Black Ride

Chapter 938: Beyond

Toxic rays kill the array. This is Wu Qi's final killing trick sent by the serpent. What's even more amazing is that Wu Qi provided it with inspiration.

Wu Qi created a large area of ​​bubble ocean to indirectly determine the position of its "temporal and retrospective" teleportation. It created transparent spherical energy reflectors, which in turn used the bubble ocean to hide these energy reflector bubbles.

Calculate the angle of multiple reflections of poisonous rays, bury the foreshadowing of the final strike, and even escape the "foreseeing" perfectly in the process of arranging killing moves. The son of Yemengadh does not rely on the fourth-order energy intensity to crush, and does not rely on the fourth-order ability of "backtracking in time and space", which is equivalent to placing himself on the same level as Wu Qi, and ending this with wisdom for hours battle.

Because the son of Yemengadh acknowledged Wu Qi ’s ability to never be attacked because of the overwhelming inferiority of intelligence, acknowledged Wu Qi ’s intelligence of analyzing the “temple of time” intelligence in multiple tours, and acknowledged Wu Qi Repeatedly seeing the insights of "back in time and space", so it will say that sentence when Wu Qi is killed.

Wu Qi, I will use this trick-beyond you!

In just one second, Wu Qi was cut by poisonous rays in the front, back, left, right, up and down directions. The number of reflected rays that formed the poisonous rays killing array soared to an astonishing 28, and Wu Qi was "closed" in no way. In the very small secure space in the middle of the battlefield.

It's over, as long as the snake gently shakes its head or the poison ray kills the array and there is an increase in the number, he is finished.

And the fact is the same as the worst case. The poisonous ray killing array eventually added 30 rays, and the direction of the final rays was aligned with Wu Qi's heart.

No matter how desperate Wu Qi fell into, he could not show the devil-like eyes of fear. At this moment, it was finally difficult to hide despair and fear. The serpent had a happy heart, as if he had foreseen his ultimate victory.

This time it was no longer that it passively injected the blood of time into Wu Qi's body, but took the initiative to do so. Even if Wu Qi has the ability to resist the "Temple of Time", it will inevitably and likely become Kazan, abandoned by time, and eventually lost in the consciousness of infinite acceleration.

But just as the serpent was ecstatic, it suddenly saw that Wu Qi's gaze was changed, and his eyes were as firm and firm as ever.

This huge front-to-back contrast is only a quarter of a second. It's almost like Wu Qi deliberately exposed the eyes he wanted to see according to its script, and played it thoroughly.

But how is it possible to turn around with your eyes?

Just before the final blow of the poisonous ray killing array was about to fly to Wu Qi's chest, the energy reflector reflecting the poisonous ray suddenly shifted an angle; the difference was absolutely thousands of miles away, which could have penetrated the poison of Wu Qi's heart The rays just rubbed Wu Qi's armpit.

Bubble Ocean is Wu Qi's "gravitational" power-dominated country. As long as he sees through the snake's trick to kill poison rays, he can break the poison rays from the root.

"But I still have a cage surrounded by 30 rays. You can't escape the day of birth!" The giant snake shook his head violently, and the initial launch direction of the poisonous rays changed and moved the whole body. The sorted 30 silver rays are flying in the sky, which is gorgeous.

However, the serpent never expected that all the subsequent changes caused by the change in the direction of the poisonous rays did not follow their own calculations, and the rays strangely gave Wu Qi a straight forward path.

Wu Qi had expected that the rays would be so shifted in general, bursting straight and the time card was not bad. The distance between the two sides evaporated instantly, and Wu Qi was close to the giant snake face door, and the blades scattered to all corners of the bubble ocean returned to the long blade at the same time, forming a complete three-foot blade.

puff. Wu Qi straightly and easily broke through the snake scales and plunged deep into the skull of the giant snake.

The snake felt the pain a little later and realized what was happening. It turned out that Wu Qi not only affected an energy reflector, but secretly found out the position of all energy reflectors, and completely overwhelmed its calculations on the calculation of subsequent changes in the poisonous rays affecting the direction and reflection of the energy reflectors. .

Obviously it is the poisonous rays designed by it. In the end, it gives Wu Qi a "give way" to attack the body. If you ignore the identity of the combatant, the serpent will be amazed by its magic. What's more, it is impossible to understand how Wu Qi could react, investigate and calculate this huge series of workloads in just one second. Is its opponent really personal?

The snake is of course incomprehensible, because Wu Qi was not prepared to backhand from the siege of poisoned rays. He used "foreseeing" to see the future before being hit by poison rays, and began to prepare calculations for counterattacks in advance, including deliberate acting to relax the snake. In the end, success destroyed the possibility of his own move and led the future to his victory.

The party whose true intelligence was suppressed at this moment was actually the son of Yemengad.

The son of Yemengad became hysterical in despair, the torrent of energy and the power of the flesh were all in order to lift Wu Qi from above his head. But Wu Qi would not let go of the best opportunity ever. He used the "gravity" of the throne-level power to fully control the long knife that cut into the skull of the giant snake, and separated the long knife into hundreds of blades. Gravity cuts the bone forward.

His body stepped on the forehead of the serpent like a mountain ~ ~, even if the torrent of torrents of energy leaked to a very close distance. The last trick of the giant snake is to stimulate the muscles at the wound to spray snake blood to contaminate Wu Qi. Wu Qi avoids the feeling of acceleration of the giant snake. He does not hesitate to support a bubble shield to block all the spattered snake blood outside.

There is still a few seconds between the "backtracking of time and space", but the sons of Yemengard can never wait. The blade of the long knife broke through the last layer of the skull of the snake, which has not been able to break through the four patrols. It cut into the snake's brain and quickly cut it, twisting its brain into a pool of paste.

The serpent's frantically struggling serpent body finally stopped. A torrent of energy sprayed from its mouth disintegrated. The purple snake blood at the wound and the surface of the bubble shield released maggots, such as the soul leaving the body.

Brain death is real death. Although the body of the serpent is alive for the time being, it is an empty shell full of fourth-order energy.

The long sword absorbed the energy of the children of Yemengad, and the luster of the blade became more restrained. And Wu Qi himself was also under the intelligence of the revelation of the wild gods, and dare to let go of the power of returning to ancestors to arbitrarily absorb the essence of blood and fourth-order energy of the children of Yemengad.

The power of returning to ancestors that has not progressed for more than a year has been moving again, this time Wu Qi felt that the gene fragment deep in his body seemed to break open some kind of maggot, like a small sapling suddenly growing into a towering tree tree!

Beyond the third-order peak.

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