs already have the ability to avenge the spirit walker.

The watcher understands that he must issue a warning to the mother world and be alert to the threats brought by this worm civilization.

A slight buzzing sound rang, and the main core pulsed with light, showing a received message.

This is the last thing left by the escaped human spacecraft.

It is not the first time that the main core "Nine-Eight-Seven" computer has received information about this kind of bug civilization that claims to be human.

As soon as they arrived, they continued to receive messages from a new federation that claimed to be the leader of humanity.

The watcher also sent them back a message in a very funny way.

Let these bugs panic even more.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with ethics. Is it guilty for humans to clean an ant nest in the vegetable garden at home?

Spiritwalkers own this starry sky, and their spacecraft sail here to clean up the bugs that fly around and the civilization of bugs that have been born.

Using the original interpretation system, the monitor was able to see the message left by the human spacecraft.

[One day, blood will be paid for. 】

The message was very brief, but it was full of madness.

These escaping insects are not the same as other civilizations. It's very fortunate that other insect civilizations can run away alive. Where can I even dare to retaliate?

These so-called humans have made it very clear that they will have revenge.

Revenge against the entire Spiritwalker race.

The monitor does not doubt the possibility of this.

Mankind already possesses the technology of transition, and it also possesses the means to attack civilization.

Perhaps it only takes a few hundred years before they will come back again to retaliate against the Spirit Walkers.

The monitors are not very worried about this.

Spiritwalker civilizations have very special hidden places, and it is difficult for ordinary civilizations to find them.

And Spirit Walker is not without experience of interstellar war.

But the normal work flow is still to be done.

For this kind of revenge-prone bug civilization, the watchers need to report to the home planet, so that they can send out hunters to hunt these fugitives and kill the threat in its infancy.

The monitors began to steal the final data of this civilization, and used them to provide some intelligence to the hunters to chase down these fugitives.

This star system will eventually be two-dimensional, and the three mass points launched in advance will continuously emit suction to form a space vortex, and control the two-dimensional area.

Many low-level civilizations observing the universe rely on electromagnetic radiation, stellar light, and gravitational fluctuations.

In this way, the position of the star can be confirmed.

Various meteorites, material clouds and the like were detected.

According to the characteristics of this observation technology, traps can be studied in a targeted manner.

To some extent, the solar system will become a transparent place.

Four-dimensional can see three-dimensional, because three-dimensional has thickness.

There is a dimension that can block and scatter the light from the four-dimensional, and from the four-dimensional, you can see the three-dimensional scene.

But two-dimensional has no thickness, and three-dimensional light and electromagnetic radiation can pass through completely.

So the two-dimensional world is invisible to three-dimensional.

The reason why human beings in the solar system can see the sun and planets falling into the two-dimensional world.

It is because what they see is not actually two-dimensional matter, but the image formed by the refraction of electromagnetic waves released at the interface of two-dimensional and three-dimensional when three-dimensional things fall into two-dimensional.

After the energy is released, everything becomes invisible.

When the solar system is two-dimensional, a two-dimensional area will be left here.

The space vortex can cancel out the corresponding gravitational waves, and this area is no different from the real void.

If the light-speed spacecraft passes here, it will fall into a trap.

Before the signal is sent out, it will be swallowed by the two-dimensional solar system.

This two-dimensional space area is the best trap.

Those low-level civilizations who don't know will bump into it foolishly, and finally become a thin painting.

This is the cleaning method of the Spirit Walker. There are many such terrifying two-dimensional regions in the universe, just like human fly stickers. As long as those light-speed spacecraft accidentally touch them, it is completely finished.

Only those low-level civilizations will allow those two-dimensional areas to become larger.

They always run around, don't care whether these worlds will be destroyed.

The cleaners of these low-level civilizations are really incredible, but they will all get retribution in the end.

A large number of two-dimensional areas will only cause a large number of routes to be unusable, resulting in the light-speed spacecraft can only focus on some fixed areas, which is easier to be cleaned up.

The light-speed spacecraft is not omnipotent and cannot stop the hunter's calculations.

