Black Ride

Chapter 948: Exit

In the Black Mud Palace floating on the sea of ​​Heiyuan, the Black Mother Throne has called all the emissaries and is giving orders to the emissaries.

"Hai Long, during the time I left for the expedition, you will manage Heiyuanhai for me temporarily. You will deploy all the garrison forces in Heiyuanhai. If you find Wu Qi and Kazan appearing in Heiyuanhai, immediately ... ... "

Just halfway through the Black Mother's Throne, the movements on her hand and the words on her mouth were all in one.

It suddenly sensed that a throne-like breath of life appeared below the surface of the Heiyuan Sea, and it was rising rapidly towards the surface of the Heiyuan Sea!

The first one made the Sea Dragon people feel the same as the Black Mother Throne. Its pupils shrank, and its expression changed directly. The other seats lacked perception and had not yet understood what was happening.

"The meeting is suspended!" The black mother throne determined who this sudden breath really was, and immediately threw a command and flew out of the black mud palace. The heavy black mud wall of the black mud palace directly gives way to the black mother throne, opening a road directly to the outside world.

In a blink of an eye, the Black Mother Throne flew under the sky. The wind on the sea is a little sharp. Although the sky is blazing in the daytime, there are a lot of dark clouds scattered in the air, making the scenery on the sea look dull.

The Black Mother Throne flew to mid-air and hovered in place. Two light blue scorpion braids fluttered in the sea breeze, and a pair of beautiful deep eyes stared sharply at the waves below.

A wave of waves flipped over, and a "splash" bloomed on the sea. A silver meteor broke through the sea, rose quickly into the air, and hurried to the south.

"This is the site of this seat. Do you still plan to come and go as you please!"

The throne of the Black Mother thundered, and the anger seemed to be able to control the liquid black mud of the Heiyuan Sea, which caused the five-kilometer Heiyuan Sea surface to set off numerous stormy waves in an instant.

There was a loud bang, and a giant wall-like ocean wave flew up into the air, forming a towering curved barrier on the southward path that the silver meteor must pass. The silver meteor is only the size of a human being, so small in front of the wall of the giant wave, it looks like a small boat that breaks when the waves hit it.

"Throne of the Black Mother, do you want to disobey the embargo imposed by the throne?"

The silver meteor did not break through the wall of the giant wave straight or accelerated from the side. The meteor gradually slowed down and stopped in midair. After the silver light was collected, it turned into a human wearing a black scale armor and holding a crescent silver knife.

It seems that because of Wu Qi's roar, the black mother's throne controlled the wall of the giant waves and did not let the giant waves really slap on Wu Qi. But the heavier black waves did not fall back into the dark sea of ​​dark mud with gravity, but hardened and stopped in mid-air.

Wu Qi and the Black Mother Throne face each other at a distance of more than 100 meters. The white and beautiful face of the Black Mother Throne was frosty, and her eyes seemed to burn with extremely cold fury.

It opened her lips lightly, sneer again and again: "It was the throne of thirteen, Wu Qi."

"Through Heiyuanhai, please give way." Wu Qi said lightly.

"Why, Kazan sneaked into your territory with you, why didn't you stay with you when you left?" The black mother throne didn't listen to Wu Qi's words, and took a step forward in the air, exuding manic energy fluctuations all over .

Wu Qi calmly said: "Kazan has already been exiled, is there any speculation about the Black Mother Throne?"


The face of the Black Mother Throne was gloomy like dripping water. It doesn't want to say any nonsense with Wu Qi, because it only kills Wu Qi now!

Xu Fang had already told it that Wu Qi and Kazan had sneaked into the Heiyuan Sea, combined with the secondary amnesia of his subordinates and the disappearance of Ibofiz, indicating that Wu Qi and Kazan were definitely directed against the secret of the Heiyuan Sea. .

"People are doing heaven and watching, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you! Say, did you kill Ipofiz!"

Wu Qi had no plans to hide the Black Mother Throne. Knowing Kazan, the Black Mother Throne indicates that Xu Fang must have spoken to the Black Mother Throne about what happened in Long Yuan, not all but at least part of it. Obviously, the two thrones are not related.

The Black Mother Throne came with the momentum of Xing Shi's interrogation.

But the black mother thrones this teacher and found the wrong person!

Wu Qi directly said: "Ipofizi, you really dare to say this name. Now you know more than Heiyuan Wangzhou's secrets. I am not as arrogant as you are in trying to conceal the news of the hidden throne of the throne. I am always at any time You can see Emperor Ming everywhere! "


The black mother throne is angry and the whole black source sea seems to be boiling. Its two slender white jade hands are claw-shaped and white and naked. A large amount of black gas appears on the exposed skin and swims wildly, as if to break through the thin The skin turns into a beast.

