Black Iron Crown

Chapter 543: Expansion of the Imperial Capital

The prosperity of the Grand Duchy in the north has also benefited the imperial capital a lot. The trade channels between the two sides have brought a lot of income to both sides. The business that the royal family had shrunk a lot has become prosperous again.

As a result, the tax revenue that the royal family can get will become more substantial, so the army expansion proposed by Earl Redmara can be implemented smoothly.

The method of self-cultivating peasants joining the army before the empire is no longer feasible. In the past, the self-cultivating peasants were wealthy and physically strong, and they would bring their own armed uniforms and spears. Many people would even hone themselves during the off-season. martial arts, in order to win meritorious service on the battlefield.

As far as Reiner knew, these self-cultivating farmers were actually somewhat similar to the military system of the Tang Dynasty. The wealthy farmers honed their martial arts and prepared their own weapons.

However, such a system is related to the land. The land equalization system in the early Tang Dynasty allowed everyone to have enough land to cultivate, but in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the land equalization system collapsed, land mergers became popular, and the military military system naturally disappeared in history. in the dust.

For the self-cultivators of the empire, they could not get military titles on the battlefield, but they could get generous rewards and spoils of war. This also made the early King of Ridka strong and strong, and the self-cultivators were happy when they heard the battle.

Similar to the Fubing system, after more than ten years of establishment of the empire, the world is at peace, and the lords no longer need a large number of self-cultivating farmers as fighters, and it is more convenient to annex land and beat the self-cultivating farmers to go bankrupt and become tenant serfs.

Now, among the huge land controlled by the royal family, the number of self-cultivating farmers is less than five thousand. Just like the reform of the military system in the middle and late Tang Dynasty to the recruitment system, the expansion of the empire this time can only be selected from serfs and tenants.

Fortunately, the land near the imperial capital was fertile and the commerce was relatively developed. Unlike other remote areas with poor productivity, the serfs were poor in food and clothing and poor in physical fitness.

It is not difficult to select serfs with sufficient height and physical fitness. In two months, 10,000 serfs were selected and included in the army. They will undergo several years of training.

This time, Earl Redmara didn't treat them as ordinary serf conscripts, but planned to train them into professional soldiers who could really be used.

Successive wars have exhausted the elite of the royal family. What Leiner defeated at the beginning was not the undefeated veterans who followed the old emperor to fight in the north and south, but soldiers who started to dawdle.

However, after going through that kind of baptism, the remaining soldiers have also become the real elite, and they played a huge role in the Western War, forming a sharp contrast with the army of the Kingdom of Bookern.

Several military camps have sprung up outside the imperial capital, and 10,000 soldiers is not the goal of Earl Redmara. He believes that at least 30,000 real professional and regular troops are needed to suppress various places and guard against Reiner in the north.

Earl Redmara came to one of the barracks in fresh clothes and angry horses.

This is the garrison of a legion. In the imperial military system, a full regiment should be 2,700 people, which is the highest level unit in the military system.

The head of this legion is a distant cousin of Earl Redmara, named Qatar.

The Redmara family is just a new nobleman, and the background is not deep. Qatar, as the cousin of the Earl of Redmara, naturally has a bright future, but even so, he must have enough ability to do it.

So this Sir Qatar began to study the battles of the old emperors in the past, or some tactics handed down by the ancients,

After several years of study, his ability has been greatly improved.

Before becoming the commander of this legion, he was a regimental commander in the imperial army, and he also participated in the Western War, and it was precisely because of this that he became a high-ranking commander of the legion justifiably.

Sir Qatar rode a horse half a body behind Earl Redmara, and said: "The soldiers have been training for more than a month. According to your opinion, their food is very good. At least one meal a day can eat meat!"

"And according to what you said, they have to train for six hours every day, and they live a very fulfilling life every day. I believe they will be able to form combat effectiveness soon!"

"Very well, you have done a good job in this matter. Sooner or later, we, Earl Redmara, will become an important top family in the empire. We can't do without enough strength in the imperial army!"

Earl Redmara patted Sir Qatar on the shoulder, and said affectionately: "Lead the troops well, and I will help you get a baron title immediately after you have made great achievements, and maybe you can even have a real fiefdom." !"

"That's great!" Sir Qatar was so happy after hearing Earl Redmara's words. Although he is now a senior officer, what everyone in this era is pursuing is just a title and fiefdom.

Don't look at him commanding 2,700 regular troops now, but if he is asked to give up this position and give him a landed baron as compensation, he will accept it without even thinking about it.

The two chatted for a while, and Earl Redmara asked Sir Qatar: "Are there any difficulties? Just ask if you have any difficulties, and I will help you solve them one by one!"

Earl Redmara has made up his mind to form a powerful army to protect the royal family, so no matter what kind of request, as long as it involves the construction of a new army, he will give the green light all the way.

Qatar was also very happy when he heard Earl Redmara's assurance, as if he suddenly remembered something, and his expression was a little hesitant.

"What's the matter? Tell me if you have any difficulties, there is nothing I can't solve here in the imperial capital!"

Earl Redmara waved his hand proudly and said, what he said was indeed right, as the adulterer of the queen, the father of the little emperor, and the leader of the upstart party, he was definitely a unique role in the imperial capital.

"I hope, I hope you can equip the soldiers under my command with some iron armor as soon as possible. You know, iron armor is really important on the battlefield, and only four or five hundred veterans in my legion have iron armor..."

Earl Redmara who said this was speechless, and his confident expression just now became restrained in an instant.

He groaned and said, "'s not a big deal. I'll definitely get you the iron armor after waiting for a while. Don't worry, as long as you train the soldiers to be able to fight, I won't let you down." Will lack their armor!"

After finishing speaking, Earl Redmara hurriedly left the barracks.

After walking out of the barracks, he looked back and murmured, "Tell me where to find you an iron armor..."

"What did you say, my lord?" A servant beside him thought it was the Earl of Redmara who was calling him, and hurriedly approached him and asked.

"It's okay, I'm going to inspect the next barracks now!" Earl Redmara waved his hand, raised the whip in his hand and said as he walked.

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