Black Iron Crown

Chapter 545 Vinegar?

The lords of the Bukden Kingdom did not respond to the words of protecting themselves before, but when King Satri said that he would use the army to force other countries to exempt himself from tariffs when doing business, each of these lords agreed. Moved.

They lowered their heads and began to calculate carefully. They found that although it was expensive to support the army, if they could rely on the army to open up trade routes and force other countries to exempt from tariffs, then this amount of money would be nothing.

King Satri didn't force the lords to give an answer today, but asked him to go back and think about it, and give himself an answer in ten days.

The lords of the Bukden Kingdom left the meeting hall with heavy hearts, each of them was seriously considering King Satri's proposal.

And King Satri was not angry because they didn't agree on the spot. He was a seasoned king and was very skilled in these political methods.

If you have to force them to agree, I'm afraid it will cause a backlash, not to mention that I have put the facts in front of everyone. Isn't the empire willing to open zero tariffs because the Kingdom of Bukden has an army?

He believes that his group of profit-seeking vassals who are similar to businessmen will understand this.

What's more, even if his lords are unwilling to implement it, then he has other means to deal with it.

He wants to expand the military not just because of the so-called humiliation and opening up tariffs for other countries.

It was because he saw the danger from the empire. The former empire was so powerful. The old emperor raised his arms and followed like a cloud. In a flash, a hundred thousand troops could go out to conquer dissidents.

But now, after only a few rebellions, a huge and powerful empire has fallen to the point where it needs to rescue it by itself, and it can't even gather 10,000 troops.

Although he swaggered and claimed many benefits in the empire, he knew that his power was too vain. In the past, he might think that the money in his hand was power, but after witnessing the richer royal family than himself After such an end, he felt that his rule was indeed not very stable.

For a few days, these vassals stayed in Piedmont City and did not return to their territory. What King Satri said caused a huge storm in their hearts.

"Your Majesty is actually right. Those mercenaries are indeed unreliable, and the combat effectiveness of our soldiers is also very poor. It can be said that apart from our warriors, there is no strength that can be used!"

In a room in Pimon City, four nobles gathered together to discuss. They were a small group with similar interests.

"That's right... Our army is indeed unreliable, but even so, are we going to expand our army on a large scale? It seems that His Majesty is not playing tricks. I am worried that my financial system will be destroyed by the huge army. To wear down!"

A lord said worriedly, if it was just an ordinary army expansion, he would not say anything, he was just worried that King Satri would let himself and others expand the army on a large scale in order to have a very strong army.

"Probably not. Your Majesty is a wise king. He knows how to be sympathetic to our vassals. What's more, if your Majesty asks too much, we will reduce the number. If the demand is not high, it is just in our interest! "

"Well..." Another person pondered for a while, and said: "But speaking of it, I don't want your Majesty to just expand the army in a small amount. As he said, if our strength becomes stronger, we can even force other countries to open up for us. country gate,

Wouldn't we make more money by dumping our products? "

The few people present were a little moved by these words. Indeed, as King Satri said, each country would be exempted from tariffs, and the little money for raising soldiers was really nothing.

As a result, the attitudes of these lords began to change one after another.

In the end, the proposal to expand the army was almost unanimously passed in the Kingdom of Bookern. Only one or two short-sighted lords who didn't know what was good or bad voted against it, but unfortunately their opposition had no effect.

In fact, there is no contract such as consultation between the vassal and the vassal. The vassal has only the right to suggest to the vassal in name but not the right to object. That is to say, the vassal cannot object to the vassal’s decision .

However, due to the varying strengths of the vassals, they even had the power to resist the lord, which forced King Satri to seek the opinions of the vassals and persuade them.

In the end, King Satri set the scope of the military expansion.

There are three earls and nineteen barons in the Kingdom of Bukden. They mobilized a total of more than 3,000 soldiers in the Battle of the Empire. On average, each earl dispatched more than 300 soldiers, and the barons dispatched more than 80 soldiers.

The Kingdom of Bookern decided that a lord at the level of an earl must produce 600 professional regular troops with real combat effectiveness within two years, no less than the warriors in the previous imperial war.

And the rank of baron must reach at least 200 regular troops in everyone's hands. At the same time, he said that this is only a preliminary expansion of the army. If the economic capacity can bear it, it will continue to expand the army in the future. When the strength is sufficient, it will be ready to start. Frontiers.

Naturally, such things as expanding the territory cannot be decided arbitrarily. King Satri just prevaricated them temporarily. He really felt that his rule was not stable, and the military strength of the Bukden Kingdom was too weak.

It is precisely because of this idea that he also expanded his army much more than the lord.

Originally, he only had 800 people under his command, and he planned to expand to 2,800 people, and then expand the army after a period of time.

Leiner doesn't know how the Kingdom of Bookern is. The distance between the two sides is too far. Now the intelligence organization under Logan can only monitor the entire Northern Grand Duchy, except for some forces in the imperial capital and near the imperial capital. Other than that, I don't know anything about other places.

The Grand Duchy of the Northern Territory is now very ordinary. The annual routine northward sweep and slave capture has ended, and the banquet that was luxurious enough to be praised by the entire Northern Territory has also ended.

For people in the north, there is really no explosive news that can be used as talk.

In the blink of an eye, there was another spring plowing and autumn harvest, and the grain in Rainer's warehouse had piled up like a mountain. Even though the winemaking industry was getting more and more developed, it still couldn't completely consume the grain.

This had to make Lena find another way to think of other ways to convert the grain produced in the north into other income.

At this time, Leiner was watching the brewing process in a winery under his name. The distilled alcohol had already been produced by Leiner, but the sales volume was not satisfactory. The nobles thought that such stimulating wine was the drink of the devil. Not fit for the Holy Father's children.

Frustrated, Rainer could only give up the business of distilled liquor and continue to produce ordinary ale and beer.

And Reiner was not aimless in the winery, because yesterday he suddenly thought of a legendary ingredient, or condiment.

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