Black Ride

Chapter 930: Not under calculated aid

Wu Qi deliberately took the route when the serpent escaped, and lit the fire of spiritual energy, all to pave the way for this gamble. He doesn't like to walk the tightrope, but if he doesn't take all of himself, he is sneakily attacked by the serpent or lets the serpent leave to digest Kazan, he will have to die.

Dare to gamble at this moment, but also forced out of despair.

Wu Qiwang's single pupil and half-rotten head scattered to the serpent knew that he had won. But he still needs to be alert. He must wait until the vital signs of the serpent have completely disappeared, and Kazan is truly safe before he can relax.

The snake's lower jaw lost the strong support of the bones and came loose, and the energy ball membrane covering Kazan slowly slipped out of the snake's mouth.

Wu Qi brought twelve points of vigilance closer, he dragged Kazan out of the energy ball membrane, and backed away.

"I can't die"

"If I disappear, who will protect the sleeping mother"

The serpent's drowsy consciousness suddenly awakened as it approached the boundary of Hades in the Underworld. It remembered the greatest motivation to support it so far in evolutionary struggles, and exhausted its pre-death illusions with all its power. Wu Qi looked up.

It never ejected its poisonous blood as fast and violently as it did in this life. The purple poisonous blood enveloped Wu Qi like a short distance. Wu Qi also used the highest alertness and reaction speed to support the bubble shield that can carry the fourth-order energy torrent in a short time.

The duel between speed and speed implies that the enlightened party is better.

Wu Qi's bubble shield has condensed, and the bubble shield has blocked almost all the poisonous blood, except that a drop of purple blood leaked to the shoulder and was quickly absorbed by the force of reversion.

Wu Qi immediately mobilized the "serum" to suppress the poisonous blood, but late, he did not know that he was unable to return to heaven.

The serpent's immovable jaw seemed to be raised a bit, it activated the blood of time before the consciousness fell back into the abyss of coma, and restarted the entire time temple.

The purple light that dominates everything shrinks and releases at a super-light speed, and everything in the Temple of Time is restarted again. All the fish in Coral Mountain died out of reincarnation and were brought into the vortex rock area by the current to just plug the sea eye. And the Wanyu school from all directions returned to its original place, Wu Qi, Kazan, Heilham, all restored.

The serpent woke up from the deep and dark sea for the third time, this is the world of the fourth tour.

The dying injuries recovered, and Wu Qi and his party gathered more information.

But the world of the fourth tour has also changed. The death of the Coral Mountain Fish School may make Wu Qi, who has a terrible mind and guts, discover something.

There is also a problem that is not fatal for the time being but like chronic toxins, and that is the consumption of time blood.

Although the blood of time has been integrated with its blood, it is not something that belongs to it after all. Each time it restarts the time temple, the blood of time will consume a trace, and it will naturally consume less and less after continuous use. And only with a long rest and eating, the total blood of time will slowly increase.

The restart of the Temple of Time is not unlimited. It must seize limited opportunities to completely solve these three invaders.

The advantage of intelligence is still on its side. Compared with Wu Qi and Kazan who unsealed the seal, Kazan who still unsealed the seal has a higher priority to strangle in the cradle.

"It turns out this is the fourth time"

Wu Qi murmured subconsciously. He didn't know why at the end of the fourth tour, he could see everything happening in the world of the first three tours at the end of the fourth tour, perhaps because the blood of time was in his body.

But it hasn't changed. Even if you know the truth, what's the use? At the beginning of the fifth tour, all the information you got, including everything that happened in the first four tours, will disappear.

They were too small in front of the Temple of Time.

Wu Qi clenched his fists as hard as possible, and immediately the Temple of Time restarted, and they were sent back to the starting place by Ziguang again.

Fifth tour, now.

Wu Qi, Kazan, and Highham walked out of the body of the Dragon King Whale. Wu Qi glanced down to see the light of the glowing corals turning the sea water into a blue, watching strange places and strange scenes, and suddenly gave up an unreal feeling out of nothing.

There is a pain in the deep part of the brain. Wu Qi's progress stopped and he pressed his fingers firmly on his temples.

Hailem turned to see the strangeness of Wu Qi, and immediately sent a voice and asked, "Master Wu Qi, are you uncomfortable about the environment here?"

Wu Qijiu closed his eyes for a while and then opened them slowly, his eyes filled with bloodshot blood. He spoke, his voice clear and exhausted with distant time.

"It's nothing."

Tired for no reason, Wu Qi can only attribute this to differences in the environment and changes in the magnetic field. He dived down to the coral colony, glanced at the shrinking sea creatures, and showed the revelation of the wild gods like muscle memory.

Thorn cover, grouper, poisonous pupa, leaf hippocampus

"Wait, I didn't touch them, why are their names and information transmitted directly from the other side of the road?"

At this time, Wu Qi started the revelation of the wilderness gods. In the surrounding area, all the sea creatures exposed to Wu Qi ’s energy perception range had their names and information transmitted to Wu Qi ’s brain. Even the abilities and weaknesses of abilities are included.

Wu Qi was a little surprised. The revelation of the wild gods has always weakened the biological effect of unfamiliar environment exploration. Only in a fairly familiar environment can one see through a creature's information and its abilities at a glance. Once upon a time, he needed to touch every creature of the Abyss Abyss, and for more than a year after he became the throne of the thirteenth, he could see through some of the creatures of the Abyss Abyss at a glance ~ ~, even though the earth Connected to the genes of living things, the sea will also isolate this insidious connection. Every creature of the Heiyuanhai needs his zero-distance contact to find out its information. The ecological structure of the Heiyuanhai was also explored step by step by hunting. As a result, he reached the deeper level of Longyuan and the inspiration of the wild gods could be achieved. See through

The sea is interlinked, and the creatures of the Heiyuan Sea are, in the final analysis, the original sea creatures. After learning about the high degree of variation, come to explore the low degree of variation, and it is not impossible to explain at first glance.

Wu Qi pressed his lips lightly. His intuition will never ask a meaningless question and then a meaningless answer. Combined with the sudden fatigue and headache, and the unrealistic sense of Long Yuan's situation, there must be a problem hidden in it.

"Hey, Wu Qi, I found this in the corner of the coral."

Kazan's voice sounded aside, Wu Qi turned his head, Kazan just threw a fragment of a shell.

Wu Qi pinched the shell fragments with his fingers. He glanced and saw the broken shell engraved with a line of words.

Time goes on

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