It's a pity that because of their eagerness, all this has become a dream, and the huge territory that was originally at their fingertips has completely gone away from them.

The lords stationed in Innzburg all looked at the lords who broke out from Raulburg with complaining eyes. They knew they were wrong, so they didn't have the confidence to refute when faced with such eyes.

After a while, King Emalu sighed, stroked his wrinkled forehead in distress, and asked, "How many people have you lost in the battle? How many people are left to fight now?"

The lords of Fort Rolle looked at each other, hesitated for a while and shouted: "The enemy surrounded us when we broke through. We had no choice but to fight with the enemy. We lost a total of about 3,000 people in the battle. , a thousand of them were serf soldiers, and now there are more than 4,000 left to fight, but some of them were slightly injured!"

Hearing the hesitant answers of these lords, King Emalu's face couldn't help but twitch. Although the soldiers under his command were not killed in battle, he still felt heartache when he heard such a loss.

These are the foundations of the Kingdom of Bazalan, the military strength of the Kingdom of Bazaland! After it has accumulated prestige, these people should have been used by him, but now that more than 3,000 people have been lost all at once, how can he not feel distressed.

In addition, what made him even more distressed was that after losing so many troops, he might no longer be able to use part of his superior troops to defeat the enemy and gain benefits as he had thought before.

However, King Emalu was not willing to return the land he had acquired. What's more, they still can't talk about victory or defeat. It's just that the defenders couldn't hold on and broke out. The Kingdom of Bazaran has been defeated.

In the hands of King Emalu, there are more than 6,500 real regular troops who can continue to fight.

What's more, judging from the news sent back by the light cavalry before, the combat effectiveness of the army assembled by the empire is not very strong. Although there are a small number of elite soldiers among them, compared with the army of the Bazalan Kingdom, the rest of the soldiers are not so powerful. It's just too far away.

In fact, King Elmaru still has a certain amount of courage. Although he is not sure whether he can defeat the enemy, he also firmly believes that he will not be easily defeated, otherwise he would not choose to attack the enemy at this time the rear.

However, when something like this happened at this time, his confidence in defeating the enemy changed from 80% to less than 50%. He felt that his chances of winning a complete victory were no longer that high.

"Then what should we do now, Your Majesty?"

The lords who came out of Rolle Castle asked King Emalu in shame, hoping to make up for their mistakes.

King Emalu pondered for a while, took the horsewhip handed over by his subordinates, and said, "Let's move on and go to Fort Rohr to let the people of the Empire and the Kingdom of Bukeden see the heroic demeanor of our warriors!"

Brilliant military might, this is the only way King Emalu can think of now, he is unwilling to give up the benefits he has obtained no matter what.

Soon, this army of more than 12,000 people once again marched mightily towards Fort Rolle.

For the coalition forces, everything that happened recently went very smoothly. Not only did they successfully overcome the Fort Rohr case, they obtained a large amount of food inside, and the food roads in the rear became unobstructed again.

A lot of supplies were transported from the imperial capital to the front line of the western border, allowing these troops to be replenished.

For example, seven or eight arrows have been consumed in previous battles,

All the broken bowstrings were replenished.

Beyond that, there is an army of necessities.

Thousands of beautiful women from Yingyingyanyan entered the barracks to help the soldiers relax the nerves tensed by the war, and at the same time, take away some compensation equivalent to the services they provided.

Just when they thought they had a chance to take a rest and relax their nerves, the scouts who were patrolling the outskirts of the camp discovered something unusual.

Scouts existed a long time ago, but they were not common in small-scale battles. It was not until Emperor Kaffit fought the unification war that scouts began to be used on a large scale.

After the peace of the empire, this arm almost disappeared again due to the reduction in the scale of battles and the reduction in the number of wars.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Imperial Capital Army formed a scout force.

Because they suffered a big loss when fighting in the northern border...the shameless sneak attack from behind, if there were scouts who had warned before that, they would never have suffered such a miserable defeat.

The scouts delivered the news to Fort Rohr very quickly.

There are only nobles in the allied forces inside Fort Rolle, and Fort Rolle, whose outer city wall is precarious, cannot be used as a qualified fortification to fight.

Although the rooms in the castle were also cold and damp, the environment here was already very good for the upstarts of the empire who were used to living in castles.

The lords of the Bookern Kingdom were indeed a little uncomfortable with this, after all, they usually lived in the warm and sunny manor in the countryside.

There are beautiful flowers and plants in it, all kinds of precious flowers and exotic animals are raised in the garden by them, beautiful maids specially support comedians, and there are luxurious three meals a day, this is Booker Dern The lord had a good time.

But being able to live in a castle is still much better than living in a tent.

After receiving the news that the enemy army appeared ten kilometers away from our side, the lords in the city couldn't sit still immediately.

They once again issued orders to strengthen the fence around the camp and to refuse horses, and at the same time let the scouts strictly search for the enemy's position and report back as soon as possible.

The surprise attack on the grain road has also spread to the imperial capital. At this time, the imperial capital has just undergone an autumn harvest, and a huge amount of grain has been tightened up in the granary, so more grain and a larger grain transport team have appeared.

After confirming that the enemy army knew that he had arrived, King Elmaru gave up the idea of ​​raiding the enemy camp and instead set up a camp in a clearing near the water five kilometers away from the coalition camp.

In this way, the two sides began to confront each other, and no one dared to give an order to fight easily.

Although a full-scale war has not yet broken out, small-scale conflicts between the two sides have not stopped.

The empire's heavy cavalry and scouts grouped up to investigate the enemy camp, and the army of the Bazalan Kingdom was not to be outdone, and under the anger of King Emalu, sent out retinues and knights to start a scouting battle against these people.

For a while, the small-scale troops on both sides came and went and chased each other constantly, making the regular troops on both sides also make intimidating actions, trying to force the enemy to retreat the camp.

Because such behavior does not know when it will change from false to true, so both sides have raised their vigilance to the extreme, and a full-scale war may break out at any time.

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