Black Ride

Chapter 826: Pinch down

Suddenly the light-wheeled gun suddenly hit Hellham's field of vision, and it was deeply rooted in the ice field, and the totem-like light of the sun **** bloomed in an instant. The changing aura of the aurora shot out from the gun body in all directions, and as soon as the light hit Hiram, dozens of air-extinguishing gaps were burned on his dark-smelling body.

The energetic torrents of light released by the Lightning Gun have extraordinary restraint on Highham's "Ghost Incarnation". All the bad impressions hidden in memory erupted when Hellham was in pain.

The roadblocker rides the king of the electric dragon bird, and comes down here in a magnificent armor. His name is Asher!

"I am the chief knight of the sky knights, Asher, you are so wicked, buried under the light!"

Aschert yelled at Hiram. As he said, his identity and strength at this time were very different from those of the time, and he sat down with the powerful King of Electric Dragon Birds, filling his own vacancy for air mobility.

Now Aschert releases one of the strongest attack methods and comes here. The purpose is very simple. It is to defeat the enemy and make a name for itself!

Helem's body of energy was instantly pierced through a few huge holes by the blazing aurora. His position was extremely embarrassing. There was Aschert in front, and the black elf patriarch and a whole black elf hunter team. It can be said that there is no road to heaven and no door.

Helem never thought that he would suddenly fall into such a desperate situation. In his original escape plan, no matter how the black elf patriarch chased him, he could not kill him for a short time. Although he escaped, it was not It's easy, but there is always an acceptable risk expectation. Ascher with a third-order power "Aurora" suddenly appeared, completely dissolving his plan.

To some extent, this Aschert, who is at most a third-tier elite, can cause him even more trouble than the Black Elf patriarch. But now he has no choice. All he could do was force history to repeat itself and defeat Aschert with a single blow from the front!

Highham stepped forward and crashed into Aschert, putting the black dagger of the fangs in front of the black gas body. The black dagger's ability was activated instantly. The tip of the blade seemed to have a little black vortex the size of a fingernail, which absorbed most of the radiant evil rays released by the light-wheel gun.

There was a black dagger as the "protective umbrella", and Hyrum sprinted away at full speed as the ghost incarnate. At the same time, Aschert's wrist moved the gun of the light wheel very quickly, and pointed the sharpest point of the gun at Highham.

Light and darkness, day and black, at this moment turned into two long swords opposite each other, each side carrying all the awareness and power that will frustrate the other!

Just 0.1 seconds before the tip of the light wheel gun and the black dagger are about to collide, the light wheel gun controlled by Aschert suddenly disintegrated and deformed into a bright white light shield superimposed by a total of seven solar totems.

Aschert tried his best. He knew that he and Heilham were fighting destructively. As a result, Heilham must be seriously injured but victory, but he is likely to be dead or alive. So he grabbed the last moment that Herem couldn't change his moves, using the energy creation of the "Aurora" ability to inherit the light can change thousands of characteristics in an instant, unexpectedly turning to attack.

The black short-knife collided with Asherte's seven-fold blazing white light shield! At the moment of contact between the two sides, the blade of the black dagger is like a black hole in one breath. It absorbs the "circle center" of a total of seven light shields, and converts all the absorbed energy into the impact kinetic energy inside the blade. The parts are released!

However, the changes started again. The impact kinetic energy released by the black short knife was supposed to hit the center of the armor on Aschert's chest without reservation. As a result, Aschert still had a hand; he controlled the Seven Light Shield to take the lead in black The short knife retracts the center of the circle in one step and combines the seven shields, forcibly blocking the leak in the center. The black dagger hit the combined light shield with the amazing power of transformation, and instantly split the combined light shield into a spider web-like crack.

A loud, crisp and loud noise. The combined light shield shattered into countless energy light shards flying in the air, and the black dagger finally surpassed the broken blazing white energy light shield and stabbed Aschert's armor chest.

The huge kinetic energy has already consumed more than half of the combined light shield. Aschert's body shook, and he forcibly resisted the stabbing stab of the black dagger.

Highham pulled back at the fastest speed, but would the king of the electric dragon bird that Aschert sat on allow the enemy to escape easily. It opened its long beak and sprayed out seven or eight flashing gold-colored lightning balls. Several lightning **** shattered or flew over Highham's side and immediately split into more than twenty thick lightning chains; more than twenty The thick and long lightning chains were smoothly connected together in the stagger of electric spark explosions, and instantly created a lightning force field with a radius of 30 meters.

In addition to electrical energy, lightning also contains light and heat energy, and it is absolutely restrained against the ghost incarnation of Hellum. Hiram ran along the center of the lightning force field and danced along the lightning chain to escape. His body could not avoid being struck by the lightning chain, and a small group of black gas disappeared without a trace.