The monitor sometimes fixes some two-dimensional areas to avoid affecting the inanimate world.

Those worlds will still be useful in the future.

Too much destruction is not good for future development.

This matter is a little far away. The current work of the monitor is to query the information of the entire human civilization and submit it to the hunters for them to hunt.

The monitor easily uses the main core to enter the human supercomputer.

From it, extract the history of mankind and the development of scientific and technological civilization.

The watcher was surprised to find that this world actually had traces of clashes with other civilizations.

There was no real exchange of fire between the two sides.

After all, both civilizations are very low-level, and even the speed of light did not reach at the beginning of the war.

In order to analyze the characteristics of human civilization, the monitors called out the entire incident to view.

The cause of the war is because human civilization broadcasts a message to the universe.

This stupid behavior often appears in the early days of civilization.

Some civilizations didn't know about the dark forest at first, they would think that the universe is beautiful when they just entered the industrial age.

Civilization and civilization coexist in harmony, and the universe will move towards great unity.

These civilizations will do their best to send out various probes to the universe. Broadcast various information.

Try to find another biological civilization.

The watchers have destroyed these guys.

It's very easy, and you don't even need high-level weapons such as quality points and two-way foils.

Just drive the spaceship to the top of these worlds, and you can use the energy of the power engine to overflow and destroy them in the fear of those creatures.

In most cases, there are no intelligent creatures near these civilizations.

In this way, they can avoid disasters and come to the interstellar age to understand the law of the dark forest.

It is obvious that human beings do not go far, and the messages they send have been intercepted by the Trisolaran civilization that is 4 light-years away.

The two sides communicated three times, which opened up hundreds of years of grievances.

The monitor looked at all the humans in this battle, when he saw Ye Wenjie announce to the universe the coordinates of his civilization in order to retaliate against other people.

He felt a hint of danger in his heart.

It can be seen from this that human beings are an extremely vengeful race, and the individual's vengeance is so strong that it will destroy the entire race.

Thinking of this, he upgraded the intelligence sent back to the home planet by two levels and classified it as an emergency.

Once a civilization that must retaliate wildly at all costs grows up, there will indeed be risks.

After looking through human information, the monitors found that most of the human beings are not enough to suffer. They are too cowardly, afraid to admit the cruelty of the universe, indulge in enjoyment, and demand all kinds of power.

The monitors can even read information about their various gatherings, mostly stupid information.

The human masses are generally cowardly, lack the ability to think, and are keen on all kinds of rights.

They even kneel to their enemies and betray their compatriots.

The monitor even saw a message requesting that he destroy the fugitive spacecraft.

Judging from these people, this civilization is simply hopeless.

Allowing them to develop to this level, without self-destruction, is really like a joke.

However, the following information has forced the monitor to raise the threat level of mankind again.

Human beings are generally weak and incompetent, but there are some individuals among them, which are extremely dangerous.

The goal is firm, there is no emotional fluctuation, can clearly see the key of the problem, and unswervingly implement the goal.

In a disadvantaged situation, use all conditions to reverse the situation.

They even almost won the first civilized battle even in a disadvantaged situation.

Among them, Zhao Yu, Luo Ji, and Vader attracted his attention. These human beings are extremely dangerous.

As long as they find a chance, Lingwalker civilization may encounter nightmares.

Zhao Yu was put on the list of people who must be obliterated

This extreme genius has absolute intelligence and execution, and it looks like other humans is not a race.

If they hadn't seen these materials with their own eyes, the monitors really couldn't believe that there would be such a race in this universe.

Reminiscent of the spacecraft that left, the watcher felt his scalp numb.

Those who can escape are definitely not stupid, arrogant human beings.

He must contact the home planet as soon as possible and let them send out hunters to hunt down these escaped humans.

The escaped humans can already master the technology of folding, how long will it take to master the technology of dimensionality and space?

Once they master the means of revenge, they will inevitably set off crazy revenge.

Just like that Ye Wenjie, even if you catch yourself, you will not hesitate to catch up with the entire human race. .

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