Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 197: Class Five Killing Crazy

"Old Yang, your class has spent a lot of money this time!" The head teacher of the class next door cast an envious look.

Judging from the reactions of the crowd, it was obvious that they were shocked by this fashion show.

"It's all thought up by these children themselves." Yang Jingwu was also shocked and didn't know what to say, and could only echo with each other.

Xu Meijiao, who was sitting under the stage, wrung her clothes. How could they be so dazzling on stage.

Obviously, both the C position in the center and Weilan should belong to her.

She should stand in the center of the stage and enjoy the envy of everyone, instead of sitting in the audience, just like an audience.

The big show is over.

The song is excessive, and the sense of rhythm gradually becomes stronger.

Boiling all over the place in an instant.

In the center of the stage, a figure appeared in it, replacing the exiting model.

The lights that were originally dimmed due to the exit of the model also turned on a few lights because of the appearance of the people present.

The moment the lights were focused, the mechanical rhythm of music sounded instantly.

Xie Feng followed the sound of the music, his body seemed to be switched on, and every movement was precisely on the beat.





The feeling of hormonal explosion swept the audience, and Xie Feng propped up the venue by himself.

Shen Lingxi looked at him on stage, so confident.

He belongs to the stage.

It's really not worth giving up your dreams for those unwarranted reasons.

"Damn it, locking!"

"Grade 2 and 5 are going crazy!"

"It exploded, ahhhh!"

The movements of the teenagers on the stage are full of tension, matching the beat of the music, it makes people excited.

Xie Feng's body is flexible, and he completes the movements extremely fast, giving people a very clean and capable feeling.

The audience in the audience seemed to be ignited, screaming wildly at the top of their voices, and applause broke out in the auditorium one after another.

"Is that the legendary school bully? So handsome!"

"Help, what kind of fairy brother is this, what kind of school bully is this, I can do it!"

After a brief solo show, when everyone's eyes were drawn to him and they thought the show was over, the boys from class five came on stage after a brief transition.

Breaking (break dancing) take over.

It exploded instantly.

Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows involuntarily, and was also shocked by Xie Feng.

Among the hip-hop performers, except for him who has a foundation in dancing, the rest are laymen, and they don't know too many moves. It is very wrong to be able to practice to this level.

The outsiders saw the excitement, but the insiders could see that Xie Feng was a king with a group of bronzes.

But even so, it did not affect the effect of their stage show in the slightest.

The white shirts followed their enthusiastic and flamboyant movements, and the body lines were looming.

"Class Five is awesome!"

Class 5 students who were not on the stage stood up and shouted, even Yang Jingwu who was sitting on the farthest side couldn't help but sway to the beat, which shows how great their influence is.

"Mr. Yang, the students in your class are very strong. They are Wang Zha." Sitting in the next row, the head teacher of the first grade came over and said.

Yang Jingwu was excitedly holding a mobile phone at this time, taking pictures of the kids on the stage.

Hearing others praise his cubs, he couldn't hide the smile on his face: "The children are excellent and have their own ideas."

"The best show I've seen tonight must be from your class." The teacher praised very generously.

To be honest, the welcome party is held every year. Although there are programs, many teachers who lead the class feel that students still focus on learning. These activities can be participated in, but there is no need to spend too much thought.

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