Black Ride

Chapter 895: Explain

After explaining to Highham, Wu Qi thought for a moment and planned to go to Harvey's hunting team base before leaving.

Wu Qi, the base of the hunting team, has not been there for a long time, just as Kazan has hardly visited the base of the hunting team, all summoning the captain of the hunting team in the pale palace.

A crowd of houses soon appeared at the end of Silver Sand's horizon. The sky was dark and countless torches had been set in the hunting team's base camp. Just when the hunting team returned to the base camp after patrolling, they looked up from the sky along the gate of the hunting team base camp, and saw a team of hunters walking quickly on the way back.

There was no Harvey's breath in the base camp, and no one looked up at the sky and saw Wu Qi hiding the breath.

Wu Qi lifted ancestralization in heaven. Countless black blade-like scales shrank like waves back to Wu Qi's skin, and the ancestral mask also disappeared. His white and purple pupils gradually faded, slowly turning back into obsidian human pupils.

In order to sit firmly on the throne and minimize the sharp guns and arrows aimed at himself, Wu Qi must maintain the breath of the third-order peak of life at all times. Except for sleep, he maintained the strongest state of ancestralization. He wore the ancestral mask permanently, and even a pair of beautiful and deep human eyes like obsidian were discarded. The eyes were always white and purple pupils. After so long, the appearance of Bai Zi's vertical pupil turned into the normal state of the eyes, so that no one would be sure that he was still human.

After a time of hellish consumption and suffering from backwash, Wu Qi has become accustomed to the normal return to ancestry. And the silver desert creatures would be frightened and respected to the extreme as long as they saw the figure of a black scale armor far away, and saw the fierce white and purple eyes exposed through the slit of the mask.

Wu Qi's trip was mainly to see Master Solu, so he deliberately lifted back to ancestralization and changed back to the human with the dark red skin.

At a time when he was just a newcomer hunter, Master Solu was very willing and willing to take him as an apprentice, and taught him the skills of precise manipulation of energy and energy creation. Regardless of the abyss of the Apocalypse and the human camp, the race is different, Master Solu will always be his master Wu Qi.

There is also a hunting team who teaches him to master vanishing arrows, which is also his half master. Here, it can be said that he is in the rise of the Abyss.

The scales of the returning ancestors filled with cold emotions faded away, and the human emotions, which had been sealed for a long time, emerged little by little like water drops leaking from the faucet.

Maybe in the end, the Abyss of Apocalypse will still be his enemy of Wu Qi, but at least for now he will not regard these non-human but humane hunting teams, and those who obey him as "enemy".

Under the cover of the night, Wu Qi, who turned back into a human appearance, landed in the hunting team base camp. No one was aware of him, and he went straight across the fire-lit area to the brightly lit workshop.

Wu Qi walked into the workshop, and the tone of the workshop was still black iron and reddish heat. The huge smelting furnace erupted red-yellow flame tongues. Two years ago, the apprentice craftsman was still moving materials, inspecting the pulleys of the machinery, and finishing the day's work.

The old man with a beard and white flowers was still sitting in front of the forging table, and immersed himself in making a new batch of armor.

Wu Qi quietly waited for Solu to end, he stood by the door, no one felt him, no one saw him.

Ten minutes later, the noise from the gate of the base camp grew louder. Solu finally lowered his forged armor and raised his head.

Solu looked up and met Wu Qi's deep eyes.

Wu Qi smiled slightly, and Solu saw it. In the background of the scattered sound of the collision of gold and iron appliances, Solu did not break this rare "quiet", and he smiled slightly.

After wearing Wu Hui's mask, no one can see his smile.

"Master, disciple is back, please have a drink," Wu Qiping said flatly.

Solu laughed: "Wait a long time."

The two walked around the restaurant and sat in their usual positions. Wu Qi, like an ordinary hunter, ate the same things, drank the same wine, and chatted with Solu about the anecdotes of the apocalyptic abyss.

It was as if Wu Qi had not become the throne.

Finally Saul was drunk, talking nonsense and blowing up the cow.

"Wu Qi, two years, do you know that your legend is spreading throughout the desert of silver sands and even farther away? Hero Wu Qi, once an elite hunter of the hunting team, was the close of the famous craftsman Solu Disciple. He killed the Lark of the Lark in the war of aggression of Lark, and when the pale palace was in crisis, he accompanied all the adults to confront the tenth throne, Negar, and the fourth throne, Frey. In the end, the two thrones were severely defeated! Although the former throne Kazan was exiled after being defeated, the people of the silver sand desert immediately ushered in a new throne that they can trust and rely on and can loyal. You know this Where is the point in the legend of Duan Heroes? "Solu looked slightly red and authentic.

Wu Qi also saluted Solu ’s cup: "This hero Wu Qi is a close disciple of the famous craftsman Solu."

Solu was happy to slap his legs and laughed, "Yes, yes, yes, my apprentice can speak! My close disciple of the famous craftsman Solu is the throne of thirteen. You also need to have face! When your master was gathering with old friends in the past, the eyes of every old guy who saw your master were absolutely utterly unrefined. "

"Famous teachers should have been passed on from generation to generation," Wu Qi laughed.

Solu laughed and shook his head a few times. He shook his head not to disagree with Wu Qi, but to be too happy.

"Your master and me, good luck."

Some words Solu didn't say ~ ~ Drunk did not say, but those words were engraved in his heart, the words were extremely sharp.

Wu Qi treats him as a master. After the famous apocalypse apocalypse, his master also followed. The most important thing is that after he became famous, Wu Qi was still willing to take off his high-handed cold armor and get close to him as a drinker, saying a lot of touted words that made Master happy.

Status is different now. Such an apprentice, he will be treated as a heart for life.

"By the way, I don't know one thing yet," Wu Qi said softly.

"What's the matter, Master! Tell me everything!" Solu's tone was high.

"Master, what is your dream?"

Solu had long been drunk, but when he heard the question, his drunken eyes flashed a flash of light.

"Dream ... you have helped me realize my dream of receiving a good disciple. If there is still, it is the highest pursuit of a craftsman division-forging a mysterious soldier!"

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