Black Ride

Chapter 845: Under 1 person

At this instant, the armor crystal that penetrated the steel ancient dragon's armor was buried in its energy ecology. The energy crystal duct came from Dawson's power-the third-order special domain-type power "reversed".

"Reversal" is to analyze and simulate the arrangement structure and motion form of the energy force field of a third-order ability to create an ability with the opposite effect. The "reversal" exercise method is extremely harsh and extremely difficult. It takes a long time to master the power field arrangement of an ability, and the requirement for the precision of energy manipulation is completely ceilingless, which is a limitation. Great, powerful power with infinite cap.

Dawson now uses the "reverse" ability to reverse the "ghostification" of the ability given by Kazan. "Ghost deification" can ignite the life energy of a life, burn it and transform it into unparalleled physical strength and high intensity energy; and "ghost deification" is reversed, naturally it is to block and suppress the life energy and energy of a life!

Gang Gulong's pupil suddenly shrank, but when it sensed the energy shackles that had spread from the depths of its chest, everything was over.

The screaming black wind that crosses the sky dissipated as much as possible, and the sky over the silver sand desert suddenly returned to a clear sky. In addition to the glow of the white arc of light under the sky, there are only extremely heavy water droplets and a large number of ice diamonds controlled by Tian Yulong. The combination of wind and water power was erased halfway!

"Tian Yu ... Be careful, stay away from him ..."

Gangu Long made every effort to raise his throat to make a sound, and the power of the flapping wings decreased sharply with the naked eye. As a result, the intermittent sentence that it had been difficult to say became the last word it said now; it had not had time to tell Tian Yulong about the abnormal changes in his body, and his wings and mind had lost the strength of movement, and the whole was huge and heavy. The Iron Dragon's body lost balance and fell straight to the ground.

It is not only Gang Gulong's power that is blocked by "reverse", but also life energy. As long as a life moves, it will breathe, consume nutrients, and generate heat and energy, the cycle of life energy. Once the energy of life is sealed, this life is equivalent to being taken out of thin air to carry out this cycle. It can't hold on at all and will fall into a drowsy sleep.

"Gangu!" Tian Yulong stared in shock at Gangu Long who fell straight to the sand. How can a companion suffer when it stays where it is, it turns into an arrow and dives suddenly. The beautiful and smooth Dragon Wings shake out a large number of drops of water during the rapid dive; all the drops of water are controlled by the Tianyu Dragon at a distance of no more than 20 meters around them, and all follow the fast moving it to form a volleying waterfall.

The oblique white and blue figure stunned through the falling steel color figure. Tianyulong used a pair of dragon arms that did not have steel ancient dragons to cover the heavy and huge body of steel ancient dragons, which are like angel wings of feathers. Such as the steel wire pulled down by the scales in a split second, a bone groan.

Tian Yulong's physical strength is far from enough to catch the steel ancient dragon still flying in the air. It is planted obliquely into the sand sea according to inertia. While manipulating the countless water drops that form a waterfall, it guards against the sudden approach of Dawson, while fully controlling the wings. The momentum of his own fall.

If this enemy seat dared to approach itself like a steel gulong, these seemingly ordinary extremely heavy water droplets would immediately stick to the other person's body, immediately restricting the other party's actions and not struggling!

Tian Yulong glanced at it, but Dawson, who was still there in the air a second ago, had disappeared at this moment. He disappeared without movement in just 0.5 seconds.

"Where did you go!"

No matter how unexpected Tianyulong was, Dawson was standing on the back of its sea full of gorgeous feathers. He once again penetrated the defense method built by seemingly impenetrable natural control abilities.

Dawson's right hand has mobilized the dark blue energy of "Reverse Ghost Deification", ready to be poured into Tianyu Dragon's body!

A sharp voice shattered the sky and approached Dawson's ear. Dawson raised his left hand without moving his right hand and released a "energy defense" dome. Immediately, a giant arrow burst into the air and slammed into the outside of the energy defense cover.

A giant "gray stone" was tied to the arrow of the giant arrow hitting the outside of the energy defense cover, and the moment the two sides struck, the gray-lime-white shell suddenly appeared extremely white.

There was a loud noise, and a large mushroom cloud rose above the sea of ​​feathers on the back of Tianyu Dragon. A large amount of energy rapids surged in the mushroom cloud, and Dawson lifted the energy defense cover and continued to stab at Tianyulong's body with one palm.

Tian Yulong was frightened when something suddenly exploded on his back, and the pores buried deeper in the sea of ​​feathers suddenly sprayed a violent high-pressure current! A high-pressure water line sprayed from the inside happened to hit Dawson's right hand precisely. Dawson's face was still calm and indifferent. The entire right palm had been hit by a high-pressure water line to make a **** circle with a diameter of 3 cm. The hole ~ ~ Weirdly, after the high pressure water line was shot, a drop of water droplets remained on the wounded palm of Dawson. The water droplets hang stagnantly, neither drip, nor slip, nor are they completely stained with blood.

All of these water drops come from the super-heavy water of Tian Yulong's natural control ability. There is a substance called "heavy water" in nature, and super-heavy water is a substance made by abilities that is dozens of times more than "heavy water". Regardless of its density, weight, and tension, the infiltration and damage to cells of living organisms will be dozens of times stronger than normal heavy water.

It is no exaggeration to say that once ordinary second-order life is contaminated by overweight water, it is as heavy as every bone in the whole body is replaced with steel, the replication and division of pioneer cells, and the operation of power viruses will Suppressed extremely stagnantly, Jang Jiu will die due to changes in cell composition throughout the body without detachment.

To the weaker creatures, overweight water is like a highly toxic substance carrying lethal radiation, and it will die immediately!

Dawson has the ability to "regenerate at high speed," but his palm wounds show no signs of regeneration. The heavy water droplets adhered to the murky place of the flesh, only leaking, and spreading to the blood vessels of Dawson's wrist like a tiny poisonous snake.

Dawson's perception was extremely sharp, and when he turned his gaze to his right hand, he split his right wrist with a knife in his left hand. Also at this moment, a little giant shadow suddenly penetrated the rising mushroom cloud and broke into five feet behind Dawson.

The real body of the black shadow is the black elf patriarch. When he raises his hand, he shoots out hundreds of matte silk threads that are entangled with energy torrents. He is tied fiercely to Dawson's body!

Never give respite!

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