Black Ride

Chapter 880: 2 downloads

When Qi became the throne, Wu Qi thoroughly rolled out his planned comprehensive investigation into the Abyss of Apocalypse. He focused on investigating the ecological environment, mineral plants, and powerful creatures in the various throne territories of the Abyss Abyss, not to mention clues about any throne information. He investigated all the intelligence that could be found and put a list of information in his heart.

From back to front. The twelve thrones are "cursed" by treacherous, meticulous, and good at low-key and forbearance. If it weren't for the Alliance to work together, Wu Qi wasn't sure if he could see the character of the Cursed Throne as clearly as if there were alliances. The Throne of Curse has endless curse ability. The weakness is that the body is too strong for defensive and restorative abilities. In its place, there are many ways to protect the body.

The throne of the eleventh throne is the "human eye", whose appearance is a fragile human girl. Its temperament is slightly weak compared with other cruel or overbearing or decisive thrones. The Throne of the Eyes of the Eye did not have a remarkable record in her life, but because she repeatedly sent troops to attack the human base and successfully terminated one, Wu Qi investigated that she was good at mental powers and summoning manipulation.

The tenth throne is "closed" and still looks the same. At the time, Frege traded Dawson and Highham for Nighal to survive, and Wu Qi agreed. After that, Wu Qi did not break up with Niegal, who resembled the sea. Instead, he found an opportunity to fight two times.

The pure power of the slaying ancient dragon's body was a little above the strongest state of the mask of ancestors, and the defense was not strong enough to prevent his offensive. Although the "blocking" ability is powerful, the "serum" of his ability to regenerate can still compete with it. He was deliberately hit by the "Block" twice and the "Serum" adapted to the "Block" ability. Now it only takes 20 seconds to remove the energy seal. In addition, the long sword is not real life, and its ability to "kill" is invalid.

He knows the power of the tenth throne, Wu Qizhi, who is also the one he is least afraid of.

The position of the ninth throne has always been good at restoring the throne. The former ninth throne "Life" died in the war against Noah base. The current ninth throne is "black mother", gender is unknown, race is unknown, investigation In the information obtained, the Black Mother Throne has an extraordinary ability similar to "Demon Arms" and seems to be able to create a monster with a strange appearance and terrible fertility, so it is called the Black Mother. The battles with intelligence were the brutal killing of the opponent by the throne of the black mother, without a word.

The throne of the eighth is "defensive" defensive ability, and it also serves as the war defense of the Apocalypse. A thousands of miles of iron and steel city were built on his throne territory, which is invincible. The eighth throne is rumored to be introverted and quiet, and he likes to stay in the door and make no friends. Therefore, Wu Qi can only have a handful of information. Except for the throne assembly, the countless throne can never be seen. The little giant was tightly wrapped in armor and wearing a mask.

Arthur, the former throne of the seventh throne, was the first throne that Wu Qiping saw in his life, and his next thunder, Thunder Sword, was Arthur's first envoy. His female voice is a man, inheriting Arthur's bright and open fighting style. He is good at strengthening the body and strengthening his body with the power of the thunder. Wu Qi knew Rade very well because when he first entered the throne seat of thirteen, Rad was the first to stand up and express his indignation and challenge Wu Qi.

In a year and a half, Wu Qi and Ryder played more times than Negar, so Wu Qi also knew Ryder very well. Their fighting styles are quite similar. They are good at breaking through clever tricks but not sticking to dexterity. After playing many times, they become half friends. Wu Qi discovered that Reid acted directly and undisguised character hiding a stubborn "child". Reid didn't fight all to achieve his goal, and started fighting for fun when he fought too much. He does not like hard work, but he is enough to serve as the throne, and his growth is evident.

He is the sixth throne "Earth" and the fifth throne "Sky". They are a pair of brothers and sisters. The prestige of the two is widely spread, one is all natural control abilities that control the sky, one is all natural control abilities that master the earth, and they have not deliberately concealed their abilities, showing immense confidence and arrogance.

At the fourth throne, Wu Qi couldn't forget the death of the former fourth throne Frege, which shocked the whole Abyss. Not only because Frege is one of the few thrones in the throne, but also because the ability of the Void Channel is extremely useful. Without it, the abyss of the apocalypse would not have the special ability to travel thousands of miles.

Many thrones have sent people to investigate Frege's death. In addition, Negar is still alive. She is a living person who can tell information. So in the end, although there was no evidence that Wu Qi, the Cursed Throne, and Kazan were the three, the sighted people knew that Frege must be killed by Kazan.

But what surprised Wu Qi, Kazan, and the Cursed Throne was the attitude of the Throne. The throne did not thoroughly investigate the real murderer who killed Frege, nor did he exert the ability to find Kazan who should have exiled the abyss of the Apocalypse and expelled it strictly. He did not curse the throne, and did not prevent Wu Qi from taking the throne.

There is a bold suspicion on the cursed throne. He thinks that the throne may know everything, knowing that Frege first murdered Kazan and him, but was killed because of his incompetence; knowing that Frege is too proud of his ability ~ ~ I think that I am too special, and I have also developed the idea of ​​the imperial concubine. All in all, the Throne held such an attitude towards Frege's death.

The conjecture of cursing the throne is reasonable, but it is only reasonable. Now that Wu Qi is firmly seated on the throne, he doesn't need to think about Frege who will always stay in the past.

Today, the fourth throne has been replaced by a humanoid zerg that uses zerg and plants as its main means. Its ability is not difficult to investigate, but its upper limit is unknown.

Wu Qi's investigation


Ps: modify:

The Cursed Throne has a bold conjecture. He thinks that the Throne may know everything, knowing that Frege first murdered Kazan and him, but was killed because of his incompetence; knowing that Frege was too proud of his ability, he considered himself Too special, but also gave birth to the idea of ​​Emperor Yang Feng Feng. All in all, the Throne held such an attitude towards Frege's death.

The conjecture of cursing the throne is reasonable, but it is only reasonable. Now that Wu Qi is firmly seated on the throne, he doesn't need to think about Frege who will always stay in the past.

Today, the fourth throne has been replaced by a humanoid zerg that uses zerg and plants as its main means. Its ability is not difficult to investigate, but its upper limit is unknown.

Wu Qi's investigation

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