The throne of the throne of Heiyuan threw up the rebellion, and as a result, the Abyss of the Apocalypse dispatched internal fighting, and most of the thirteen thrones suffered casualties. Although the throne of Heiyuan failed, he successfully hid the sacred dish, and only let this secret be kept by his confidant Ipofis. In order to inherit this top secret and let the heirs of Heiyuanhai take back the sacred dish to avenge the throne of Heiyuan, he would rather “disappear” in this world, and the black mother throne was even more exhausted after obtaining this top secret. I found my life's mission and the fourth-level Kangzhuang Avenue.

However, the Black Mother Throne has not yet found the sacred dish, and has not completed the mission. Once heyuanhai was found that Ipofizi was killed, important secrets may be stolen. This feeling dragged it from the road to heaven to hell, and it vowed long ago that it would frustrate its enemies who would interfere with the future of Heiyuanhai.

Since the ultimate goal after finding the Divine Vessel is to stand up and not to be controlled by the throne in World War I, then both the throne and Wu Qi, who is on the side with the throne, are its enemies.

At this point, the ban on private fighting is no longer important in the eyes of the Black Mother Throne! After all, Heiyuanhai is its place. Even if the throne will find out in the future, Wu Qi would have died long ago-buried with him forever under the secret of Heiyuanhai.

The raging sound of the waves rang in all directions, and the black mud under the Black Mother Throne extended from the Black Source Sea to the Black Mother Throne above, like a dark pyramid standing on the surface of the sea!

Wu Qi frowned slightly. He had a strong hunch that the Black Mother Throne was going to disregard the ban and start killing him here.

The heavy intention of killing condensed into Wu Qi, and the opponent was the ninth throne with unquestionable strength. But instead of producing emotions such as nervousness and worry, Wu Qi licked his lips, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

The ancestral spirit creature screamed in Wu Qi's mind: "Kill"!

"Slow, I have something to say!" Wu Qi snapped.

At this time, the pyramid-shaped black mud has risen to the position of the heel of the Black Mother Throne in the mid-air, and it continues to rise, rising to the point where the feet have not entered.

"Say last words!" The voice of the Black Mother's throne also changed, from the obvious sound of a female voice to chaos, as if it was an unspeakable thing.

Wu Qi's body did not show any intention of killing, nor was he desire to be returned to ancestors. Hope, but very calmly said: "I have a proposal. You and I are not here to start, duel with apocalypse after seven days. In this way Whoever kills the other person does not need to be punished for the injunction; if you promise, I promise that I will never disclose in any way what I learned from Ipofizi. "

The black mother thundered angrily: "Do you think I will let you go in three consecutive sentences? You, such a mean, shameless, cruel and cruel human being, have no credibility at all. As long as you let you escape the Heiyuanhai, you turn your head Will reject the Apocalypse and use the intelligence to protect you from the throne! "

"Today, you can't go anywhere but hell!"

After the last sentence of the Black Mother Throne, the black mud pyramid under her feet rose to the point where she did not completely cross her chest, and then her head was drowned in the black mud.

There were countless creaking sounds in the air. After reaching the highest point of 100 meters, the tide of black mud rising from the sea like a pyramid suddenly fell back, cascading downward like a waterfall, and exposed from behind the black mud waterfall was a dark cloud. Huge chunks of meat!

Dozens of strangely long and thick black tentacles emerged from the meat pieces and flew into the air to dance in the air; ten mucus-shaped human-shaped square teeth with large mouths are widely distributed around the large pieces of meat, and they crunch and crunch all the time. Some weird words that are not abyss languages. UU Kanshu

Chaos, disorder, filth, horror, and darkness. This is the real hidden form of the beautiful beauty of the Black Mother Throne. This is both the body of the Black Mother Throne and the power at the apex of the third-order mutant organ type: "Darkness and abundance."


The ten giant mouths of the Black Mother Throne simultaneously issued strange and high-pitched tweets. The sound of the tweets was condensed into substance, and the waves of the entire Black Source Sea were unified by the tweets when they spread out on the surface of the Black Source Sea. As soon as the sound penetrated into Wu Qi's ears, Wu Qi had a strange feeling of dizziness and nausea.

Unlike the queen of the gray queen, which resonates with all things, the "worm wing", this is a "psychological pollution" that directly attacks the creature's brain. It can trigger chaotic and contaminated neural signals from the cerebral cortex, and destroy living organisms' ability from the inside.

Wu Qi's suspended balance in the air appeared to be shaken with the naked eye. He covered his head with his left hand, and his eyes could only see a black mist in the middle.

The trouble of the Black Mother Throne was unexpected by Wu Qi, and he once again understood that any one who can become the throne is a third-order life, not a fuel-saving lamp.

Wu Qi mobilized his mental energy at the fastest speed to build a strong mental barrier around his mind, but the effect of "mental pollution" did not end so quickly. He suddenly waved the crescent moon knife, releasing a large number of silver bubbles from the tip of the knife forward to disperse into the air, instead of feeling energy that was temporarily unavailable.

The moment Wu Qi reacted, the Black Mother Throne, who was incarnate in the Dark Cloud Meatballs, hurried forward. The 100-meter distance between the two sides was shortened by half in an instant, and hundreds of black stout tentacles danced wildly and surrounded Wu Qi pumping towards the center.

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