Black Iron Crown

Chapter 15: War

A lineup of 800 to 900 people is extremely luxurious for this era, and almost no one in the entire northern border can produce an army of this size, so this is the reason why the Beijing lord is helpless against the Klade people.

It is even more unrealistic to unite to deal with them. The purpose of the Klades is not to conquer the city, but to plunder the supplies for their survival, so they will not unite together.

Conquering the northern lord's castle requires a huge price. They can barely solve some survival problems as long as they snatch the food and leftover food from the residents who are too late to evacuate. In addition, they hunt and gather some grass roots in the forest. Long winters of up to six months are also possible.

But even so, the terrible winter still caused the Klad people to lose about 30% of their population. Some died in battles between tribes, but more died of hunger and cold.

Leiner was riding a tall war horse at the forefront of the team. At this time, there was a slight disturbance in the team. After seeing the huge number of enemies, it was difficult for them to keep calm.

Leiner's regular army is still a little bit better, at least the basic formation can be maintained, but the serf omens brought by the knights are not good. Although they knew that the number of enemies would not be small at the beginning, at least they were not so afraid .

But when they really saw the densely packed enemies with their own eyes, it was difficult to overcome the fear in their hearts. Eight or nine hundred people were not many in words, but they were actually a huge number.

Their hands holding dung forks and sticks began to tremble slightly, and the various tattered thick clothes were not strong enough to keep warm, but Reiner knew in his heart that they were shaking because of fear.

The soldiers of the regular army also whispered to each other. They expressed doubts about whether they could defeat such a large number of enemies. Although Leiner led them to victory in the first battle after returning, they still had some doubts in their hearts.

Riding on tall war horses, surrounded by several retinues and serf omens, the knights looked at such a huge enemy with serious expressions. Their faces under the helmets became more dignified. Sure enough, those who entered the territory this year There are many more enemies than every year.

"Don't be afraid of the soldiers!" Leiner shouted loudly. He knew that if the soldiers were afraid, they would definitely have no chance of winning against the enemy.

Reiner's biggest advantage now is that he has a group of healthy and well-trained regular troops, as well as the killing machines on the battlefield in the cold weapon era-knights.

"Look at the Clades on the opposite side! They are so short and thin! They haven't eaten for at least two days! And you! I, the soldiers under Baron Rainer, eat the meat and bread I give you every day! You Taller than them! Stronger than them! Better fighters than them! And better equipped than them! You are better than them in everything! They are no match for my valiant warriors!"

Leiner said loudly to his soldiers that he just hoped that they could build up their self-confidence. Morale is very important for the army of any era.

"Holy Father is watching you in heaven! Your family is behind you waiting for the news of your victory! Glory! You will gain great glory in this war, and your family will be proud and proud of it, And if this war is won! Your family can meet 10% of the tax! My vassals will not object, because I will pay enough money for this to offset your tax!"

Now, fight, soldiers! The enemy is right in front of you! Follow in my footsteps! Defeat the enemy under my leadership! "Leiner shouted loudly, and the soldiers were excited by what Leiner said.

Under the leadership of the knights, they roared and cheered loudly: "We must win! Long live the baron! Long live the Merland family!"

Lena's heart was also very agitated,

Although he is already a baron and has the memory of his predecessor, but when this exciting scene really appeared in front of him, the excitement in his heart was unavoidable.

But he still tried his best to keep calm, leading the troops with high morale and quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

In the cold wind, the Klades, wearing tattered animal skins, moved forward tremblingly, rushing towards the hope of survival in their hearts. When they saw the army of Morland Castle that had already lined up in front of them, they were also stunned.

There are many people who have participated in the plundering in the past, but they have never encountered the situation where the enemy gathers at the border waiting for them to arrive.

Hilanda, the leader of the Klades, was riding on the back of a reindeer and looked at the enemy in front of him solemnly. He knew that his tribe's individual combat effectiveness was not strong, and even their discipline was incomparable to that of the opponent - although the opponent's discipline Not so much.

However, most of the lords and nobles in this era are not aware of the role of discipline. It can almost be said that the army of this era is completely worse than the army, and the army that is not so bad can become a leader in this era. Elite, but the Klades are almost the worst army in the world, and they are simply incomparable with the regular army.

Highlander's miserable expression made him look even older. Even though he was only in his thirties this year, the harsh living environment and severe cold made him look at least in his forties.

He knew that if the enemy could not be defeated and plundered their supplies today, then their entire tribe would disappear in the cold forest. The responsibility passed on to him by his ancestors and he, who had tasted the sweet taste of rights, would not allow such a thing to happen.

Thinking of this, his gaze changed from worry to firmness. He must defeat the group of enemies in front of him. Even if all the tribal fighters are involved, he must plunder enough supplies.

"Warriors of the Horde! Delicious food and beautiful women are ahead, but this group of damned Ridkar who claim to be an empire is standing in our way! If we can defeat them! We can get a lot of food and Women! The iron tools in their hands are also ours!" The leader Hailanda said loudly to the tribesmen, and bursts of white smoke also came out of his mouth.

His words also inspired the Clades. Although there were no extremely excited actions, their will to fight was much stronger.

"The archer is ready!" Reiner said in a low voice, the iron armor on his body no longer made him feel any warmth, just like wearing a layer of ice armor, even though he had several layers of heat preservation measures.

The formation of the Kraders is extremely dense, they lack supplies, and even animal skins cannot effectively keep warm. They can only gather together as much as possible and use the body temperature of their companions to keep warm.

The archers under Leiner are not melee units, so they can happily wear heavy armor and fur armor, and even because they used to be hunters, they are also equipped with warm animal skins.

Picking up the arrows from the ground, they put the arrows on the exquisite recurve bow that Leiner equipped them. In a few months, they have been able to master this powerful bow proficiently, just waiting for Leiner With one order, they will immediately launch the arrows.

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