Black Iron Crown

Chapter 18 Assault

After Sir Wallas heard Reiner's order, he nodded heavily, and the head wrapped in the crimson griffin-style helmet said: "Obey my lord, now we will charge the enemy!"

All the knights gathered together, and even some retinues followed their masters on draft horses. The five blood-colored griffin knights were at the forefront as sharp knives during the assault, and the remaining sixteen knights of Reiner It followed behind the Scarlet Griffin Knight as the back of the blade.

This time, Rainer came out in full force, bringing out almost all the troops. Apart from a small number of guards and followers, there were almost no other defensive forces in the castle.

The horses under the knights were scratching their hooves and puffing out puffs of white smoke from their noses. The horses covered in red iron horse armor under the Scarlet Griffin Banner were a head taller than ordinary horses, even the horses of the inland knights. Nothing compares, it looks very majestic.

Although the horses of the other knights are good breeds from the eastern nomads, they are also good horses. Although the shoulder height is slightly inferior, they are better at feeding and cold-resistant, and their endurance is better than that of inland war horses. They are very suitable for cold and supplies. Scarce North.

The eager war horses are restrained by the knights. They are all uncastrated stallions with aggressive factors in their bodies. This is also the best choice for war horses. Although they are less manoeuvrable, they will never be afraid when fighting. And can use the horseshoe to kill the enemy.

"Knight of Moreland! Charge!" Reiner pointed the lance in his hand forward, and that figure looked particularly majestic in this icy and snowy field.

After hearing Leiner's order, the knights rushed out instantly. The Scarlet Griffin Knights were in front, followed by the Moreland Knights. Their starting speed was not fast, which was the trotting speed of ordinary soldiers.

Under the thick snow of Aberdeen, it is not easy for a war horse to run like a human. After more than a month, the snow has already been pressed hard due to its own weight. It has become a challenge to move quickly. kind of luxury.

However, the physical strength of war horses is stronger than that of humans after all. After running hundreds of meters, their speed gradually increased. Big battlefield.

The snow that had been compacted by its own weight was beaten back to its original shape at this time, and became a sky full of snow foam floating in the air. Countless snowflakes followed the torrent of the knights' charge, like a shooting star with a tail. Hitting another planet.

A burst of snowflakes fell in the camp of the Klade people. They felt a chill on the back of their necks, and they couldn't help cursing the damn weather. They thought it was snowing again, so they could only wipe the ice water on their necks and continue to fight hard.

At this time, the Merland knights had already increased their speed to the limit of traveling in the snow, and the red griffin feathers on the griffin helmets of the scarlet griffin knights fluttered violently with the strong wind generated by the charge. .

"Long live the Merland family!" The knights roared and shouted this slogan when they charged. They had an extremely firm determination to defend their homeland and gain their own glory from the killing.

The lances in their hands were raised by them, pointing at the unsuspecting enemies in front of them. At this time, they didn't know that they were in danger, and they were still surprised where such a loud sound came from.

"Oh, ancestors bless! What is that!" When the knights rushed to a place about 100 meters behind the side of the Klades, they turned their heads and found the knight rushing towards them.

They have never seen this kind of warrior riding on a "strange reindeer". After all, when they came to the north to plunder in the past, the imperial lords would choose to gather residents and troops in the castle to guard. They attack the castle, but they are repelled every time. When they are not fighting in the field, the knights are as elite infantry fighters as the warriors of their tribe in their eyes.

Therefore, they simply don't understand what a terrible situation it is for us to charge on horseback.

However, the great power generated by the knights charging on the tall war horses still caused great fear in their hearts, and panic and riots suddenly arose among the Klades who faced the knights.

The Clades with sticks in their hands looked at the enemies not far away in horror, while the knights were full of confidence. As a lifelong professional army trained since childhood, most of them have experienced more than ten years of fighting. Training, all kinds of martial arts are extremely proficient, if there are not too many of them, they will never pay attention to these Klad people who have the same fighting power as serfs.

The knights slammed the horse's belly with the spurs on their boots, and their speed increased a bit. With a loud bang, the knights pierced the cheese like a red-hot knife, easily killing the horse. The enemy was defeated.

The blood-colored griffin knight in the front held a steel spear, which could weigh about ten kilograms, and only those who had the blood of the griffin could bear such a heavy amount.

Their powerful strength made them completely unnecessary to worry that they would be knocked off the horse's back by the recoil force generated by the lance, so they all used steel lances that would not break.

The cavalry pierced through several Kladers one after another, and the horses under their crotch knocked and flew the enemies in front of them one after another. The enemies who were knocked into the air were either directly killed or their bones were broken, and they lost consciousness after spraying blood. It was trampled into flesh by the galloping horses.

The impact of the Scarlet Griffin Knights almost collapsed the Klades, they directly tore a hole in the formation of the Klades, and the Morland Knights followed closely behind, posing an arrow Formation to expand the gap that the enemy was torn open.

After the knights' wooden lances were broken, they pulled out the long swords or maces worn around their waists, and slashed and killed the enemies who passed by. The thick fur did not play a protective role. The bonus to suffocation, longswords and maces are still unrivaled.

At this time, there were only two unlucky knights of the Morland who were knocked off their horses because of the recoil of their lances. However, due to the thick armor on their bodies and the sufficient buffer force of the snow on the ground, they were not even slightly injured. Nothing, just a little dizziness.

"Damn it! What happened!" The leader of Hailanda felt the abnormality of the team's post-test in the front, and the cries and screams there had overwhelmed the shouts of killing from the front line.

Under the impact of the knights, the Clades were crying for their fathers and mothers and wanted to escape. They no longer had any hope of defeating the enemy. The charge of the knights completely defeated them!

The blood gradually soaked the white snow, and the hot blood melted the snow a lot, just like a clumsy painter painted an abstract work with red paint on the snow-white white paper.

"Rush up with me! Completely bury the enemy here!" Leiner shouted loudly to the regular soldiers around him.

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