Black Ride

Chapter 970: Under conspiracy and negotiation

The darkness covered the world in front of me, and the unspeakable pain in the darkness gathered in the chest, as if it had dug a large hole. Breathing a little, I felt the musculoskeletons of the body peeling from the whole rock like weathered gravel.

In the real world, Wu Qi ’s chest was indeed opened with a six-foot fire blade by Xu Fang, and a fissure with a diameter of 20 cm was opened. The texture around the fissure was all charred, and it was really covered with cracks like weathered gravel; The heart was also completely burned, and the carbonized rifts were all stained purple with high-density energy flow, and even the bones, blood vessels, and nerves became different from the original color of human beings.

A heart burst is absolutely fatal to a normal life. Although Wu Qi has prepared a "second heart" instead of the heart to help the blood circulation, the injury on the chest is not repaired, and the blood is motivated to run and cannot complete a real circulation in the body. The purple charred part of his chest is such a seal that killed Wu Qi's vitality.

The regenerative regenerative power of Wuzui was turned inside and out in Wu Qi's cells, and the hollow and purple carbonized blocks on his chest also showed a lot of spalling and gradually discoloring repair trends.

As long as Wu Qi is given time, this fatal injury can be fully recovered by him, but what he lacks is this crucial one or two minutes. Before the chest injury is fully recovered, Wu Qi's breathing will be severely affected, the brain will be hypoxic, and the body will not get enough biological energy to perform rapid and powerful actions. In this weak state, trying to move is to crush and kill Xu Fang.

But not all of the attacks on Wu Qi just ended. The crescent moon stabbed Xu Fang's flank. Although not many, a fourth-order energy did penetrate Xu Fang's body.

Xu Fang stood on his knees 5 meters in front of Wu Qi, his left hand covered the wound with flank blood flow, and his face under the misty mask was paler than the healthy flesh. What he was doing silently at this moment was to mobilize his fourth-order energy to clear the invaders of the abdominal wound.

Perhaps, cutting Wu Qi's head first would make him more worry-free.

Before Xu Fang approached, Wu Qi contained a small amount of his breath in his throat, amplified it with energy, and then spread it throughout the Apocalypse enchantment.

"I surrender......"

Wu Qiming gave enough lessons to Xu Fang, and he was also seriously injured. The situation is very clear. He may not survive if he fights again. When Xu Fang's lightning strikes, he will be too late.

Knowing the status quo of his own defeat and shouting in admitting defeat, no throne can see any flaws if he watches the battle.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ... This is the longest ten seconds Wu Qi has been waiting for in his life.

Ten seconds later, Wu Qi was still resting on the ground, but with his left hand flexing his elbow to slightly support his upper body a little higher. But he did not wait for the Apocalypse to close the enchantment.

Clouds and fog scattered on the sky, and the light of the white arc of the sky was sprinkled on each of the damaged rock and soil in the deep pits of the hilltop plain. The air gradually warmed up and the whole world seemed very quiet.

"Throne, I confess." Wu Qi repeated, but the result was the same.

The apocalypse enchantment has not been closed, and the original two-story circular jade seat does not appear to have the proper building and the figure of the throne.

If the plan goes smoothly, the enlightenment of the Apocalypse should be closed, and he will be deprived of the throne seat and power and permanently exiled from the Abyss of Apocalypse.

Wu Qi's obsidian-like eyes showed a trace of stupidity, and then he suddenly came to his senses and stared at Xu Fang's eyes.

Wu Qi didn't know. On the real peak of Apocalypse, the emperor saw Wu Qi's defeat after losing and faintly heard Xu Fang in the enchantment.

"Xu Fang, kill him."

It is not that the throne has forgotten the rules, but the throne himself has interfered with the rules!

The emperor has always been aware of Wu Qi's origin, and also knows that 95% of the time he leaves the Abyss of Apocalypse in this section is to betray. Wu Qi carried too much information about the geography, throne, and army of the Abyss Abyss. For this reason, the throne gave Wu Qi a golden ring lock on his feet through an energy order arrow.

However, the reason why the throne can become the throne, in addition to the absolute combat force crushed, but also because his heart highly suppressed the thirteen powerful, thoughtful thrones. The Emperor has enough confidence to control anyone from any background, so according to the wonderful performance of Wu Qitian Qi Ling in the first half of the duel, even if Wu Qi really killed Xu Fang, the Emperor will be happy to give Wu Qi the third throne seat and Territory of sunny country.

Unfortunately, the real result was that Xu Fang moved out of Wu Qi's incomparable hole cards, turned around and overwhelmed Wu Qi.

The world has always been a winner with absolute value. Even a considerable number of people at the time and later would forgive the radical actions and faults of the winner. The loser, on the contrary, was deprived of rights and living space. Party.

Wu Qi conceded that he fully complied with the rules of the Apocalyptic duel, but this result did not meet the intention of the throne. The failed Wu Qi is a timeless bomb with no value and only risk to the throne. Even if Wu Qi has not packed the process again, the throne can see the nature of the event after the process at a glance.

Therefore, the throne will not let Wu Qi escape alive from Xu Fang's knife.

At the same time, Apocalypse ordered within the realm. Xu Fang received the voice of the emperor in his ear. He glanced at Wu Qi who was lying on the ground, and collided with Wu Qi's gaze.

Xu Fang said, "Wu Qi, the throne wants to kill you."

"I know." Wu Qi kept his original expression unconsciously, and the voice replies.

Really came to this step! Wu Qi ’s heart seemed to have a dark world ~ ~ He and Xu Fang were sitting on the two corners of one side of the chessboard, while the other side of the chessboard was a tall black with no concrete image but a sturdy emperor Shadow.

Apocalypse is a game of chess. It seems that Wu Qi and Xu Fang are chess players. Actually, the seat of God is the biggest chess player behind the scenes.

When Wu Qi's purpose was to secretly plan the throne through the rules formulated by the throne, then no matter how detailed his plan was, there would be a situation that would definitely fail-the throne temporarily modified the rules.

Wu Qi considered this, but it was Xu Fang's assist that really made this risk into Wu Qi's plan.

When Wu Qi sneaked into Qing Guo intending to kidnap Xu Fang's daughter, he received the voice of Xu Fang's spirit, so Wu Qi and Xu Fang acted decisively with each other to try not to fall. After that, the ancient night mausoleum that could not be reached by the know-how of the throne was the key place where Wu Qi and Xu Fang secretly connected and finally reached cooperation.

The true face of this apocalyptic duel is actually a fake feud with Xu Qi accompanying Wu Qi!

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