Chapter 9 What, can’t you learn this at a glance?

“There is more and more fun in the group.”

“But for now, I’d better learn the spells I got from Brother Taozi.”

“I’ve been eyeing these spells for a long time.”

Qi Tian licked his lips and opened the book”Qi Refining Method” first.》

Mana is the basis of all spells

No matter how many skills you have, if you don’t have the mana bar, you still can’t use any of them.

【The”Qi Refining Method” is detected, and group members can use their points to enter the door】

【The current technique requires 100 points to enter】


“Are there any benefits to points?”

Qi Tian was stunned. He had only roughly looked at the method of using points before, but he did not look at the specific matters carefully.

This is the same as when registering a game account.

I can’t wait to”fight, cool!” Who has the time to read your crappy user agreement?

After being stunned for a while, he was naturally happy. He was worried that he would not be able to learn the magic sent by the Monkey King.

Although he is now a monkey on the Flower and Fruit Mountain, and may also be one of the many monkeys with destiny

Why is it possible?

Because the Destiny Monkeys are dumb and cannot speak.

He can talk, but it’s hard to say whether he is the monkey of destiny

Now the chat group has a one-click exit function, which is naturally great.

“Use 300 points to help me learn Qigong, Immobilization and Transfiguration.”


Points were deducted, and countless knowledge and insights flooded into Qi Tian’s brain

Looking at a hare passing by, Qi Tian pointed his finger


The hare maintained its fleeing posture, but stood still stiffly.

“This immobilization technique is really useful”

“How about trying Transfiguration now?”

Qi Tian chanted the formula and transformed into a hare.

It’s just that the hare he transformed into was a little bit bigger than the one that was frozen.

If I had to say how big it is, it would probably be the size of a person wearing a bunny suit.

Good news, I successfully turned into a hare.

Bad news, the body shape has not changed

Qi Tian was not disappointed that he did not become a normal hare.

After all, I’m just getting started, so it’s good enough to be able to transform.

Didn’t you see in Journey to the West that when Monkey King was fighting with Erlang Shen and turned into a temple, he still had a tail and didn’t know where to put it?

It will be fine when you become proficient in it later.

Although he is not skilled, Qi Tian still has a lot of fun playing

It’s a pity that the magic power in his body was cultivated by his body when the chat group helped him to learn the Qi Refining Method. It’s pitifully small.

After playing for a few times, the mana was drained.

“Still need to practice!”

“I don’t think I can handle even the most common monster.”

“When you have enough points tomorrow, go directly to the little monkey’s world to learn magic from Bodhi Patriarch.”

Qi Tian doesn’t want to stay in the Black Myth world for even a second because of his lack of strength.

This world is too dangerous for him.

In the main storyline of the game, the only people from heaven who fight against the monkeys are Erlang Shen and the Four Heavenly Kings.

But that was only in the game. If he traveled through time now, there was no guarantee that the Heavenly Court would not suddenly send people to slaughter the Flower-Fruit Mountain.

He can’t afford to gamble with his life.

“Let’s talk to the little monkey in the group first.”

Qi Tian logged into the chat group and found that there were suddenly dozens of messages in the group.

As we all know, flipping through chat records does not mean boredom, but curiosity.

So Qi Tian obeyed his curiosity and turned the chat history to the time when he left.

Then he saw the little monkey jumping on his face

【Little Monkey: I learned the spell sent by Brother Taozi】

【Little Monkey: @Monkey King, Brother Peach, take a look at how my magic skills are doing.】

Followed by a video

In the video, the little monkey, who had already taken off his stone diaper, pointed to a fish in the sea and said,”Ding”

The fish was trapped in the sea

Then came the transformation. The little monkey turned into a seabird flying in the sky, and then turned into a fish swimming in the water.

At a glance, the little monkey has transformed into at least a dozen different animals.

Moreover, each animal is so lifelike that there is no flaw to be found.

【The Monkey King: Not bad, you have mastered these two spells very well.】

【Monkey King: When you have more magic power, you can fly directly to Bodhi Fairy Island and learn magic from the master.】

【Monkey King: But be careful not to be arrogant or impatient, the road ahead is long and arduous, and we must continue to work hard】

While the Monkey King praised the little monkey, he also warned him not to relax.

Cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t move forward, you will fall behind.

Always work hard is the right way

【Little Monkey: I understand, Brother Peach!】

Zhizunbao also spoke in the group

【Zhizunbao: @Little Monkey, I also used the magic one-click door function in the chat group, why is my transformation so different from yours?】

As if worried that what he said was not detailed enough, Zhizunbao also specially posted a video

The background of the video is a dilapidated village. In the video, Zhizunbao said

“Next I’m going to turn into a big rooster!”

As he said this, Zhizunbao used the transformation technique.

Then, an unknown creature appeared at the spot.

“What the hell! ?”

“What is this?”

Qi Tian almost fell from the tree

In the video, the hair of Zhizunbao turned into chicken feathers, his mouth turned into a beak, his eyes were crossed, his hands were still normal human hands, but his feet turned into chicken feet.

Let’s say people, there are no such abstract people.

Speaking of chicken, there is no such abstract chicken.

But the funniest part is yet to come

In the video, before Zhizunbao could transform back, the second in command pushed open the door and rushed in.

“Boss, something terrible has happened!”

The second master came in and saw Zhizunbao turned into a rooster. He was immediately shocked and shouted

“Oh no!”

“The boss was eaten by a chicken demon!”

After howling like this, the second in command did not run away. Instead, he picked up a stick on the ground and smashed it towards Zhizunbao.

Fighting and shouting

“You damn chicken demon, spit out our boss right now!”

“Spit it out, spit it out quickly!”

Zhizunbao was beaten and ran away. He tried to say that he was not a chicken demon several times, but was interrupted by the second in command.

Then, the Axe Gang members who got the news from the second in command took up their weapons and beat up Zhizunbao together.

The scene is comparable to the original plot of stepping on the fire to put it out, and it is even more cruel than that part

Then, in the chaos, I don’t know whether the video recording time has come or Zhizunbao has done something accidentally.

The video was uploaded in its original form….

At the end of Chapter 8, the name of the little monkey group chat was [Sun Wukong], which I thought was a bit inappropriate, so I changed it to [Little Monkey】

In a group full of Sun Wukong, there is a group member named [Sun Wukong] I always feel a little uncomfortable and weird.

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