A storm transport aircraft took off from the Ark's hangar and entered the world of Dawning One to perform the task of collecting intelligence.

The storm transport aircraft was transformed into Skynet's hk-vtol aerial hunter.

This aircraft is equipped with twin engines and has a plasma cannon suspended in the air.

The body is 7 meters long, the surface is dark gray, the body is streamlined, the lift-off engines are suspended on both sides, and plasma flames will be ejected when taking off.

The tail wing behind the transport aircraft is movable to adjust the airflow, maintain the flight attitude, reduce energy consumption, and reduce drag.

Compared to Skynet’s giant fighter jets that are more than ten meters long, the storm transport aircraft can be said to have a lighter body.

Its firepower is more expelling, not killing.

The positioning is to quickly send the combat team into the designated area.

The engine of the storm transporter shook the air, creating a burst of air, and the low voice echoed across the plain.

When it landed, the airflow was sucked in from above the transport plane. After flowing through the silver-gray body, it rushed to the surroundings. The weeds on the ground bowed their heads slightly under this airflow.

The place where the combat team landed was a barren plain. Heading east, you could see that the sky was stained with a light green by the atmosphere. The cyan was heavier than the earth's sky, but it was still within the blue range.

On the rolling plains, purple and orange weeds "Nine Nine Zero" swayed with the air currents in the air.

Bird-like animals with two pairs of wings are playing in the air, swooping and swooping irregularly to test air currents and cyclones.

This is a world as beautiful as the earth.

This was Li Dachao's first thought when he landed on this world.

The ecological structure of this world is similar to that of the earth, with flowers, trees, and all kinds of birds, insects, and beasts.

With a cry that Li Dachao couldn't imitate, a huge footless bird passed from high above, leaving a big shadow on the ground.

The bird didn't seem to notice the humans on the ground. It just passed through the air and didn't care about things on the ground.

"Does this thing never fall into the ground for a lifetime?" said Larian next to him. His detection device scanned the opponent and didn't see any feet.

"Who knows, everything here is weird. It takes a lot of time to classify these animals and plants. Now we need to check the bacteria and air content of this planet to make sure it is suitable for human survival."

Said a biologist who followed the team next to him.

A half-meter high, cylindrical machine with a red light emitting from above was lifted out and placed on the ground.

Accompanied by the sound of machinery, the cylindrical machine stretched out like an umbrella turned over.

A burst of jet sound sounded, several machines like spheres were sent high in the air, and a virtual screen appeared on the unfolded cylindrical machine.

This is a machine specially used to collect ecological information. The ball will capture bacteria to filter the air, analyze the ingredients in it, and compare whether humans will be affected.

This is a very tedious job, but it has to be done, otherwise it only takes a small bacteria to cause serious damage to humans.

In the past, there was an era of navigation on the earth. It was the period before the Industrial Revolution.

White Europeans discovered Africa and America for the first time.

For land and wealth, they and the Indians broke out a lot of conflicts in America.

The most terrible thing for white people from Europe to deal with the Americans is not the guns and horses, but the germs they inadvertently carried over.

The germs are fatal to those in America.

They had no resistance to this, and a large number of people were tortured by disease and died in pain.

Even the flu, which has no effect on Europeans, is fatal to them.

When mankind came to this world, the most terrifying thing was not war, but the ubiquitous bacteria and viruses.

The most harmless bacteria for the natives on this planet may become a deadly killer for humans without immunity.

Before being formally committed to war in this world, mankind must first establish an immune system against this world.

This is not difficult. You only need to distinguish which germs are harmful to humans, and then you can use inactivated bacterial viruses or compiled genome sequences to activate the human immune system and establish a corresponding immune system.

Li Dachao's team is responsible for protecting biologists from completing these tasks.

For safety, he asked his team to release a batch of drones to monitor movement in a radius of more than ten kilometers.

The time required for the investigation is not short.

Li Dachao and others can only wait boringly, looking around at Otherworld, which is about to fall into human hands.

"Boss, take a look at this." Larian, who was in charge of collecting intelligence, handed the data board to Li Dachao, which clearly showed that the natives were approaching.

Those guys are riding horses that resemble the earth, but this horse has 6 legs, stands more than 4 meters high, and has tentacles similar to temples on both sides of the head.

Aboriginal creatures have limbs like humans, walk upright, with bows and arrows similar to humans hanging on their backs, and hold javelins made of sharp bones and stones in their hands.

They are taller than humans, but very slim, with clear muscle lines.

