Black Ride

Chapter 855:

Latest URL: Frege blinked, then replied: "Of course."

Negar turned his hand to Frege's hand, and the two looked at each other. Frege immediately took Nigar and flew up to the sky, walking at a high speed in the direction of the silver desert.

At the same time, within the silver sand desert. The Lark on the battlefield where Celian Dawson confronted.

The soldiers of the Lark Corps heard that their throne, Lord Negar, finally won the Apocalypse. All of them cheered and the whole army's fighting spirit rose. Abel Lynch, who temporarily took over the post of commander, also breathed a sigh of relief, looking more and more firmly at Dawson in the sky ahead.

The outcome of the war between the Silver Sand Desert Legion and the Lark Forest Legion has changed little. Their Lord Nigar won, and the thirteen thrones that provoked all these disputes were tantamount to lifting their own stones and losing their feet, and losing the order of the Apocalypse to a loss of the throne seat and an exile.

"Are you going to fight again? The first envoy of the throne of the thirteen throne, Serian Dawson," Abel sneered, "To fight me, Abel is willing to accompany him, but now you have completely lost the battle. Makes sense. "

Dawson's expression had lost the former calm and indifference, blending with shock, surprise, puzzlement, and anger. His appearance became emotional, more like an ordinary man than the man who had remained motionless anyway and seemed to never be defeated. "

Abel knew why Dawson had this change. Dawson was the strongest of all ambassadors, and the corresponding "belief" of Kazan the thirteen throne was also the strongest. Suddenly Dawson suffered the news that Kazan lost the Apocalypse and never returned to the pale palace, just as the same sword pierced his "faith", making him doubt the truth of the entire world.

Aber immediately chased after the victory, and he sneered sarcastically: "Oh, I was wrong. Without the following throne, your so-called first ambassador's status will no longer exist. You are nothing but a mighty power in a silver sand desert Life is nothing but a mustard in front of this seat! "

The blue veins on Dawson's temple suddenly exploded. He clenched his fists, and for a while he could not restrain the corner of his mouth from rising.

He suddenly laughed wildly: "Is it? I have become a lonely ghost with no masters to follow. Then you, a group of weak ants like ants, give me this lonely ghost and burial!"

After Dawson's words were over, a violent flame of white, purple, and black burst out from him. His deacon seat made the service violently blasted by the wind, and the buttons on both sides of the cuffs and collar were unbuttoned, revealing more skin of Dawson; the burning fire of ghosts suddenly replaced his silent eyes, and then The wings of the huge ghost fire were extruded spirally from the center of Dawson's back, completely released gracefully and wildly!

Dawson is no longer afraid of the terrifying side effects of the "ghost deification" burning vitality. Since Kazan will never return, he will do his best to vow to kill all the Lark soldiers sent by the tenth throne Negar. Light, in order to revenge Snow Lord for Kazan!

If you have consumed all of the Lark's own vitality, you will survive; if not, it will not matter if you burn to death.

Others may not understand why Dawson was the first one to go crazy after learning that the throne was away, or even enter the same mode of operation. What's more, he wondered whether Dawson should calm down, no longer as the first ambassador of the pale palace, but again as the strongest creature in the silver sand desert, and think hard about how to climb to the vacant throne throne position. So so so.

Only Dawson himself knew why he did it without complaint. Because he wasn't strong at all, only the tortoise shell-like third-order defense system power of the whole body can be used for "energy defense", which is basically a third-order life in the thousands of abyss.

Although inconspicuous, at that time he never gave up his dream of becoming a third-order overlord. He groaned in the mud, being oppressed and exploited by third-order life that is good at offensive powers one after another. He forbeared, exercised, and met Kazan until his life began to change dramatically.

It was Kazan who coincidentally learned to “reverse” the powers in the Shackled Armor, and after suffering, he became famous with the “reverse” “energy defense” —one-on-one hitting the local hegemon. Become a "master of offense and defense" that no creatures do not know or fear. After that, he was given the name of Celian Dawson by Kazan, and he constantly defeated the powerful third-order overlord to devour his power virus, and gradually grew into the first ambassador with the energy level of the ocean.

Dawson is an ordinary life that values ​​hard work and dreams very much, so he is grateful to the rare people who rarely meet in his life who can show him a brand new world. He is willing to be the ambassador of Kazan and the deacon of the pale palace. If Kazan is exiled, his obsession determines that he will never covet the throne of Kazan's thirteen throne and the Lord of the Silver Sand Desert.

Where Kazan goes, he goes, if he has the chance, if he can live to complete revenge!

