Black Iron Crown

Chapter 540: Winter in the Northern Territory

As the queen said, after the northern border became an independent country, it was not hostile to the empire. Instead, it increased the export of sugar and woolen cloth.

During this period of time, the production of woolen cloth increased wildly, seven times higher than that of a year ago. The huge profits made these profit-seeking businessmen buy woolen cloth at all costs.

And the factories that produce woolen cloth are also gradually blossoming among the common people. After seeing the benefits of woolen cloth, more and more women have mastered the use of flying shuttles.

In this way, the basis of production will become more mature. No matter how many wool factories are opened, they can still recruit enough female workers.

Producers are responsible for the production of goods, while merchants buy woolen cloth in the north and sell it to other places, and goods from other regions can also flow back to the north. In this way, a virtuous industrial cycle chain is formed.

This kind of industry has driven the economic development of the entire Northern Territory. The value of the goods handled by wool cloth alone has reached more than 3,000 gold coins per month, which also brings Lena an income of at least 300 gold coins per month. .

And this is just taxation. The largest and most profitable woolen cloth factory in the northern region is the industry under Leiner's name. Now his monthly business income can reach 1,500 gold coins.

Counting all the income together, Reiner's annual income has reached 20,000 gold coins.

It may seem that 20,000 gold coins are not many, but you must know that for Yihe civilian merchants, owning 100 gold coins is already a rich man. In the entire empire, there are only eight or nine rich merchants whose wealth exceeds 1,000 gold coins .

This is already one-tenth of the annual fiscal revenue of such a huge empire, which shows the level of Reiner's income.

In this way, he can accumulate a lot of wealth.

Although gold coins can be spent no matter how much they earn, but after all, there are too few people in the northern border, and it is really impossible to get much out of taxation.

And the population also limits the number of troops, and the number of troops is small, so Reiner's expenses are not that big.

As a lord, he can be self-sufficient in many things, including food, meat, and various luxury goods. These are all things that he does not need to spend money on. Except for some labor money, he can produce them himself.

For example, the luxurious robes that look like jewels, and the gold and gemstone jewelry on Frante's body are supported by special craftsmen in Reiner's castle, so many of the huge gold coins are stored in Reiner's warehouse. Prepare for a rainy day.

In addition, many infrastructure constructions have also officially started in the north, and more people have joined the stone road that has not stopped this winter.

The repair of the city wall, the trimming of the buildings in the city, various post stations or small watchtowers, or the construction of some commercial market towns on the land of the northern border, these have become opportunities for men in the northern border who are restricted to stay at home in winter to make money.

The money piled up in the treasury is actually just a pile of stones. After securing a certain amount of savings, spending the money to stimulate more production is the role of money.

By paying salaries to these people, they not only have to pay taxes for themselves when they buy things, but can also stimulate the development of local businesses and promote merchants to buy more goods for sale.

And many commodities, including wine, are brewed by purchasing grain from residents' homes, and all transaction taxes generated by this coming and going must be paid.

What's more, after the market town is built, it will once again drive the business of an area,

Lehner's business tax will rise again.

If the money is not spent, it can only sit on a pile of stones in the warehouse without any value.

But after spending it, Leiner not only developed the territory, but also got all the money back, and even got more.

The snow in the northern border fell from the sky profusely. It is now March of the twenty-eighth year of the empire. It has been eight months since Reiner declared the independence of the northern border. Holding the two-year-old Dethan in his arms, he stood The rooftop of Mecaron's main castle overlooks the vast land.

The cold air could not stop seeping into Reiner's clothes, he hugged tightly to protect the child in his arms from the cold wind.

For his son, Reiner felt that it was very necessary for him to have a strong body and a wise brain.

But now that he is only two years old, he obviously doesn't have the conditions for mental training, so Reiner can only let his child accept the baptism of severe cold.

Although the cold in this era is also a very terrible disease, Lehner is confident in dealing with such a virus.

In fact, in the past few years, colds have become increasingly rare in the northern border. Last year, the number of deaths due to colds was only a mere 20 people.

Compared with the past one or two hundred people who died of colds every winter in the northern border, it is much better now.

Because Reiner has set up a full hundred medical clinics on this huge land in the northern border, and each clinic is equipped with a doctor and three apprentices.

Although the level of these doctors is not very high, you can't count on them for large-scale trauma, but they have good results in dealing with some common minor problems.

If it weren't for the high prices of these doctors in the system, Reiner would definitely exchange seven or eight hundred to strengthen the living environment in the northern border.

But it's a pity that, like the rest of the combat arms, the price of doctors will increase after reaching 100 people, so Leiner has to spend a small price to recruit apprentices.

In Leiner's castle, there is a three-star doctor with even more superb medical skills, who has spent more than 2,000 Leiner's meritorious deeds.

However, this effect is also immediate. This doctor also has his skills, which can reduce the incidence of diseases within 5 kilometers by 30%, which can be called a miracle.

The merit points in Leiner's hands have been continuously increasing, because Leiner was pleasantly surprised to find that once the Klad people who mined iron ore in the mine cave suffered casualties, they would also be converted into precious merit points.

And in order to ensure that the combat effectiveness of his army will not decline, Leiner organizes a slave hunting team to sweep through the cold forest every winter.

Looking at the thick snow outside, Leiner shivered subconsciously.

This year, 50,000 people have flooded into the northern border, and many vacant lands have new cultivators.

Some people choose to avoid the exhaustion of reclamation, so they can only acquire the land from Rainer, and in return they will pay an additional 10% of the agricultural tax every year for fifty years.

There is still a lack of population on this land in the northern border. Leiner looked far away repeatedly, and outside of the vicinity of Kemekalong City, he could not see any signs of human activities, and the thick snow covered all of them.

At this time, Frante stepped onto the roof, wearing an ill-fitting cotton coat, and rushed up angrily.

"I really don't know why you keep coming here! Do you want to freeze yourself to death?" Frant twitched Reiner's arm twice and said angrily.

"It's fine for you to come up by yourself, and you brought my Daisen up too! I don't think you're allowed to do this again! Do you hear me!" Frant yelled at Reiner aggressively.

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