Black Ride

Chapter 1024: Nirvana

The Throne slightly appreciated Omega and Maya ’s consciousness, and he said lightly: "Really? But the two of you once lost to Wu Qi. Even if there is another chance, Wu Qi will only occupy a greater advantage."

"Master Throne, his subordinates are prepared by themselves. This time you will not be disappointed!" Maya said seriously.

The throne considered for a moment and then said, "Okay, that orphan will give you two more opportunities. You must succeed in this operation, and orphan will send you a helping hand."

Mayer asked: "I would like to ask Master, are you saying that the helping hand is fourth-order combat power? If the helping hand is lower than fourth-order, I am afraid that it will drag me and Omega."

"Oh, you will know if you look at it. Come on."

The voice of the throne fell, and a new breath suddenly appeared in the direction of the spiral ladder.

The thrones looked sideways, and Maya and Omega's eyes turned in that direction.

"Helper of Tier 4? The thirteen thrones are still here in the Abyss of Apocalypse. Besides them, there are guys who have reached Tier 4 ... who will it be?" Moyer said silently.

Tread, tread. A dazzling red robe and a **** robe took the lead in everyone's sight. The comer is a humanoid creature with a large and magnificent shore. His brilliant blond hair stands like a lightning explosion, and his skin is pale like plaster. He wore a red and white pattern mask depicting the ghosts and ghosts on his face, and the strong and firm muscles on his body were wrapped in a dark lined suit to outline the perfect outline.

Strong, tall, and substantive evil aura! This is the first impression that the comer brings to all the thrones. No one on the throne present knew him, nor was he familiar with his breath.

"Mayer, do you know him?" Omega whispered quietly.

"No, I don't know, and the smell is very strange. It's just this breath, no doubt it's the fourth order!" Mayer said truthfully.

The thirteen thrones under the throne of the throne, only three people currently reach the fourth level, Omega, Maya, and Xu Fang, and Xu Fang is very hidden. Omega and Maya do not even know that Xu Fang is also a fourth order like them. Now this person suddenly appeared, for Omega and Maya is the first fourth order life besides them, the shock to them is self-evident.

The throne raised his hand, and there was a hint of smile in the words: "This is the lonely helper to you. At the same time, he is also the new thirteen throne!"

"Thirteen Thrones?"

"Isn't he a fourth-order life? According to his strength, he should also replace the fifth throne."

For a while, there was endless talk among the thrones. The earthly throne Gaia heard the other thrones mentioning the "fifth throne" faintly, and his face turned green.

"The new throne, from now on, the group of people in front of you is your colleague, introduce yourself to them personally." The throne sound is not high, but thunderous waves sweep across the summit of Tianqi Mountain, majestic.

The man with blond blood gown lifted the right hand with distinct joints and slender five fingers, held down the red and white ghost mask, and slowly took it off.

The true face under the mask was a face of a young man with pale skin. The man's embarrassing brown eyes are as sharp as an eagle falcon, his barbed eyebrows are full of sharp temperament, his nose is as tall as a mountain, the contours of his chin and side face are extremely angular, and his bright red rose-like lips are wide and mean.

The appearance of the man under the mask is exactly the same as the aura he exudes while wearing the mask!

"My name is" Phoenix ", and from now on I will be the thirteenth" Nirvana Throne "! Colleagues, please advise." The man who called himself "Phoenix" sneered proudly. He was sullen and sullen, even though he was speaking on the table, but all the thrones could hear that the man did not take their thrones of the third-order peak at all.

The curse of the throne is not there, the banned throne is not. The eagle eyes of "Phoenix" glanced around the throne present, and finally fixed their eyes on Xu Fang in a plain linen robe.

Xu Fang's pupils shrunk, he felt a sense of inexplicable crisis when staring at "Phoenix". This sense of crisis was like a devil's claws holding his heart from the back, making him breathless, heart Fear.

Xu Fang also found a detail, that is, "Phoenix" glanced at all the thrones, and only released his obvious hostility when his eyes fell on him.

"Where is this" Phoenix "sacred ..." Phoenix "and" Throne of Nirvana ", unless it is his fourth-order life with fire, otherwise this name sounds like a pseudonym."

"Wait, this man!"

Xu Fang's mind suddenly flashed a figure and a bottomless cave. He smelled, although the smell of "Phoenix" was an unfamiliar fourth-order breath, there was still a ray of third-order energy breath that he was familiar with under the fourth-order breath; at the same time, "Phoenix" was also mixed with something he could not see The rhyme he wore is very similar to the terrifying breath under the end of Longyuan and at the end of the ground, that is, the origin of the illusion of fear in the heart of the devil he just born!

No wonder the pseudonym is Phoenix, no wonder it means Phoenix Nirvana!

"Phoenix" showed a meaningful smile to Xu Fang, and immediately looked up at the imperial throne above the jade.

The throne turned its fingers, and the throne of the thirteen throne, which was originally engraved with a long sword and a scale mask, shattered and shattered, and the stones were combined in the air, and after the reunification, a fire phoenix with wings spread was carved on the back !

"Thanks for the throne!" "Phoenix" shouted respectfully at the throne.

Finally, back here!

"Phoenix" has many pictures in their minds ~ ~ There are silver sand deserts, ancient desert cities, cursed thrones and Wu Qi, and Dawson and Lois.

Although there are variables in the plan, the result is that the goal set with the plan is still reached in a vague manner. The thirteen throne seats were vacant due to wars. Wu Qi, who had planned to remove the obstacles, rolled out of the abyss himself; and after the Nirvana rebirth, the throne met him personally, and the identity problem was solved without effort. In this way, he returned to the throne without suspense in the attitude of fourth-order life.

As if he had a fixed number in his life, destiny had already written a chapter for Nirvana's return. All obstacles are not broken, and the things to be done will come naturally!

The plague throne Kazan has long been exiled from the abyss of apocalypse with the failure of the apocalypse. It is the ‘throne of Nirvana’ Phoenix that passed the test of the gods and climbed to the top again!

Phoenix clenched his fists silently, as if holding his own destiny in the past, present, and future.

"Okay. Phoenix, you alone sent Oya, the first throne, and Maya, the second throne, to chase away the Noah city. Be sure to take back the" bow "of the god.

Phoenix's handsome and evil face raised his mouth, and he responded with great confidence: "Subordinates, they will not be humiliated!"

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