Black Ride

Chapter 860: Under the pack of wolves

The pack of wolves flutters tigers, and each wolf is a vicious wolf that ignites the "Ghost Deification"!

Facing the enemies' encircles that were approaching himself sharply and the breath of multiple energy intensities, Frege kept the throne's grandeur.

After only a few moments of Frege's thoughts, a large number of void cracks emerged from his star armor. The void cracks were densely packed to 80% of the armor area, and Frege's air began to distort the void cracks.

When the void cracks covered Frege's body, almost no attack could touch him.

Harvey's gigantic arrows were the first offensive against Frege. The giant arrow was not only covered with the destructive flames of ghosts and gods, but also a vanishing arrow, which Frege could not see.

The blink of an arrow flew within three feet of Frege, and the arrow of the arrow's flame aimed at Frege's head. However, when the arrows approached Frege within three feet, the void crack in the air that was not obvious was intercepted head-on, and two-thirds of the entire arrow was swallowed into the void.

锵 ——Fregue's Warframe Helmet was violently brushed by the Shard of Arrows. Within 0.5 seconds of his head shaking, Hellham, who was second in speed, had caught up with the tail of Shard of Arrows.

After the spread of Highham's "Ghost Incarnation", there was a vast black gas. Since he was a gaseous body, he had a keen sense of invisible suction from the depth of the void crack.

Within a three-foot radius of Frege, Highham scattered a wave of black gas that confused the light. A large amount of black gas was absorbed by all void cracks, and the sharp black short knife was mixed in a bunch. Accelerate the sprint in the air stream to the empty leak between Frege's helmet and the armor!

The light was obscured, Frege moved under the conditional reflection, and his standing height shifted slightly. The next moment, the black dagger was sharply stabbed on the side of the helmet of the Star Warrior. It was only 3 centimeters to be intercepted and sucked by the void crack that appeared on the helmet of the War Armor. Fortunately, the precision and speed of Helen's black dagger was not enough Worst place in the stab.

Harvey and Highham's storms all flew across Frege's head. This was both a miss, and for Frege, the head was hit twice in a row!

This is of course not over. Kerr swelled and swelled sharply, and one or two breaths turned into an oversized, dark raven. He blasted off into the air and opened a sharp beak like a sword, and then flapped his wings that covered the sky to release a tide of black gas like a lead cloud. Each black gas carrier in the black gas tide is a small raven. They carried the deadly rotting plague virus and the highly toxic plague virus, all of which flew towards Frege.

Frege's newly-expanded void cracks absorbed the black gas spread by Helem, and he saw the seamless Plague Clouds. He directly manipulated a void crack to exacerbate the expansion. The selected void crack expanded and merged with other void cracks. At the same time, it quickly became a void to swallow a human void.

In the depths of the mouth of the void, there was a ghostly whistling airless sound and strong suction. Kerr's transformed plague cloud released by the super-large raven was swallowed up by the mouth of the void within a few seconds, and also protected the negal that was temporarily in the state of healing from the virus.

But then the void in the air around Frege's side was left with that huge void. And Wu Qi has long been transformed into a dormant wolf, a hungry wolf who sees the key shot.

A pair of splendid three-color ghost fire wings stretched out from the two scapula parts of Wu Qi, and then deformed into a blazing white energy spray wing composed of numerous energy jets. The muscles of his legs exploded like a rocket, and under the blessing of energy jets, he rushed out of the ground at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour!

Wu Qi was like a white-purple triple light and shadow condensing into an extremely fast-stretching meteor, and broke into Frege's three feet instantly. The long knife clenched in his right hand spurted out with a spear, and the touch of the ghost fire that ignited the blade seemed to burn to Frege's neck the next second.

Since Frege showed the only flaw, he must know how to protect it. For a moment, Frege raised his hand and used his fingers to draw a void in the void, which was just between the spiked sword and his own neck.

Faster than the temporary response is Wu Qi's prepared moves. The three-foot long knife split and disintegrated during the forward rush. The hundreds of blades that ignited the fire of the ghost and God all accurately bypassed the void crack set by Frege. Frege's neck.

Frege's footsteps finally moved. He disappeared in a flash in a short time, and was already 10 meters behind Wu Qi when he appeared again.

A touch of Yin Hong was hit by the light. It was the skin between the Frege helmet and the neck gap.

Frege's speed was extremely fast, but he still hurt his neck with several of the hundreds of blades. And his departure also meant that his self-confidence was damaged by 10%, and the most important thing was that he hadn't had time to take away the Nigal who was sitting there.