After Dawson opened the wings condensed by Ghost Fire, he suddenly transformed them into huge energy spray wings. He disappeared in the air for a while, and the air he was waiting for set off a blast of wind that could be seen by others.

Abel's pupil narrowed. He sensed signs of Dawson's trouble just before Dawson's energy wing sprint burst. He decisively activated the "gene quantization" ability, rapidly rising and inflating in a burst of colorful glare, and turned into an ancient king of the highest tree in the forefront of the Lark group!

The moment Abel transformed into the king of the ancient tree was also the moment when Dawson disappeared instantly. A huge bright yellow light curtain between the electric light and flint sprayed out from the ancient king of trees; the light curtain expanded at an incredible speed, and swept across a large area where the Lark group was located. Immediately all the Lark soldiers disappeared-they were included in the "refraction" aperture of the ancient King of the Tree.

One of the powers of this ancient King of Trees is the amazing "Refraction" with a wide horizontal range. Then hundreds of thousands of apertures appeared in the air near the ancient King of Trees, firing a huge amount of energy light bombs from the outside.

The sheer number of energy light bombs has formed an overwhelming barrage. The speed of the barrage is as high as 200 kilometers per hour. In one area, the energy light bombs crashed into something and were wiped out. The energy light bombs disappeared all the way, pointing out the real position of Dawson who disappeared!

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Dawson is no longer afraid of the terrifying side effects of the "ghost deification" burning vitality. Since Kazan will never return, he will do his best to vow to kill all the Lark soldiers sent by the tenth throne Negar. Light, in order to revenge Snow Lord for Kazan!

If you have consumed all of the Lark's own vitality, you will survive; if not, it will not matter if you burn to death.

Others may not understand why Dawson was the first one to go crazy after learning that the throne was away, or even enter the same mode of operation. What's more, he wondered whether Dawson should calm down, no longer as the first ambassador of the pale palace, but again as the strongest creature in the silver sand desert, and think hard about how to climb to the vacant throne throne position. So so so.

Only Dawson himself knew why he did it without complaint. Because he wasn't strong at all, only the tortoise shell-like third-order defense system power of the whole body can be used for "energy defense", which is basically a third-order life in the thousands of abyss.

Although inconspicuous, at that time he never gave up his dream of becoming a third-order overlord. He groaned in the mud, being oppressed and exploited by third-order life that is good at offensive powers one after another. He forbeared, exercised, and met Kazan until his life began to change dramatically.

It was Kazan who coincidentally learned to “reverse” the powers in the Shackled Armor, and after suffering, he became famous with the “reverse” “energy defense” —one-on-one hitting the local hegemon. Become a "master of offense and defense" that no creatures do not know or fear. After that, he was given the name of Celian Dawson by Kazan, and he constantly defeated the powerful third-order overlord to devour his power virus, and gradually grew into the first ambassador with the energy level of the ocean.

Dawson is an ordinary life that values ​​hard work and dreams very much, so he is grateful to the rare people who rarely meet in his life who can show him a brand new world. He is willing to be the ambassador of Kazan and the deacon of the pale palace. If Kazan is exiled, his obsession determines that he will never covet the throne of Kazan's thirteen throne and the Lord of the Silver Sand Desert.

Where Kazan goes, he goes, if he has the chance, if he can live to complete revenge!

After Dawson opened his wings condensed by Ghost Fire, he suddenly transformed it into a huge energy spray wing ~ ~ he disappeared in the air in an instant, and the air he was originally waiting for was set off by others Visible wind burst.

Abel's pupil narrowed. He sensed signs of Dawson's trouble just before Dawson's energy wing sprint burst. He decisively activated the "gene quantization" ability, rapidly rising and inflating in a burst of colorful glare, and turned into an ancient king of the highest tree in the forefront of the Lark group!

The moment Abel transformed into the king of the ancient tree was also the moment when Dawson disappeared instantly. A huge bright yellow light curtain between the electric light and flint sprayed out from the ancient king of trees; the light curtain expanded at an incredible speed, and swept across a large area where the Lark group was located. Immediately all the Lark soldiers disappeared-they were included in the "refraction" aperture of the ancient King of the Tree.

One of the powers of this ancient King of Trees is the amazing "Refraction" with a wide horizontal range. Then hundreds of thousands of apertures appeared in the air near the ancient King of Trees, firing a huge amount of energy light bombs from the outside.

The sheer number of energy light bombs has formed an overwhelming barrage. The speed of the barrage is as high as 200 kilometers per hour. In one area, the energy light bombs crashed into something and were wiped out. The energy light bombs disappeared all the way, pointing out the real position of Dawson who disappeared!

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