"These natives can't cause any influence on us, so drive them away first. It's not time to trouble them."

Li Dachao handed the data template back to La Ryan, and let him control the drone to drive away the strange-looking indigenous creatures.

La Ryan calls up the control template, uses his own built-in biochip to link with the drone's control module, and directly uses the brain to control the drone.

After only a while, he uttered a scream, and then rolled on the ground, seemingly suffering from unbearable terrible pain.

When Li Dachao picked him up, blood was flowing out of his eyes.

Is there a problem with the drone? Li Dachao asked, this is the trouble caused by the neural connection. If the target of the link is destroyed, they will also suffer some damage.

"I don't know, those guys raised their hands and the drone lost the picture. Now, I feel like my brain exploded."

La Ryan said in pain, he couldn't see anything anymore, his eyes were bleeding from the severe brain damage.

Li Dachao put the injured Larian on the transport plane and shouted, "Alert, let the drone enter the combat mode, and any approaching creatures will shoot directly.

After that, I walked to the side of the biologist, "How long will it take now?"

"It will take another half an hour. We need to completely analyze the types of bacteria in this area before we can make corresponding vaccines to strengthen the human immune system.

The biologist didn't lift his head, and touched the virtual panel of the eco-analyzer with his hand, allowing the collecting aircraft to quickly pass over the entire area to collect air components and bacteria.

The natives of the Dawn Galaxy seem to know the purpose of these alien visitors.

They launched an attack, and every drone that approached them was shot down by some weird means that could not be explained by common sense.

Some drones moved away from them, and they flew high in the sky but were hit by some flying animals, causing damage.

If it happens once or twice, it can be said to be unintentional.

But on several occasions, the drone has escaped the attack of flying animals, but the other side bends back and continues to attack.

This strange attack shows that these scholars control these animals.

"It's really weird enough." Seeing a drone hit by a flying animal with a sharp headed mallet that would not hesitate to use a suicide attack, Li Dachao realized that the world is not as simple as he thought.

These natives had mounts, and they were very fast. After a few minutes of attacking, Li Dachao saw them on the horizon of the plain.

The combat uniforms of the combat team all have visual enhancement devices.

The opponent was three kilometers away and was already seen by the team members.

The number of opponents is not much, more than thirty.

Holding spears and bows and arrows, making various sounds of unknown meaning.

The effective killing range of the long-tube laser gun is six kilometers.

But in most cases, this distance is not useful.

To deal with these indigenous people, three kilometers is enough to become their death line.

"Shoot, don't use each sound energy."

Following Li Dachao's words, bright laser beams lit up, and the aboriginal creatures in the distance shattered into smoky blood clots and scattered on the plain.

With primitive ferocity and courage, these natives ignored the broken corpses of the dead and continued to use their mounts to rush towards the human squad.

Under this kind of open field of vision, even if these guys have some weird abilities, it is impossible to fight against technological creations at such a long distance.

This is a crushing battle.

Just when Li Dachao thought he had the chance to win, the natives taught him a lesson.

Never despise anyone, even if they look savage and backward.

When the combat team is about to win a crushing victory.

Suddenly there was a whistling wind in the sky, and several drones were destroyed by giant birds rushing down from a high altitude.

When Li Da looked up to the sky, he saw the damn natives sitting on the flying giant birds, controlling the giant bird-like creatures.

The natives regard these wing-waving giant birds as mounts like those six-legged horses.

1.6 They caught the human squad from a high altitude by surprise.

This is a premeditated attack.

With his quick combat response, Li Dachao quickly raised the laser gun and smashed the head of a huge bird-like creature with two pairs of wings. The natives above also fell from a high altitude and were killed by the laser beam.

The other team members are the same, but they still can't resist the enemy's dive attack in the end.

A native like a shaman cast a thunder in various syllables of unknown meaning.

Larian, who was in charge of gathering intelligence, was blown to pieces by thunder directly in front of Li Dachao.

A warrior was pierced by the opponent's feather arrow, which contained terrible toxins. It only took a few seconds to turn black and fell to the ground.

Those natives even threw their own javelins, and with the help of the downward force, the javelins possessed a terrible acceleration.

Accompanied by the fierce wind, the two soldiers who had not had time to dodge were nailed to the ground.

After completing the first attack, the natives who controlled the flying mounts left half of their bodies, and fled to high altitude, circled for a few times and left.

Li Dachao looked at the tragic situation in front of him, and could not speak for a long time.

I thought it was just a simple exploration mission, but it resulted in the death of 1/3 of the team members. .

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