Because of the high fever, Shen Yuxin asked for leave for several days in a row, and even missed the monthly exam.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Jiao Yuanyuan was furious, thinking that she was sick because she was worried that Shen Lingxi would tell her the secret.

Coming out of the hospital ward, Jiao Yuanyuan made a phone call.

"Find a way to release the person on bail, and the woman will help out with the activities, and ask the person who goes to be careful not to reveal his identity."



When the results of the monthly exam were announced, the class was filled with wailing.

"Help, my life is over."

"It's over, it's over, three days on New Year's Day, what's waiting for me at home is mixed doubles, can my butt still look round?"

"Ah... this exam is really abnormal."

Amidst the wailing, the three people in the back row seemed extremely calm.

The god of learning doesn't care how difficult the test papers are, his level has always been stable, and he is unshakable first in the grade.

And the other two are the bottom of the grade who can't be shaken, the kind who gave up treatment from the beginning.

In the office, Yang Jingwu looked at the test paper in front of him, shaking with excitement.

"Lao Yang, your class has the highest average score in math this time, and it's three points higher than the first class. It's a big improvement."

Tan Jianchun blew on the hot tea, and the hot air from it fogged up his glasses, and after taking a quick sip, his mouth was a little hot.

"That is, Shao Heng's grades are as stable as ever, and he is also top-notch in all subjects. It is really worry-free to teach such a student."

"The brats in our class have been taught all the questions, but they just can't remember them." Deng Shu, the head teacher of class four, was very upset when he saw the grades in the class.

Yang Jingwu smiled embarrassedly: "This time the test paper is more difficult, and it is understandable that students can't get used to it."

"In the final analysis, the basic skills are still not very solid. When encountering advanced questions or changing the type of questions, you will not be able to do it again."

Yang Jingwu is not good at words, facing such ridicule, she can only smile and not speak.

The face of the class teacher in class one is not very good.

Shen Yuxin's abandonment of the exam, and the fact that there were no students with particularly high scores in a single subject in the class, could not make up for this part of the vacancy, which led to their average score being directly overtaken by the fifth class.

in math class.

Yang Jingwu came to the stage with the test papers to be issued, and seeing the boys sitting below were like eggplants beaten by Shuang, she knew that they had been severely hit by this monthly test.

In this monthly exam, not only the difficulty of mathematics subjects has increased, but other subjects have also improved to varying degrees. The average score of physics is only in the 40s.

It's not that they deliberately make things difficult for the students, but that they want them to know that there are others.

Their monthly exam papers this time are completely the monthly exam papers of Beijing No. 1 Middle School, and the two schools conduct the exams at the same time.

The result can be imagined, they were completely crushed by the opponent.

"I have two news, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Yang Jingwu said gently.

"good news."

"Okay, okay, my heart is not very good, I can't stand the stimulation."

"Don't seek abuse, be decisive."

Under the strong request of everyone, Yang Jingwu said: "The good news is that we have an even score in mathematics this time, and we are the first in the grade."

There was silence below the podium.


I'm hallucinating?

With such an average score in the exam, can you still be the first in the grade?

Yang Jingwu scanned the class and said, "Also, two test papers with full marks were issued in our class."

Everyone: ...

Immediately there were gasping sounds one after another in the class, and they would not be surprised if there was a perfect score. After all, Shao Heng was in their class, but there were two perfect marks, which meant that there was a second student in the class. boss.

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