Chapter 20: First time online dating

【Little Monkey: Me, me, me!】

【Little Monkey: I want to take this task!】

The little monkey couldn’t wait to raise his hand

This is a chance to travel to other worlds for free!

If I miss this opportunity, wouldn’t it be a big loss?

【The Monkey King: The mission limits the number of people to three. Isn’t it obvious that we are asked to go together?】

【Monkey King: But I really can’t leave now】

The Monkey King is helpless

In the two months since he joined the chat group, he has accumulated more than 100,000 points.

I really don’t lack these points for traveling through the world.

【Qi Tian: Brother Taozi, although you can’t come here in person, don’t you have a monkey hair clone?】

【The Monkey King: I also wanted to use the monkey hair clone, but the Five Elements Mountain suppressed it along with my magic power.】

【The Monkey King: Unless my power exceeds that of Tathagata, I can forcibly break free from the Five Elements Mountain.】

【The Monkey King: Otherwise I won’t be able to use my magic power】

“I see!”

After listening to the Monkey King’s explanation, Qi Tian suddenly realized

It also solved his childhood doubts.

He was always curious when he was a child. The Monkey King had great magical powers and could transform into a clone with just a piece of monkey hair.

Since he had a clone, why was his life so miserable under the Five Elements Mountain, not even able to eat peaches?

Now I finally understand why

【Qi Tian: Then why don’t you try putting the monkey hair in the chat group mall, and we buy it and see if it can be used?】

【Qi Tian: If it can be used, it can be considered a trump card.】

They might be able to deal with Bai Jingjing and Chun Sanshi Niang, but forget about dealing with the Bull Demon King.

These two were killed by the Bull Demon King. They were just delivering food to the Bull Demon King.

【Zhizunbao: Brother Qitian is right, Brother Taozi, please save me!】

【Monkey King: You can try】

The Monkey King agreed without hesitation.

I used my only movable hand to pluck a few monkey hairs from the back of my head and chose to put it on the system mall.

【Monkey hair of Sun Wukong: This monkey hair comes from Sun Wukong in a certain world. It needs to be infused with mana when used. After use, it can summon Monkey hair clone of Sun Wukong, which disappears after a quarter of an hour.】


Is it really possible?!

I am such a genius!

Qi Tian just wanted to laugh at the sky at this moment. It was just a sudden thought, but it turned out to be true.

With this monkey hair, they also have a way to save their lives

【Zhizunbao: Great, it actually works!】

【Zhizunbao: Brother Taozi, Brother Qitian, I love you guys so much!】

【Little Monkey: Brother Peach, please give me some more monkey hair!】

The eyes of Zhizunbao and the little monkey glowed green, and they wished they could pull out all the hair of the Monkey King.

This piece of monkey hair is a life-saving prop!

【Monkey King: Don’t be happy too soon】

【The Monkey King: The strength of my monkey hair clone depends on how much mana I input, but my current mana is suppressed. The mana required by the monkey hair clone can only be provided by you.】

【Monkey King: If you don’t have enough mana, your combat power will be greatly reduced.】

【The Monkey King: The combined power of the three of you can only summon a monkey-hair clone with one-tenth of my combat power.】

【Monkey King: If it was just to deal with the White Bone Demon and the Spider Demon, it would be enough, but against the Bull Demon King, it can only delay time.】

The Monkey King poured cold water on them.

The Bull Demon King is also a demon king after all, and his strength is on par with his

Although the Bull Demon King in Zhizunbao’s world is weaker, he is not someone that can be defeated by his Monkey Hair clone who only has one tenth of his combat power.

If these issues were not clarified, he was really worried that Qi Tian and the others would go directly to fight the Bull Demon King after getting the Monkey Hair Clone.

When the time comes, I will be wiped out by a wave.

Then there is no place to cry.

【Qi Tian: It’s okay, it’s enough to hold back the Bull Demon King】

【Qi Tian: We didn’t intend to confront the Bull Demon King head-on】

This is the final boss, so let’s wait until Zhizunbao reaches the maximum level before attacking it.

Their current task is to help Zhizunbao clear the monsters on the road and help him find the large password.

【Monkey King: Go ahead. If you can’t escape from the Bull Demon King even after using your monkey hair clone, then come find me in the group.】

Saying this, the Monkey King was under a lot of pressure.

Not to mention that he is being guarded now, even if no one is guarding him, as soon as he leaves the Five Elements Mountain, the old Tathagata will definitely know.

There might be a lot of trouble then.

But if that time really comes, he won’t care so much.

This chat group is really magical. Not only can it allow you to communicate with Sun Wukong from other worlds, but it can also allow you to travel to other worlds.

There are only four of them in the group now. What if the other three die, or the chat group is disbanded directly or never invites anyone in again?

He didn’t want to be pressed under the Five Elements Mountain, didn’t want to go on a quest for scriptures, he just wanted to stay in the Flower-Fruit Mountain.

To do this, you need strength.

Otherwise, he would be like this, trapped under the Five Elements Mountain, unable to protect his own monkeys and grandchildren.

The chat group is the fastest way for him to gain power without risk.

So, no matter what, let’s make sure the chat group can land smoothly.

【Qi Tian: Don’t worry, Brother Taozi, it won’t come to that.】

【Qi Tian: @If you are not in a hurry, the little monkey and I will go to the master to ask for leave.】

【Qi Tian: If you are in a hurry, we will go there now】

【Zhizunbao: Don’t worry, Chun Sanshi Niang hasn’t made a move yet. I’ll let you know when she does.】

【Qi Tian: OK, then the little monkey and I will go and ask for leave now.】

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