Black Ride

Chapter 898: On the inner ring

Heiyuanhai arrived.

Hiram disperses energy perception and confirms that there are no living creatures in the surrounding area, so he opens the channel between the black gas space and the outside world. Wu Qi and Kazan went to the outside world to see the scene of Heiyuanhai.

The bluish white arc of the sky shines straight down from the sky, and the sky is a constant dark gray, while Wu Qi and Kazan are in front of the vast black mud plains covered with pure black mud.

Black is the main tone of Heiyuanhai, and it is also a natural color with hiding ability. Wu Qi spreads the perception network to sense every move in the surrounding environment, and mobilizes mental energy to form a layer of energy film covering the whole body. This mental energy film uses the same principle as the "disappearing archery", and uses the energy of the energy to crush and envelop the perception of other creatures. In this way, with the exception of Hiram and Kazan who are traveling together, those with a lower spiritual energy in the sea will treat him as a mass of air. As long as he does not actively disturb others' actions, no one will find him.

Kazan's concealment method is simpler and more crude. He directly performed the "refraction", but concealed his physical shape.

The three men who were ready really stepped into the realm of Heiyuanhai at this moment. As previously investigated by Wu Qi and others, the black mud plain is not monotonous, and when you look at it horizontally, you can see many vigorous black trees at the bottom deep into the black mud.

These vigorous black trees dotted the somewhat desolate Heiyuan Sea, which is similar to Wu Qi's memory and the blood-sucking tree. Their trunks and branches are like the black matter that wildly plagues, with irregular and sharp sharp edges. Clearly, it gives other lives a signal that "80% of them will be in danger if they approach."

It is a law in biological evolution to give a certain signal to other life in nature through its appearance. In this regard, the blood-sucking tree evolved to have no leaves throughout its body, a signal that disguised itself as a decaying old wood, while the vigorous black tree “abandoned” this “leafless” evolution of this part of the blood-sucking tree, using lush The blade's scaly black hard leaves and spear-like branches successfully signaled a sinister and weird danger.

If the target is a plant plague that hunts by plant instinct, Wu Qi ’s mental energy shield will also be invalid. But he didn't care about these unknown dangers. After all, at his level, ordinary third-order plague species were no different from ants and weeds in front of him.

Wu Qi went straight up, pressing the bark of the vigorous black tree with his palm to display "the revelation of the gods of the wilderness". For a moment, all the branches of the vigorous black tree came alive and Wu Qi stabbed to the bottom, and Wu Qi ducked away lightly. After retreating 10 meters away, the vigorous black tree lost its attack target, and the branches slowly returned. Original location.

It takes only a moment's revelation from the gods of the wilderness to discover the "essential" of the black Cangshu. The black Cangshu looks very dangerous. In fact, it belongs to the plant plague species of "people don't offend me and no offender" and "relatively peaceful personality". The dark green tree does not actively attack the living creature, nor does it kill the living creature to digest it. Only when the living creature pounces on it to eat its rhizomes or branches, it will move to harm the living creature. At the same time, the leaves of the blade of the black cypress tree contain highly toxic substances to prevent other creatures from using it as food.

"It is much milder than the blood-drawing tree." Wu Qi made this comment in his heart.

"Wu Qi, what are you doing?" Kazan asked Wu Qi a series of unknown actions.

"Nothing, if you don't have some proposals for going straight to the place, I might probe every creature in Heiyuanhai." Wu Qi said lightly.

Kazan said: "Hum, how do you think that the clues or traces of things that would not have been stolen from the Throne of Heiyuan remain in a tree on the border? If the whole area of ​​Heiyuanhai encounters a carpet-like investigation, the border will be the first one to suffer. local."

Wu Qi did not refute: "What you said is reasonable."

Kazan spoke sharply: "As for the proposal you said, of course I have it. Follow me and I will tell you in detail on the way."

After that, the three of Wu Qi were led by Kazan to fly over the vast black source sea.

"The Heiyuan Sea is divided into three layers and three geology from the outside to the inside. The difference is the form of black mud. The outer circle is the kind of geology we just stepped on. The black mud forms a hard block, which is bred like the earth soil The creatures that inhabit it. The black mud in the middle circle is both soft and hard. It is really impossible to determine by empty space perception; once you step on the black mud, it will sink into and be devoured, and it is born under the black mud. The danger of creatures is ten times more than that of the creatures on the solid ground. And all the black mud we see in the inner circle is empty. Entering the inner circle means that we cannot land and can only fly in the sky. The inner circle Hidden underneath are all creatures of at least third-order hegemony. They have survived for a long time and evolved the ability to communicate with the environment. They can freely control the movement of black mud, solidify or soften, and they will retract after a long battle. The black mud absorbs life energy to regenerate wounds and restore energy ~ ~ Not only can we not land on the inner circle, but also staying in the sky will become a living target for these 'hunters in the sea.' "

Wu Qi heard Kazan whispering. The first half of Kazan said Wu Qi knew before that the information in the second half was new to him.

"What about the ambassadors of Heiyuanhai? Did you kill a lot with Highham last time?"

Kazan glanced at Haylem and thought: "Heiyuan Sea's seat each has a sub-area. Last time, Hyrum and I had opened up all sub-areas. I'm in charge of the submarine. Lum is responsible for soul hunting and clearing short-term memories. Those who are actually top-notch evolved from the survival of the fittest among the third-order overlords in the inner circle of Heiyuan's inner circle. If it weren't for the throne to be too difficult for them, their strength would have been pretty good. "

Wu Qi thoughtfully after listening to Kazan's introduction. In his opinion, the inner circle of the Heiyuan Sea is actually a sea-like ecological environment. Softened black mud is equivalent to "sea water", and these "sea creatures" can each control the "water flow" with their own abilities.

The biggest difference between the ecology of the sea and the ecology of the forest is that it is more difficult for the weak to escape the devour of the strong. There are holes in the trees in the forest, there are countless places to hide, and there are no environmental obstacles and shelters between the creatures in the sea. Faster and stronger lives are eligible to wantonly devour the weak.

The large-scale plague species that have evolved and grown up in this fierce environment are certainly not bad. The number of third-order hegemons is large, and it is completely normal for individuals to be more difficult to deal with than land. Because the weaker Bacheng was rushed to the middle circle of Heiyuanhai.

"I have one more thing to know. Have you been to the Palace of the Black Mother Throne?"

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