Black Ride

Chapter 1004: Meet

At five o'clock in the morning, the villa belonging to the Black Riding Squad by the artificial lake. Wu Qi knocked on the door of the villa. After two seconds, he realized that he was too late to return, and his teammates should have fallen asleep.

Wu Qi was about to enter the villa from the window sill near the lake in a circle. He suddenly heard a gentle stepping sound on the floor inside the door, and he turned to stop. The doorknob turns and the door opens from the inside.

A slim woman emerged from behind the door. She was wearing a round-necked pale pink pajamas, and her black hair like a waterfall was **** with a simple tie-string to hang on the semi-exposed clavicle shoulder; a pair of beautiful peach eyes Blinking, blinking, Wu Qi's face was filled in his eyes.

It is often said that the Women's University has changed in the 18th century. The woman's face, facial features, and appearance have changed a lot from two years ago, and she looks more three-dimensional, mature, and elegant. However, she still has the same ice and jade bones as before, and her skin naturally emits a very pale female fragrance. This smell made Wu Qi not feel repulsive, but instead felt close.

"This is the residence of the Black Horse Squad. Should I go right?" Wu Qi said.

The woman supported the door with one hand and leaned her shoulders against the door frame. She said softly: "The door comes at five o'clock in the morning. Has the hostess of this family already explained the answer without blasting you away?"

I do n’t know where to start or what to do. Wu Qi felt that his feet seemed to be difficult to lift, and the step of stepping on the door seemed not so simple.

It seemed that the woman's little side motion blocked his way.

The woman watched Wu Qi standing there and didn't speak. There was no response for two seconds. The tone suddenly became more dull; even her eyes flicked to the other side, not looking at Wu Qi's eyes.

"Wu Qi, for the first time in two years, did you only see silence when you saw me?"

The woman wanted to suppress her feelings, but her eyes suddenly became moist after the word "silence". She looked up again and looked at Wu Qi, who had reached a higher height two years later, and bit her lip lightly.

With a slight cry, she took the lead to break the embarrassment that appeared between the two due to the passage of time.

"You bastard, say something quickly."

When the woman's voice fell, Wu Qi leaned forward with an arrow stride forward, grasping the woman's back with her powerful right hand, and enveloping the woman into her arms.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Wu Qi whispered in Guo Baibai's ear.

After two years of embracing, Wu Qi and Guo Baibai's bodies went from cold and stiff to warm and soft in just a few seconds. The same person's body temperature is still familiar again after two years. I have never forgotten the other side.

In order not to show Wu Qi the image of a crying ghost, Guo Baibai tried to control it. Her teardrops refracted the moving light like the pearls of the squirrel. They twirled in her eyes and were finally covered by the closed eyelids.

Guo Baibai just wrapped Wu Qi's waist around his arms, quietly enjoying the warmth embraced by Wu Qi, and silently listening to Wu Qi's heartbeat.

Dong, dong, dong dong ...

"Not enough." Guo Baibai said lightly against Wu Qi's chest.


Then Guo Baibai pulled her head out of Wu Qi's arms, and her two slender, jade-like hands pushed Wu Qi's chest, driving Wu Qi's body around and pushing it to the door frame.

The moonlight outside the courtyard fell on the stone road at the entrance, reflecting the dark ground where the two were close together. Guo Baibo stood on tiptoe, put Wu Qi on his cheeks with both hands, and soft lips actively covered Wu Qi's lips.

The two closed their eyes in a tacit understanding, tentatively touching, touching, and melting each other with kisses.

After a minute, the faces separated. Guo Baibai looked deeply at Wu Qi from a close distance, and the quivering movement of the eyelashes like a quill brush made people see clearly. Her eyes were a little hazy, her lips didn't rise or bend down, she couldn't see laugh or cry.

But soon, laughing and crying appeared on Guo Baibai's good face. She wept with joy, and wiped her eyes a little embarrassedly.

Wu Qi hugged Guo Baibai's body with only one hand, squeezed into the door, and closed the door with the other hand.

"Berber, is there anyone in the family?"

"All asleep on the second floor."

"That ... isn't that enough just now."

Wu Qi asked lightly, as if afraid of disturbing them on the second floor.

Guo Baibo froze for a moment, then showed a gratification that Wu Qi finally got rid of it, oh no, finally he didn't smile because he had left the house for the past two years.

She pinched Wu Qi's face effortlessly and pinched Wu Qi into the house.

"Bai Bo, you move lightly."

"Afraid of anything, do the two grandpas upstairs dare to wake up?"


After two hours. The sky outside the window began to glow, and the crescent moon lined the sky as if it had faded.

Wu Qi and Guo Baibai lay down on the big bed after bathing. Guo Baibo pulled one of Wu Qi's arms over and put it in the gap between his back neck and pillow, back to Wu Qi and retracted into his arms.

Guo Baibo didn't move for a few minutes. Wu Qi expected that she should be tired and fell asleep. She closed her eyes quietly.

"Hello? Asleep?"

Guo Baibai suddenly yelled softly, and Wu Qi was still asleep, so he responded naturally.

"You come back so late, can you tell me what you did?"

This is not to ask the teacher to blame, but Guo Baibai is simply curious as Wu Qi's teammate and partner.

Wu Qi patiently explained what he had done from afternoon to evening until late at night. After listening to Guo Baibai, he turned over "fluffy" and looked at Wu Qi with his eyes closed.

Wu Qi was not asleep, but his sleeping face was close at hand.

The touch of the skin fits, and the warm body temperature. Everything related to Wu Qi is so close, as if she won't slip away as long as she catches it.

But she also knew that this was impossible.

"Is there a second battle to fight tomorrow morning?" Guo Baibai asked uneasy.

"Maybe it may be later." Wu Qi replied like a dream.

"Can the Noah City win?"

Wu Qi said: "If we can't destroy the thirteen throne and the army of the apocalypse, but can guarantee the majority of people to survive steadily, do you think this is a win?"

Guo Baibo thought silently for a while, UU reading said: "Forget it."

"Then rest assured, we will definitely win."


With Wu Qi's unwavering words, Guo Baibai's heart settled. Even if Noah City will encounter a great crisis this morning or in the future, she will not panic.

Guo Baibai never doubted what Wu Qi decided. In other words, she volunteered.

Wu Qi's breathing gradually became silent, and his chest fluctuated regularly. Based on Guo Baibai's understanding of Wu Qi, he was asleep.

Guo Baibo gently stroked Wu Qi's head and smiled softly.

"Take a good rest, my great hero."


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