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"Forge a mysterious soldier?" Wu Qi was a little surprised.

Wu Qi knew that his master, Solu, had the highest level of skill and fame in the artisan world. Soru forged several famous armor blades for the upper Lark during the Lark Forest. One of the shining armors is now worn on the body of Lark's "Sixth Axel", and even if the armor is broken and repaired several times, it can still firmly block the full life of the seat.

When forging this shining armor, Solu was much younger than today, and his skill was much worse than the current height. In the past, when skills and experience were not good, Solu could forge "the best armor of the ambassador level". Now, if he has the thirteen throne to provide material resources, would it be possible to forge the "throne level" Armor. "

The so-called "throne-level armor" in the world is very scarce, because the strength of the materials produced by the abyss has a limit, and the energy level is as strong as the throne. Attacks, battles of abilities are the key to determining victory or defeat, and the rigidity of the armor has long been unimportant.

The "throne-level armor" that Wu Qi could think of in an instant was only the pair of star warfare on Frege, the throne of the void. According to investigations, the Star Warframe is not produced by a certain craftsman, it seems that Frege made it himself. As for hardness, Wu Qi has never encountered an armor that cannot be split by a long knife.

If the appearance of this inorganic substance symbiosis with the power virus is the armor of the blade, isn't it "Xuanbing"?

Wu Qi was a little interested: "Master, what do you think of forging a mysterious soldier?"

"First of all, I need to choose what my Xuanbing's power is, and then I collect and select the materials that are most suitable for boarding this power virus, and I go all out to build it. The most important thing is to forge the power that I want. A capable soldier! "Sulu said in a high mood.

A mysterious soldier with the power he wants. This kind of assumption is afraid that the throne will be heartily heard, and Wu Qi is no exception.

Mysterious soldiers are rare. One is that the awakening of third-order abilities needs to absorb a large number of third-order abilities, which is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. The second is that if the "fourth-order nutrients" of qualitative change are not absorbed, and the accumulation of third-order power viruses alone, the awakened powers will be random.

Random also means that there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of the power's potential. In general, the probability of waking up a power with a low potential is far greater than the probability of waking up a high-power. These two harsh conditions caused even the throne to take care of them to get the best soldiers in hand. Many thrones even gave up the best soldiers. Among the rewards given to the throne by the throne, powerful ones were also on the list. Forefront.

"Master, in terms of materials, I will use the resources of the throne to find it for you. Although I don't understand the specific process, you can let it go. Your dreams, I will help you." Wu Qi sincerely said.

"Really?" Soru had a light in his eyes. "Thank you so much for trusting Master. I haven't told you the specific construction process I envisioned."

Wu Qi patted Solu ’s wrist and said from his heart, "Just tell the disciples the material. Your dream is very high. For the pursuit, you will not lose money as many times as you want."

"Okay!" Solu drank a glass of hard liquor into the belly again. "Your master has no shortage of contacts in collecting materials. Other materials are enough in the past. There is only one place and people I have never touched. I am afraid that only the material you or the ambassador can help. "


"North of the Abyss Abyss, Heiyuanhai."

Solu was clear and authentic. Wu Qi couldn't help hearing some surprises.

Speaking of "Heiyuanhai" again, this is a bit of a coincidence.

Sulu continued: "There is a legend in the Heiyuan Sea. Legend has it that in the endless deep sea, which is full of black sticky black mud, there is a secret black giant boat. It can dive freely underground, sneak on or catch prey. Start hunting, no terrain can stop it from going forward. The black giant boat is not living life, but touching it to the living creature is either crushed by the sharp and hard hull or swept by the black vortex to devour it. "

"I tell you the legend of this black giant boat, I just want to find and build the same materials as this black giant boat. This guy is not a living creature but has abilities. It sounds like a huge army of soldiers, doesn't he?"

Solu frowned, but Wu Qi froze.

The black giant boat, capable of diving and floating, catching prey and hunting, ignoring the terrain, is not a living creature, the hull is hard, and it can devour souls. It is the "throne boat" that gathers all the points described here!

The previous owner of the Throne Boat was a tyrant. After the tyrant was killed by him, the Lordless Throne Boat silently opened in the direction of the Abyss of Apocalypse, as if to "go home." As a result, after a series of reversals, the Throne Boat was eventually captured by their black riders, and now they are recognized by Chris.

"If the boat of the throne really came from Heiyuanhai, then when he returned, he really wanted to go back, actually Heiyuanhai ..." Wu Qi silently said.

He couldn't tell Sulu these things, in the whole abyss of the Apocalypse, it is best that only he knows the whereabouts and whereabouts of the Throne Boat ~ ~ so the best.

After thinking about it, Wu Qi faced Sauru seriously and said, "Master, I will get back the black mud that is legendary to form the black giant boat for you. Do your other work and wait for my good news."


After sending Solu to leave the restaurant, Wu Qi stood on the open ground of the hunting team base camp, which was flaming with fire. He looked up at the dark blue sky arc across the sky with a fist.

"In the history of the Heiyuan throne's rebellion, he stole the treasures that were not found by the throne, and the whole truth about the throne boat ... There are really many problems to be solved in this line. "

Wu Qi looked at Tian Arc with a chuckle, then turned and walked towards the direction of the base camp gate. When he turned around, the dark and beautiful scales sprang up on his body like bamboo shoots, forming a complete scale armor, and transformed into a mask to return to his ancestors that blocked his true face.

Obsidian-like beautiful human eyes disappeared at the end of the night again, and the white and purple vertical pupils replaced it, lit in the thick night.

"Master Throne, your subordinates are rude, I don't know when your subordinates are here."

Harvey's voice came from behind, Wu Qi half-turned his glance, and saw that Harvey, who was now a corpse, bowed his head and bowed salute, respectfully facing his back.

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