Black Ride

Chapter 1012: Under the throne of the earth

It was a one-man tall gold mantis. It was covered with sand-gold exoskeleton armor, translucent insect wings with ultra-high speed vibrations on its back, and a pair of curved arc-arm knives glowing with metal luster like alloy. The two sharp and unusual silk thread lights are the handwriting of the pair of alloy arms; its legs are the zigzag arthropod fold legs, slender and sturdy, with the ultimate bounce of the animal's evolutionary form, and there are three sharp on the insect feet Hook claws, the gripping missiles are as fast as shadowless.

The giant insects of the golden mantis locked Gaia's neck, and the horrible beak with irregular fangs kept moving and secreted saliva. Gaia is a throne, staring at the desert mantis at this moment but inexplicably feeling the oppression of being a prey.

This is a plague species guarding the mausoleum. Although its detachment and comprehensiveness of its ability system are not as good as the throne, since it has evolved to the ultimate peak life in the third order, it definitely has the qualification to kill the throne.

Gaia understood it when she thought about it. It is impossible for humans to breed such monsters, and it is precisely a golden-eared mantis that perfectly adapts to the desert environment. The only explanation is that this gold-clad mantis is the "Apostle" manipulated by the enemy Kryo!

Clio also broke into the sandstorm, and it must have observed the battlefield while the golden armor mantis was "hunting".

Gaia's thoughts were broken at this point, because the golden armor mantis's legs were directly shot near her. The two alloy arms crossed, and Gaia lifted a long-handed battle axe to block continuously. There was a white scratch on the battle axe's blade and handle.

Gaia stepped back with her left foot, and a row of sand spears suddenly shot from the sand in front of her to take the abdomen and head of the golden mantis directly. After hearing a muffled noise, Shamao accurately hit the head and abdomen of the gold mantis.

But it's useless. When the hard sand spear hits the golden armor praying mantis, it is transformed into soft sand by the sand golden exoskeleton it is covering, and it can't even be delayed for a sporadic time.

This is still expected by Gaia. Gaia quickly withdrew her hands and waved her battle axe to form a six-foot axe. The golden armor prayed for it, and her two arms broke into the six-foot axe.

After a few ping-pong games, Gaia's face suddenly changed. She missed the long-handled tomahawk and threw it directly into the air. The armor of her right arm was cut with a nick, which corresponded to the **** wrist.

Her wrist bones, along with her tendons, were severed by the arm of the golden mantis.

It was just in just two seconds that the golden armor mantis easily identified Gaia ’s right hand, which was constantly changing position, and smashed the armor with a intensive attack of high-frequency beating of the knife arm, and even did not give Gaia a little before this. Watch out for the time.

Compared to the power, speed, and precision of body movements, the Golden Armor Mantis has crushed Gaia in all aspects! Gaia felt extremely ironic that the gold armor prayed mantis was far less powerful than her. An exoskeleton that ignored the sand was also in the category of mutated organ type abilities, with no natural control abilities from head to toe.

"Every beast who can't stand the storm on the battlefield, thinks about the assassination. If this seat is so easy to assassinate, how can it hold the seat of the sixth throne!"

"Kryo, who only dares to hide in the corner and peep, you show me!"

At this moment, a pair of thin thread-like knives crossed against Gaia's door, Gaia had no sword, as if he could only wait to die.

The wind is screaming and the fire is burning!

As the arm of the Golden Armor Mantis fell, a red light suddenly lit up from Gaia's whole body! Fiery fire erupted from her eyes, and the bronze earthen armor turned into a burning flame.

There was no sound of metal collision, and the arm of the Golden Armor prayed the man to open the fire and Gaia's body, but it seemed to cut a void.

Gaia, the avatar of Vulcan, didn't flinch at all. She stepped backwards, and the fist wrapped in Yan Yi hit Huang Guang at the moment, and there seemed to be a bright Fengming inside!

boom! Gaia hits the tortoise of the golden armor with a punch of fire. The golden-eared mantis screamed and flew out, leaving the sand-gold exoskeleton in the chest with an obvious hole.

Tread. Gaia stepped forward, drawing two fire dragons with both hands and biting hard at the golden armor mantis. The offensive of the battle seemed to be reversed all at once. The gold-clad mantis did not dare to touch Gaia's clothes, while escaping to hide. The sand-gold exoskeleton of the whole body began to fade gradually due to the high heat around him.

This change let Gaia know that she won completely. The cruel heating of the sand will generate the composition of the glass. After a certain time, the exoskeleton of the golden mantis may no longer ignore the sand.

At this time, she used the earth armor's power "flame incarnation" to temporarily turn a part of her body into an energy form, which is equal to half of the flame energy life. It can be said that the gold armor mantis was completely countered by this hidden hole card.

"It's Arthur's bastard, there's still a chance, but it's a fool's dream to kill me with this bug!"

As the words fell, Gaia's hand attracted a red-stripe battle axe to chase the back of the golden armor mantis! The glass-contained sand gold carapace is no longer as hard as it once was. The fleeing gold mantis was split in half by an axe, and the two corpses fell to both sides, and the mucus and blood were drawn open.

"After the apostle, it's you."

The average person ca n’t take care of it. Gaia, who has transformed into half-energy life, is extremely sensitive to any form of energy. The “made by the apostles” energy drawn from the body of the golden armor has become a clear road sign, exposing the body of Kress. s position!

Gaia threw a battle axe at the south of the sandstorm wall as fast as lightning. The rotating flying axe wrapped thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames and ripped through the sky of wind and sand, hitting the front of Kryo in an instant. Crazy Sand! Kryo, who had lost his sand cover, was exposed to Gaia's eyes as if he had been stripped of his clothes. A click sounded in a flash. A rotating red-lined battle axe was inserted into Kryo's abdomen, running through his white uniform and body. .

Cleo's hood was turned into fly ash by a roll of high-temperature flames, and his shocked face made Gaia see the corners of his mouth rising, showing a smirk without restraint.

Kryo, who was penetrated by the axe, did not resist. He leaned forward and fell down. Once he hit the sand, it became a mass of scattered sand.

Gaia's smile narrowed down. She knew that the guy in the seat of the ninth throne was in the same vein, and she could not take Klyo ’s life with a single blow.

But Kryo did insert the body with a battle axe, and abandoned his body to regenerate in another place. Even if he had the opportunity to return to the battlefield, it would require a lot of wandering to extract the vitality of the plague-type soldiers. This empty window period was enough for her to destroy the remaining resistance of the Noah Legion.

The resistance to destroy the Noah's Legion is one of them. The second is to use these soldiers as hostages and replace the captured brothers Urano and Black Mother!

"wait for me."

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