Black Ride

Chapter 1027: The last chase

Wu Qi and Chris went back to their homes as usual, and Wu Qi also met Ruoyou, Hicks coach, and the teammates of Black Knight.

No one can find that Wu Qi has actually given the bow and arrow to Kress, because no one can observe the bow and arrow. As long as the bow holder does not want it, no one can see the bow and arrow with the naked eye.

Even the closest people around him can't find that he will change his bow and arrow, and the probability that the apocalypse chasers can find it in time is also very low. This set of battle plans not only hits the "noah city and other people can observe the bow and arrow's intelligence difference", but also "the average person will not easily hand over the fifth-order **** vessel to others".

Wu Qi thought of walking into the bathroom, his eyes glimpsing himself in the mirror and the calm water-like expression.

Wu Qi muttered to himself: "Because the" bow and arrow "is one of the strongest weapons in the world, I have to hand it over to others. Omega and Maya, you must be very dissatisfied after you beat me last time Your arrogance and pressure from God ’s seat are impossible, if you do n’t want to catch up with me and get revenge. It ’s impossible to think about your preparations, but I must be more prepared. ”

"You just wait for Haoyu to return, or kill Noah's Ark."

Noah's command room.

Zheng Chengzhou removed his tired eyes after working for a long time from the electronic display, and took a cloth to wipe his glasses.

He casually asked: "Deputy Minister, how long is it until the border high wall reaches the human territory."

The deputy minister on the side glanced at the report and said, "At the destination of the Northwest High Wall in human territory, it took up to 2 hours."

"Are you sure you broke into the Northwest High Wall?" Zheng Chengzhou asked.

"Yes minister. I remember the strength and reputation of the North Front Legion that guarded the border. The defense of the northwestern defense is much weaker," the deputy minister recalled. Speaking of this, this middle-aged man also thought of his past.

Zheng Chengzhou smiled, he said jokingly: "It is true. Although it is far away from the Beijing to the west, it has given too much time to pursue the Abyss of the Apocalypse. To the north, it will face the strongest defense of the human territory ... .. That being said, we have undergone earth-shaking changes since the occupied area in those years. Once the city that gathered people who were abandoned by the world and those who were excluded from the third high school, now it is sitting and catching up with the Central Research Institute The power of science and technology; the spear of Genesis and the shield of Genesis, plus the fourth-order combat power of Ruoyan Wuqi standing on the top of the world, in fact, even the North Front Army is not afraid. "


The two middle-aged and old men laughed and laughed during their work, and it was clear that Noah's Ark was about to face a difficult situation, but they were not worried at all.

So many difficulties have been over for so many years, and now the one in front of them is just a difficulty that can be overcome by the past.

Time is two hours before Noah's Ark reaches the northwestern border of human territory.

And half an hour before Noah's Ark arrived at the destination, the city's alarm sounded!

Noah ’s command room was full of staff reports. The patrol drone controlled by their A1 department monitored the proximity of two huge energy sources. After the drone was remotely photographed at a distance of thousands of kilometers before the destruction of the drone, the picture was clearly clarified. The figure of Maya.

Wu Qi and Ruo Rong had left the underground city through the elevator before the alarm sounded, and came to the surface of Noah City, which was no longer populated. They flew to the top of Noah's city walls, and locked Omega and Maya through the light wall of the "Genesis Shield" in close proximity.

"Do these two guys really dare to chase after them with fairness?" Wu Qi said lightly.

Omega and Maya's behavior is equivalent to writing the word "conceit". There are three situations to explain the behavior of the two. One is that they arranged their hands in the dark; the other is that the throne actually hid the vessel of God and gave it to them temporarily, filling the gap in the "God" The third is that they hold a means to deal with the vessel of God. It is enough for two people to come.

Looking at the two streamers that were getting closer and closer, Wu Qi thought about his preparations before the war again. A jade pendant flashed from his neck, releasing a crescent moon sword.

"Archie, I counted three two one one, ready to start."


Three, two, one.

Wu Qi and Ruo Zhen instantly passed through the Genesis Shield in front, and turned into two streamers to welcome Omega and Ruo Yuan.

Omega and Maya side. Maya exchanged voices: "They came out directly, and saved us from attacking Noah's Ark to force them out."

"Indeed. Wu Qi has a magical bow and arrow next to him, and he was so stiff before playing."

"Everything is as we planned beforehand."

Omega grinned: "Well, this time I won't let him take another chance."

The distance between the two sides was close in an instant, and from the perspective of Maya and Omega, the sky that was rapidly retreating the previous second suddenly struggled to move.

A dark blue suddenly came from the edge of their perspective, Maya yelled "is the spiritual world", and then his voice like a cloud of smoke was washed away by the dark blue water.

Omega's eyes flickered, and the whole world has been changed to a deep blue undersea hell. Maya shouted that sentence before he disappeared, and he understood it directly.

Here is the "spiritual world", then the enemy he will face is Ruoyou. Outside of the spiritual world is a confrontation between Maya and Wu Qi.

Although Ruoyan and Maya's power attributes are more similar, Wu Qi did not make the fourth-order combat power of these two spiritual systems equal, because Wu Qi and his Omega must be disadvantaged as long as they don't use bows and arrows!

You Ruoyan confronted him, Wu Qi himself took the bow and arrow to Maya, everything was exactly what Maya expected.

"As long as I can hold Ruo Ping's pressure ~ ~ on the other side, Wu Qi's death can be announced directly." Just when Omega thought so, the dark blue seabed **** suddenly turned away in front of a pale blue Colored water mist.

It wasn't Ruo 瑢 coming out from behind the light blue mist, but Wu Qi holding a crescent moon sword!

Wu Qi's mouth was filled with a smile, and his obsidian eyes stared sharply at Omega's expression.

"Omega, you are surprised."

"It's you?"

Wu Qi touched his neck naturally, and Omega's eyes drifted involuntarily.

"Sure enough. Maya was already prepared for me. Before he negotiated with me, he was not afraid of letting me go, not even holding the" bow and arrow "of the Divine Vessel in his hand. Hands and feet. "

Wu Qi smiled contemptuously, his left hand clenched the handle, and the crescent of the crescent moon's sword burst out with a powerful black lightning bolt!

"Relax, Maya, he will be trapped in Ruo Xuan in the spiritual world and will not be able to use the hands and feet that I did until you die."

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