Wu Qi didn't even hesitate to lean directly to Niagal's heart. At that moment, Negar's eyes opened and closed, and she suddenly changed her posture and pulled back a short distance, then kicked Wu Qi's right wrist with a three-foot long knife with a strong and **** thigh.

No one has noticed that there are still hard and sharp black spines on the back of Negar. The instant kick with black spines penetrated Wu Qi's right wrist, and Negar decisively left only the black spines on his body. All shot at Wu Qi, giving a chance to "fire suppression".

This distance and the blackthorn's rate of fire could not be avoided by Wu Qi's evasive reflection. Nigal took the opportunity to retreat and retreat to Frege's protection.

Wu Qi used his arms to protect the vital points of the face. At the same time, more than thirty black thorns penetrated the protection of the scale armor, plunged into the meat, cut the bones, and pierced the joints. Fortunately, the burning fire of ghosts and gods can quickly burn the black thorns completely.

Harvey's arms cycled through the process of firing arrows quickly and shadowlessly, firing more than twenty vanishing arrows at one time to Frege and Negar, but all the arrows he fired were spotted by Frege. The small void cracks cut off or devoured.

Xavier threw away the giant bow, bursting out at full speed of "Subsonic Movement" and leap behind Frege, taking over Wu Qi and Frege in a close fight.

Harvey leaned on his back while moving at a high speed, especially lowering his center of gravity. His black eyes were not filled with the three-color ghost fire, and right and left eyes were at the same time glowing with power.

Harvey's left and right eyes have different energy brilliance. His right eye was light gray and his left eye was light blue. The powers of these two eyes are not the same. The right eye is a third-order special field power "spiritual true vision", and the left eye is a third-order body enhanced power "hundred eyes."

Harvey hadn't had a chance to use all of his eye abilities when fighting the Ice Curse. The "hundred eyes" of his left eye claims to be able to move 100 times in one second. The real ability is to obtain superb dynamic vision and microscopic observation after starting, with corresponding visual information computing power.

There are no births and expanding void cracks that escape Harvey's "hundreds of eyes", and no longer can hide.

Frege turned back and faced Harvey. Harvey was as strong as the little giant's dark gray arms. For a moment, he was like a storm. The fist with the fire of ghosts passed around all the fissures and star wars in the air. In the void on the surface of the armor, 6 of 10 punches fell on Frege's Star Warframe.

Frege showed no sign of weakness. He turned his hands on, as if two scalpels capable of cutting space cut through two void cracks; both arms and void cracks crossed Harvey's body.

When Frege missed a move, he copied Harvey's move, and the heavy rain fist wrapped in the armor hit him. There are void cracks near his fist and arm, and the hit object will be cut directly. Harvey was cautious, and his ability to "turn around his eyes" was not covered. After the two sides had a fight, Frege did not hit Harvey's body or arm with a single punch, but he hit more than ten punches.

Every high-speed iron fist of Harvey is accompanied by the power of ghost and **** flames, but everyone does not know what the material of Frege's star armor is, and there is no sign of deformation when he is burned by the ghost and **** flames.

"Still have to attack the neck!"

Wu Qi and Highham thought of going together. They also returned a shotgun to Frege in the encirclement the next second; the three-foot-long knife that can divide hundreds of blades at any time is like hundreds of little gods of death ~ ~ Dancing near the neck.

On the other side, Hiram and the Black Shortblade were so immortal that they blocked Nigel. Her arms were restored, and the white veil skirt covered with hedgehog-like thick white spines stretched out. These white thorns exclusively absorb energy and also include energy life. Helem has no capital except Negar holding a black knife.

The three-on-two situation suddenly fell into a stalemate, and with Dawson's instructions over the air, the stalemate was alive again.

Wu Qi, Harvey, and Highham suddenly changed their targets while flashing and turning. Harvey, who had long hands and long legs and strong strength, flashed along with the other two. Frege missed the figure for a moment, and Harvey had moved Negar smashed the white spines on Negar's chest with his little giant arm around his waist.

Frege looked back suddenly, and saw that Nigel stepped back two steps, Wu Qi and Harvey took the victory and pursued, and a ghostly iron fist and a ghostly long sword had come to her side.

The figure that replaced Harvey finally showed up, and he blocked Frege's sight, and it was Kerr who returned to human form.

In the chaos, Serian Dawson, like a silver needle swimming under the wavy surface, finally appeared silently behind Frege.

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