Many people once praised civilization and despised darkness.

But everyone who understands the nature of the universe will praise the darkness.

The meaning of darkness is unique and extraordinary.

Everything in the universe was born in the darkness, it is the fertile soil for everything, and everything is born out of darkness.

The commander of the third company of the Third Corps. Zalukin stood in absolute darkness, silent, feeling the baptism.

This place is the meditation room, constructed with materials that completely isolate and absorb radiation.

Only in this way can the genetic warrior see the real darkness.

Zalukin exercised his mind with absolute darkness to ensure that it would not be overwhelmed by anything terrible.

Death, fear, nightmares, emptiness, confusion, these things that can hurt the soul, soldiers must learn to deal with.

Compared with the perfect body and the strong spirit, it is a rare-precious thing.

From Mara’s mouth, it is known that the enemy has the special ability of the spiritual domain.

The genetic warrior is the blade of mankind, born to destroy.

Whether in the real universe or in the spiritual realm, they must completely kill the enemy.

In response to the hunters' attacks.

All genetic warriors are required to be mentally trained to ensure that they will not be overthrown by the enemy's offensive.

Suddenly the door was opened.

The dark environment for ordinary people still exists.

For the genetic warrior, there is light.

Zalukin remained unmoved, maintaining that state of silence.

"My lord, we have reached the Eter system." The guard who opened the door said, "Captain Aidorun asks you to go to the bridge. A new battle is about to begin."

After discussing at a meeting on the Orc planet, Zarukin and Aidorun were selected as the executors of this destruction mission.

One is in charge of controlling the genetic warrior, and the other is in charge of commanding fleet operations. This is a perfect match.

Zalukin didn't think so.

This work only needs him to complete it alone, and there is no need to add a dragging Aidorun at all.

But Mara didn't think that way. He asked Zarukin and Aidorun to cooperate to complete this task together.

Zalukin had no choice but to obey.

Zalukin stood up, did not respond to the attendant's words, but directly stepped over the opponent and walked towards the bridge.

The freight corridor traverses the whole body like human blood vessels.

A standard combined warship, with a length of between twelve and fifteen kilometers.

If it is a giant battleship, it can reach 25 kilometers or even longer.

The altitude is between two and five kilometers.

This length and height are not worth mentioning in the universe.

But for humans, this is a long distance.

The various departments are far apart. Just as the human body needs blood to transport nutrients, freight trains are also needed inside battleships to transport materials for each unit.

Zalukin owns his own flying machine, but he does not use it.

Instead, it uses a freight train to go to the module where the bridge is located.

All positions in the spaceship are wrapped in heavy steel, ensuring that no weak points are left behind.

The central control room is made of Cheng Liang, clean glass and steel.

More than a dozen consoles are scattered around the circular hub of the control room.

When Zalukin walked in, the men and women in the control room were busy and orderly working.

There is no decoration in the control room. Compared with the luxury of a civilian spacecraft, it looks simple and simple.

The visible light in the control room is not bright.

It all relies on the various colors emitted by the dashboard and screen to provide cool lighting,

The engineers are extremely busy at the moment, adjusting the parameters of each system to ensure that the battleship can immediately enter the state of combat if it jumps out of the subspace.

Zalukin walked past the various instruments of unknown function, and the engineer was immersed in them.

When he walked in, the battleship's control system automatically lit up in his eyes, as if it were part of his body.

"We are ready to enter the Itter galaxy. According to the subspace information collected by the fortune teller, the enemy still has only one biological spacecraft.

Unlike the Orc galaxy, the other party has already realized our arrival, and must have obtained information on the destruction of their spacecraft in the Orc galaxy.

Before we actually arrived, the other party had already propped up the energy shield. "

When Zalukin came in, Aidorun briefly introduced the basic situation.

This is a life-and-death struggle between civilization and civilization, wisdom and wisdom.

Mankind will progress, and the enemy will also progress.

They learn from the defeated battle, and don't commit any more in the next battle.

"We can break the enemy's shield, right?" Zalukin said.

"According to the results of our scientists' analysis, it is okay, but some time will be wasted."

Aidorun frowned and said solemnly, "But it is not this that worries me, but the attack that the other party may take against us."

"How do you say?" Zalukin asked.

"This is not their world. They attack without hesitation. All kinds of attacks that reduce the dimensionality and destroy the stars may be used by them.

Hearing Aidorun's words, Zalukin frowned slightly.

This is indeed a very troublesome thing.

If the opponent launches a dimensional attack at close range regardless, the Eter Galaxy will be destroyed.

