Chapter 38: What does what you, Sun Wukong, did have to do with me, Zhizunbao?

“Bodhisattva, calm down. The other Sun Wukong and I are only here for Zhizunbao.”

Qi Tian Zheng Se Dao

“Zhizunbao is just an ordinary person. The only special thing about him is that he is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong.”

“But Sun Wukong is not worth doing this for.”

Guanyin Bodhisattva shakes her head

Sun Wukong is a pilgrim who seeks Buddhist scriptures. It is important to say that he is important, but it is also not important to say that he is not important.

Otherwise, when Sun Wukong and Bull Demon King colluded to eat Tang Monk’s flesh, the Jade Emperor would not have ordered the killing of Sun Wukong.

If it weren’t for Tang Seng’s plea, would the pilgrim have really changed his eldest brother?

At least in this world.

“But he is Sun Wukong, that’s enough”

“Although the Bodhisattva may not believe it, my companion is indeed Sun Wukong. As for me, I can be considered half”

“Let me talk about my companion first. He just jumped out of the stone not long ago and is now studying at Bodhi Academy.”

“As for me, in my world, the journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures has been completed, Sun Wukong has become the Fighting Buddha, and finally chose to leave Lingshan for freedom.”

“Unfortunately, after leaving Lingshan, Sun Wukong was surrounded and suppressed by the Heavenly Court and died.”

“I am a part of Sun Wukong, it is not wrong to say that I am Sun Wukong”

“But Bodhisattva, you have also seen that my current level of Taoism is far different from that of Sun Wukong.”

“I want to revive the real Sun Wukong, but my own strength is far from enough”

“So I am here to help Zhizunbao now, and he will help me when I need help in the future.”

“This is why I am here with another Sun Wukong”

These are not important news, so it’s okay to reveal them directly.

What he said was indeed true. Putting aside the tasks issued by the chat group, the biggest reason why he helped Zhizunbao was that he wanted Zhizunbao to become Sun Wukong and help him in return.

Of course, part of the reason is that I want to make up for the regrets before crossing.

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned slightly. She could naturally tell whether Qi Tian was telling the truth or a lie.

But aren’t these things easy for the powerful people behind them?

Why let them come on their own?

Could it be that you don’t want to interfere with their growth?

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Guanyin Bodhisattva’s mind, but she couldn’t figure out the reason.

“Even without your help, Sun Wukong’s return is inevitable, there is no need to go to such great lengths”

I can’t figure it out, and Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn’t want to think about it anymore. I’ll report these things to the Jade Emperor later and let him have a headache.

“It is indeed a foregone conclusion that Sun Wukong will return to his position, but he does not want to wear the golden hoop, nor does he want Fairy Zixia to die.”

“This is the real purpose of our coming here”

If you really can’t do it, you can wear the golden hoop, but you have to make sure Zixia survives.

After all, the golden hoop can be removed later, and a person is no longer the same person after he dies and reincarnates.

“Bodhisattva, anyway, the final result is that Zhizunbao took back the magic power that belonged to Sun Wukong and protected Tang Seng to go to the West to obtain the scriptures.”

“Then let’s just do it in one step.”

“After Sun Wukong died, you could just give his magic power to Zhizun Bao, and there would be no need to do anything else. What do you think?”

Qi Tian narrowed his eyes and suggested

Zhizunbao has already read the subsequent scripts, so wouldn’t it be better to just skip those seemingly challenging steps?

“I can give Sun Wukong’s magic power to Zhizunbao”

Qi Tian didn’t say anything, because it was usually followed by a but.

As expected, Guanyin Bodhisattva continued

“But he must wear the golden hoop”

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not give in

Sun Wukong was wanted by the Heavenly Court because he colluded with the Bull Demon King to eat Tang Monk’s flesh. Even after reincarnation, he still has a vicious nature in his bones.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, Zhizunbao must wear the golden hoop

Only in this way can they rest assured that Zhizunbao will escort Tang Seng to obtain Buddhist scriptures.

“Is there nothing more to talk about?”

Qi Tian asked

“If you were in his shoes, would you be so confident in letting Sun Wukong continue his journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures?”

Guanyin Bodhisattva asked back

Qi Tian actually understood that. They had prepared a golden hoop for Tang Seng to put on Sun Wukong.

But Tang Seng avoided the question and refused to do so.

They also respected Tang Seng’s wishes and did not insist that Sun Wukong must wear the golden hoop.

But what is the result?

Sun Wukong was unwilling to escort Tang Seng to the quest for scriptures, and he even planned to eat Tang Seng

Pull it again, it is human nature to give Sun Wukong some tricks

“Of course I won’t worry.”

“But Bodhisattva, have you forgotten”

“Now it is Zhizunbao, not Sun Wukong, who is going to escort Tang Seng to obtain Buddhist scriptures.”

Qi Tian spread his hands and said with a smile

What does what you, Sun Wukong, did have to do with me, Zhizunbao?

Sun Wukong did something wrong, he is dead, the debt is gone

Why are you putting what Sun Wukong did on me now?

I didn’t do those things. If you have the guts, go find Sun Wukong.

“Donor, you are sophistry”

Guanyin Bodhisattva sighed

“When reincarnating, people who have done good deeds in their past lives can be reborn into a wealthy family.”

“People who have committed serious crimes will be sent to the realms of animals, hungry ghosts, and hell.”

“Causes in previous lives, results in this life”

“How can it be resolved with just a simple statement that one’s debts will be settled upon death?”

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