Black Ride

Chapter 117: The winner is really

Wu Qi is pressing for the teeth and forcibly suppressing the pain of the wound to deprive him of his mobility. He condensed the last point of strength, raised his arms and long knife, and slammed through Li Jiang’s neck.

The power of the ecstasy virus that lost the pioneer's control was greatly reduced, and the exoskeleton protecting the neck of Li Jiang was destroyed by Wu Qi's knife. With a bang, Li Jiang’s head fell into a pool of blood, and after two turns, he stopped.

The eyes that were lost were soaked and soaked in blood, and they could not be noticed.

Wu Qi suddenly spewed a deep red blood, and a small piece of blood fell into the big blood pool, and immediately disappeared. Wu Qi’s knees trembled and almost collapsed in a pool of blood. He turned the knife edge, and the blade slammed into the ground, trying to support the body without falling.

However, Wu Qi discovered that he also overstretched the strength of the arm. Although the muscles of the arm recovered to the original size, the strength was less than one tenth of the normal state, and weakly supported Wu Qi's weight.

Wu Qizhen was in a pool of blood, his left hand pressed the wound that was bleeding in the abdomen. He arched his back and screamed at every muscle on his body. Wu Qi's back is cold, but his forehead is very hot. This symptom of a similar disease occurred within just a dozen seconds of the end of the battle.

Wu Qi’s right hand was pressed in a pool of blood, trying to keep himself from falling completely, letting Li Jiang’s blood flow over his own palm. This is the result of his body being stabbed by Li Jiang's bone gun.

The surface of the bone gun has a considerable amount of psionic viruses. These kinetic viruses are not like the viruses in the environment. They have already merged with the pioneers to form a unique virus ecology and heterogeneous capacity. They invade the body and the plague species. The destructive power of the peculiar virus invading the body is no different. Second-order viruses can erode 20% of viral antibodies in ordinary humans in just ten seconds.

After the body becomes a battlefield for viruses and antibodies, the host's body will be extremely weak and fall into a state of weakness.

Viral antibodies in pure humans are highly toxic to the pioneers, whereas viruses in the pioneers are also highly toxic to pure humans.

If the virus erodes the body, it will take a minute for Wu Qi to lose his last strength. It will fall into the blood pool belonging to Li Jiang and be completely contaminated by the blood filled with the virus. At that time, even if there are one hundred cell active agents, it will be back to the sky. .

In the usual time, Wu Qi's spiritual will can fully support the body beyond the limits of the limit, and take a small step to turn the tide, but now he has taken the limit of two steps, no longer have the strength to take the third step.

The things in front of me began to blur, and the time when the giant image was destroyed did not make Wu Qi’s consciousness and reality detached. Wu Qi bit his finger and bit the palm of his hand, trying to make himself more awake.

"If my sister, I am going down the mountain to find you, to the north is to find you, to join the mercenary group is to find you. How can I put the cart before the horse, and I have not seen your back in this place." I read it in my heart. Dramatic emotional fluctuations are rare in calm, waveless black eyes.

But his physical strength is about to be warned.

Roar! ——

Wu Qi’s ear suddenly heard the familiar screams, and the screams echoed between the towering residential buildings. The voice was irrational, heavy and violent, and it was the cry of the beast.

This is similar to the sound of living corpses, but it is more horrible than ordinary living corpses.

Wu Qi slowly turned his head. In his blurred view, he could see the dark gray buildings on both sides, the yellow-green lawn, one or two straight trees, and many blue shadows that were mixed together.

Surrounded by Wu Qi is the blue leather living body, and not only one. In the center of the twelve blue-skinned corpses stood a giant mutant living body with extra strength. The body of this living corpse is comparable to Wantai. The arms and shoulders are rock-like bulging muscles. The fingers of both hands are thick and strong, and the tiger's mouth is huge, like the iron tongs of the giant crab.

The giant living corpse is as tall as 195 cm and has no face. The split many acid long tongues hang on its face, symbolizing that the intensely acidic green long tongue is like a cactus, and the volume is so large that it can't be stuffed in the mouth.

Wu Qi vaguely felt that the appearance of this living corpse was familiar. His vision on the high side is now blurred, and ordinary people like a high myopia have taken off their glasses. The high fever on the forehead made Wu Qi want to give up thinking, no matter what would happen.

However, Wu Qi still grabbed the handle of the long knife. This is his instinct. If the sister gave him the instinct to be engraved in the depths of the bone marrow. As long as Wu Qi’s body still has a drop of his own blood, the blood will squeeze out the desire to survive. Hope!

Wu Qi suddenly stood up. He didn't know if his legs could be lifted and swayed, and he didn't know if his waist could make a high-precision movement. As long as you have a three-foot knife in your hand, that's enough.

Li Jiang seems to be surprised at why his muscle strength suddenly soared. In fact, Wu Qi himself was not surprised.

Since the time of writing, Wu Qi is a flesh-and-blood body with no abilities. His muscle strength and precise coordination are all exercised by him. His body does not seem to be pure human, with an enhanced ceiling.

Wu Qi only knows that he has not injected any genetic enhancement agents, and turned his soft and weak body into a body that can be measured by the secondary, tertiary, and fourth-level genetic strengthening ability. Whenever there is a danger, there is a sense of current passing through the body; whenever it crosses the limit, there is a thunder in the body.

He has crossed the limit of two steps, then cross the third step, why not!

Wu Qi clenched his long knife and faced the twelve blue-skinned corpses led by giant living bodies. The giant living corpse is the variant evolution of Wu Qi and Zhang Bai in the first floor of the residential building. However, it has the second-order "high-speed regeneration" ability, which is restored and mutated more strongly. Wu Qi did not recognize this giant living body, but this living body recognized the smell of Wu Qi.

The giant living corpse Zhang Daben couldn't close the **** mouth, and the split tongue cluster that grew from the depths of the abyss giant mouth shook and secreted a thick green acidic liquid, and pulled out a disgusting drool. It tears the vocal cords and screams like a beast, and then carries a huge force like a chariot to the weapon.

Wu Qi put the three-foot long knife in the front position, ready to use the impact of the giant living body to knock himself out of the spread of Li Jiang's blood pool. Breaking a few ribs is a trivial matter for the wound to contaminate more abilities.

At the beginning of the millennium, the giant living corpse has rushed into the six-foot range of Wu Qi. Wu Qi has a long knife and is ready to meet the truck-like collision.

boom! The deafening gunshots and the sharp bullets suddenly sounded, and Wu Qi did not react. The head of the giant living corpse in front of him exploded into a scarlet fireworks at a close distance.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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