Black Ride

Chapter 973: Close at hand

The boundary of the Abyss Abyss is perennially filled with a gray fog that reaches out and does not see the five fingers. The throne can see the "road" through the fog. Whether it is through the road of exile to the end of the fog, or hard climb to the high cliffs, it is in Apocalypse The home of the knockouts who cannot survive in the abyss.

There is a long misty road ahead, but Wu Qi sees the starlight that guides home.

Wu Qi and Reid stood on the edge of the foggy sea. Before he left, he asked: "Reid, this is the first time I have taken this path of exile. May I have any attention?"

Reid also kindly reminded: "On the way to exile, there will be many powerful beasts who originally live in the foggy sea environment. They have limited food on weekdays, and people who come to the exile will be particularly ferocious and hungry. .Thirst. But it's okay to take the whole road safely and safely with the throne level. Take care. "

Wu Qi nodded and said that he finally worshiped Red with fists, and Red also returned with the same etiquette.

The road to exile is different, and bye-bye everyone will no longer belong to the Apocalypse camp. The road ahead is different, each has its own value.

Wu Qi put his hands down and plunged into the grey foggy sea. And Reid also retracted his eyes and went straight to Tianqi Mountain.


Among the heavy fog obstacles, the only thing that can be used as a reference is the **** road paved with dark blue rock and soil at the foot. Wu Qi clasped the crescent moon knife in his left hand and maintained the perception network with limited range all the time.

His obsidian eyes carefully and keenly observed the light blue sea of ​​fog looming out of the grey surroundings, as if the beast of the sea of ​​fog could be thrown out at any time in every direction and corner.

Wu Qi ’s information on the road to exile is limited, and he does not know what the fierce beast of the sea looks like. Only by grasping one with his own revelation can he understand. But compared with the environmental dangers, the danger of exile may be worse than that of the ancient mausoleums or the deep seas of the Heiyuan Sea.

Wu Qi took precautions because of caution, and what he really guarded against was not the so-called fierce beast of the sea, but the ambush that the throne might have laid on the road of exile.

The nature that can ambush the throne is the throne, or the plague species of the tomb guard.

Suddenly, the fog barrier on the side of Wu Qi wriggled. As soon as Wu Qi's attention turned, the fog barriers in all directions, including up, down, left, and right, began to move. What's more, some clouds and fog are still extending to Wu Qi's legs and feet at a low point, a stance to block the ground's vision.

Wu Qi's vigilance soared to the extreme, and a tingling suddenly appeared on the ankle.

The hunter feels that no enemy is attacking fast! Wu Qi's electric light stone fire slashed the periphery of his ankle, but the sharp blade cut it empty, and the blade was inserted into the surface of the soil without any obstruction.

There was no anomaly on the ground. Wu Qi did not sense any creatures that could dig into the ground limping, nor did he hear the sound of foreign objects breaking through the air.

But at this moment, Wu Qi actually had a bite of blood dripping on his ankle protected by the ancestral scales. .

Wu Qi had intuition. If his blade was not fast enough, it might not be the meat in the pit of the wound, but the flesh, meridians and bones of the entire ankle.

Wu Qi shot cold murderous energy in the hole in his eyes, he turned and took a step suddenly, using the energy on his body to stir the air to sweep away the scattered mist that had just accumulated. The scattered mist that could be shaken was not reconciled, and they came together again immediately.

"something wrong."

Wu Qi's intuition is keen. He determined that the attacker had just been hiding in the fog that had gathered around him. These blue-gray mists can shield spiritual energy perception, and the closer he is, the smaller his sensing range is compressed.

Wu Qi made a move and condensed a bubble shield to shut out all the mist. But the result was that the empty space outside the bubble shield was quickly filled with mist, and he could not see or perceive the world on the other side of the mist.

This state will not be able to prevent ambush attacks, Wu Qi decisively lifted the bubble shield, and the mist just outside the bubble shield moved closer instantly.

Wu Qi remained calm. He gently stroked the area above the chest and the neck, which was the place where the mustard jade was buried in the melee scale armor.

He opened the entrance to the "mustard world" and immediately a powerful suction spread from Jade to the surroundings.

In Wu Qi's previous experiments on mustard jade, there were tests for things that the "mustard world" could contain. The conclusion is that although no living life can be stored in the "mustard world", all dead things can be inhaled.

In other words, like the seawater of the Heiyuan Sea and the dense fog of the ancient night mausoleum, all the mustard jade and peony will be closed, and the sea of ​​fog on the road of exile can naturally be!

The abnormal changes emerged in the next second, and the mists approaching around Wu Qi, after the mustard jade put out suction, ran away in astonishment, the agility of action, and the degree of astonishment was like living life.

Wu Qi's pupils shrank fiercely, and he instinctively reacted to gather a pair of energy armors, holding a crescent moon knife and forcing a blast of thunder from the tip of the knife!

Speaking of time and time, Hei Lei jumped into the blue-gray mist like blooming smoke, flowers, pops and bamboos. There was a crackling sound in the air, and the blue-gray mist that had been pounded by Hei Lei was wiped out by Hei Lei in the blink of an eye. Wu Qi also heard a faint sorrow.

The blue and gray fog around it seemed to be the fourth-order energy of the black thunder pattern used by Wu Qi ~ ~ The fog circles in all directions receded further. Wu Qi took advantage of the pursuit to control the black thunder and hit the surrounding fog barrier, and the sound of bursting and breaking the fog barrier was heard one after another.

Wu Qi has already guessed that the so-called Wuhai fierce beast is not a fierce beast with a solid and fierce appearance, but an "energy life" that perfectly integrates into the Wuhu environment on the road to exile!

Imagine that Haarlem, who was "the incarnation of the ghost," dived into the dark mist of nature, and how other life should distinguish it from the black mist. This is the case now. Looking out from him, the blue-grey fog barrier that he sees may be the real fog, or it may be a fierce beast that looks exactly like the fog.

According to this situation, the number of energy beasts hidden in the foggy sea is likely to be very large, and even the scaled armor that has been returned to the ancestors can be bitten by one bite. The only solution to the misty sea beast is to not let a trace of mist approach, that is, a one-size-fits-all tactic.

As soon as Wu Qi waved the crescent moon knife, a long electric arc was radiated from the tip of the knife and formed into a ring-shaped lightning chain around a five-foot circle. Under the protection of the fourth-order energy, Wu Qi, while ignoring the fierce sea and fierce beasts, kept measuring, while measuring the distance traveled in his heart.

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