Aschert swallowed the chest concussion and swallowed the bruises in his throat forcibly. He re-condensed a light-wheeled gun, injecting all his energy into it, making the light-gun larger and bigger, until it was full Take a lightning force field, and then aim at Hellham, who was temporarily trapped by the lightning force field, and throw it as hard as possible!

A thick, long strip of light wafted across the dark sky in that second, smashing into the area surrounded by the lightning force field with huge and bloated energy.

What Ashert cast is no longer a giant light gun, but a cannon with a shape similar to a gun. Even if the cannon is not in front of Highham, but replaced by a monster with a very large size, the power and volume of this shell is more than enough.

The endless light that filled the field of vision immediately drowned the world in front of Highham, as well as the images of Highham and other Black Elf patriarchs in the eyes. After the gun-shaped giant light gun destroyed the lightning force field regardless of the enemy, it smashed through the sky and hit an ice-covered ground on the outside of the Lark, as if heavy artillery shells had slammed the explosion wave, sweeping all around Hordes of bone soldiers.

As for the Black Elf patriarch and others, they have long given way to Aschert's attack.

Where Hellam was a second ago, the gun-shaped light cannon smashed the ice along the ground. The heat carried by the light gun melted the flying ice dust, making it a large area more sheltered. The mist of water that people look at.

"Whew, whew."

Aschert gasped. He pulled the reins on the back of the king of the electric dragon bird to steer the mount to a higher level, and in mid-air overlooked a large area of ​​water mist around the place where Highham was located.

Aschert knows the power of the gun-shaped light cannon just now. If he hits Hylem in the front, at least 70% to 80% of his incarnation will be removed, and the remaining 20% ​​of his energy body will be enough to die. Go live. But he was still not assured. He communicated with the King of the electric dragon bird who was sitting down, and determined that Heilham had never left the range of the lightning force field before being hit by a gun-shaped light cannon, which was only a little relief.

The breath of Highham could not be found in the diffuse water mist, and the "aurora" energy light particles were flying everywhere in the air. Aschert and the Black Elf patriarch stared at the changes around the water mist. Among them, the Black Elf patriarch took a step forward and used "spiritual vision" to explore the inner energy traces through the water mist.

The detective made the dark elf chief's eyes suddenly move, his pupils contracted, and he immediately manipulated the matte silk into the water mist.

He saw various traces by "spiritual true vision". A large number of energy traces are concentrated in one place. Too many can not be seen, but there are two completely different types of spiritual energy traces, which represent two lives in the depths of the water mist.

One was Helen, who was injured, and the other ...

"Scatter!" Dark Elf raised his right arm and sang. The five energy light marks climbing on his right arm are all flooded, and then he waved the large palm from right to left, and the power of the palm seemed to be increased into the palm of the giant, and it suddenly raised a wave. Enormous air currents entrained with a large amount of energy light particles, the diffuse water mist forcibly dispersed.


Dozens of pairs ~ ~ Hundreds of pairs of eyes focused widened here, and everyone couldn't believe the scene that appeared after the mist spread.

Highham's dark body is still 80% intact. In contrast to his intactness, there is a cat with dark hair and heavy blood in his right hand, and there are tens of thousands of tiny needle-like wounds on his body. Carcass.

The life hit by the gun-shaped light cannon is just like the feline corpse pinched by Hellum, and it will be penetrated by the tens of thousands of tiny needle-like energy torrents contained in a huge beam of light. Because the heat released by the "Aurora" ability is not enough to ascend the biological flesh, the life being hit will leave a terrible "corpse".

It wasn't anything else pinched by Helm in the palm of his hand, it was the corpse Xueyu he took out of the black gas space at the last moment. As soon as the corpse student Xue Xi returned to the outside to meet her, it was a terrible energy attack. She doesn't have any room for defense. Even without the time to make the ice fortress instantly, she is penetrated by thousands of energies. Corpse snow owl


Modifying the life hit by the gun-shaped light cannon will be the same as the feline carcass pinched by Hellum, and will be penetrated by the tens of thousands of small needle-like energy torrents contained in the huge beam of light at a high speed. Because the heat released by the "Aurora" ability is not enough to ascend the biological flesh, the life being hit will leave a terrible "corpse".

It wasn't anything else pinched by Helm in the palm of his hand, it was the corpse Xueyu he took out of the black gas space at the last moment. As soon as the corpse student Xue Xi returned to the outside to meet her, it was a terrible energy attack. She doesn't have any room for defense. Even without the time to make the ice fortress instantly, she is penetrated by thousands of energies. Corpse snow owl

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