"We must open the protective force field and be mentally prepared.

If this galaxy is completely destroyed by dimensional attacks, we need to create a low-speed zone around here,

Make sure these dimensionality reduction attacks are trapped in this galaxy. "

Aidorun clicked on the virtual screen and said.

The ability to create black domains is not a difficult task for current humans.

Both the curvature and the speed of light have been studied clearly by humans.

Otherwise, human beings will not be able to create a stagnant field, this kind of completely stop time, which is used to urgently save lives.

In order to avoid the situation that Aidoren envisioned becomes a reality.

After jumping out of the subspace, the fleet quickly dispersed, outflanking from different directions.

Ensure that when the enemy releases a dimensional attack, the damage can be minimized.

Skywalker’s biological spacecraft is very large, even twice as large as human giant battleships.

Such a huge volume will inevitably bring about some slow actions.

Against large enemies, the wolf pack tactics of the Third Corps are effective.

Even the main fleet doesn't need to be dispatched, just relying on the bite of the wolves is enough to drive the opponent into desperation.

The huge energy shield is constantly stirring the ripples caused by the shells and laser strikes.

In order to limit the target's actions.

Aidorun used the device of a warship to move the gravity of the planet just like the horse drawn at the beginning.

The level of human civilization can already mobilize the power of celestial bodies for their own use.

Just like the mighty power in myths and legends, it drives the mighty force between heaven and earth to attack the enemy.

The human-specific planetary magnetic field technology can enhance and weaken gravity to a certain extent.

……For flowers………

In this way, an invisible swamp can be created in space.

Let the enemy's spacecraft fall into a difficult situation in the star system.

This is an ingenious use of the power of the cosmos and celestial bodies, and it is also a masterpiece of consortium scientists.

This seemingly insignificant technological reward has become a killer copper in the hands of scientists with full of imagination.

Skywalker civilization pays more attention to bioengineering, and they focus on the improvement of individuals.

So the class in their society is solidified.

Two-way foil, mass dots, black holes, and death rays are all weapons of long-range destruction that are only developed to facilitate the cleaning of low-level civilizations.

For physical technology and fine control, Skywalker does not invest much.

They put more energy on studying the limits of individual life and related knowledge in the subspace field.

In their world, the higher the status, the stronger the individual strength.

The one that controls long-range weapons like the Cleaner is just one of the lowest positions in the Skywalker civilization.

Human beings, a civilization that develops in all aspects of biology, psychic energy, and physics, are still rare in the cruel universe.


Only those civilizations that almost no longer worry about survival will have so much leisure to study.

Many civilizations focus on one item and invest a lot of energy in order to obtain the capital for survival.

There are not many overlaps in the three major scientific and technological fields, even if they don’t know much about other fields.

Just develop one of them and you can enter the interstellar civilization.

Just like the first civilization destroyed after humans escaped into the stars, the natives of the Dawn Galaxy.

Their use of biological and psychic energy is also enough to make them enter the interstellar age.

The universe is colorful, and there are all kinds of possibilities.

Compared to some biological spaceships with partial disciplines, it is clear that they are not human opponents in space warfare.

It is unable to cope with the speed limit caused by the planet's magnetic field.

The faster the acceleration, the more the stars bind it.

The hunter was unable to untie the restraint of the celestial gravity on the spacecraft, and could only blindly increase the engine output, trying to violently break the situation.

All efforts are in vain.

Unless the biological spacecraft has the thrust that can run with the stars, it cannot be broken by brute force.

The restraint of the planet's magnetic field, as well as the frigate that cuts it flexibly, makes the biological spaceship helpless.

After the energy shield broke into the saturation peak, the biological spacecraft was also destroyed by the giant Nova Cannon of the human main ship.

The huge beam of light illuminates the entire space and directly penetrates the biological spacecraft, turning it into a dead ship.

In order to ensure that it is foolproof, several frigates also bombarded it indiscriminately to ensure that the opponent died thoroughly.

The biological spacecraft turned into icy fragments and floated in space, and a scientific ship in charge of surveys went to recover some pieces needed for experiments.

The fleet spacecraft responsible for the extinction plan slowly approached the orbit of the planet Eter.

"All participating artillery has been loaded with airburst warheads carrying virus bombs."

A staff member wearing a fist logo research uniform reported to the main control room the weapon loading situation.

"This is a divine punishment, representing the anger of human beings." Aidorun whispered as he looked at the planet that had been soaked in blood by the seeds of the Skywalker war.

"In the name of the consul." Zarugin looked down the entire planet from the porthole.

They will execute the divine punishment. Several.

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