Black Ride

Chapter 1037: With help

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The power armor that Wang Yan was driving was almost damaged, and with Wu Qi's protection in the distance behind, she simply threw the power armor in place and took only a matching gun to start Wu Qi's lead to Chang'an District. road.

A few minutes after the two left, a moment above the Great Cliff suddenly appeared in the shadow of several power armor. These power armours looked out and seemed to want to see what happened below.

"Captain, wouldn't Wang Yan really be eaten by the Golden Bear?" A mercenary in power armor was worried.

The leader of this squad was asked by his subordinates, and he was a little flustered because he couldn't make up his mind. He can only pretend to say easily: "Don't be afraid, you see that the cockpit door has not been damaged by the golden bear. It is obvious that the cabin door was actively opened by Wang Yan. And there is no suspicious blood stains on the scene. Wang Yan is most likely to be I fled from the mouth of the golden bear, and now I am walking alone in the forest. "

"Walking alone in the forest without power armor, this is self-defeating." Mercenaries echoed.

"The oldest boss only asked us to let Wang Yan fall into a single affliction, but did not let us kill Wang Yan ... If Wang Yan died, we could all afford it." Another mercenary said in a panic.

In the end, some of the mercenaries were still the most calm. He said: "Don't panic and panic. Wang Yan, this woman is not so easy to die. We searched for the traces left by her and found her. Don't let her die. Can cross. "

After the exchange of several mercenaries and driving power armor back to the big cliff, the soldiers detoured to the cliff in two ways.

These mercenaries did not know that Wang Yan had "flyed" with another person they did not know. And this person will go straight to Chang'an District with red, naked and naked hostility.

In the wilderness sky, Wu Qi and Wang Yan floated in the same gravitational bubble shield and quickly flew south.

Flying in the gravitational bubble shield is not dizzy, and there is no sense of weightlessness, but it feels unreal.

This flight journey experience is good, but there is no chance to get in touch with Wu Qi. Wang Yan thought so, but soon discovered that he seemed to be thinking of these messy things along the way.

"Wang Yan, Wang Yan, how do you become as awkward as a Sichun girl! You are already an adult and a senior mercenary who can stand alone, then you should come up with the same decisiveness and directness as your brother. ... "

Wang Yan's hand lifted and was about to touch Wu Qi's arm, and somehow slipped out of her mouth.

"By Wu Qi, are you still single?"

"Single?" Wu Qi didn't react for a while. It's not that he couldn't understand the word, but he didn't expect Wang Yan to say such words in his mouth.

Wu Qi touched his nose and said softly: "Me and Guo Baibai are now partners."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yan couldn't let go of her slightly suspended heart.

"Wow, I should have, I should have guessed."

Wang Yan's murmur was completely captured by Wu Qi's sharp hearing. Wu Qi asked sideways, "What do you guess?"

"Guo Baibai is interesting to you."

"What's the difference between guessing and not guessing?"

Wang Yan could not wait to sew his mouth with a zipper. Just stretch out his hand just now, just ask for the exit. Finished, now that you know Wu Qi's status quo, then deliberately approaching Wu Qi in a sense is injustice. It would be awkward for Wu Qi to see through his heart a little more.

"It's nothing," Wang Yan said quietly. "Actually, I thought about it last time you came to Chang'an District. If you call me at that time, I might go with you."

Wu Qi shrugged: "That was no way. At that time, my road was dark. If you were called, it would be tantamount to taking you to hell. I don't even know which day I will die. After all, I can't predict. future."

Wang Yan smiled bitterly. In fact, she was relying on her strength to get her life in the wilderness where no one could trust, why not live in hell?

But Wu Qi was right, he did consider it from her perspective. And now that he has strength and backing, he also thought of bringing himself.

The person entrusted by my brother is really right.

Wang Yan thought for a while, and Changan District appeared at the end of the horizon.

In the middle of the vast wilderness, there is a constructed road leading from a distant place to an area with black fortresses. This area is the Chang'an District, and today is different from the past. There is a 15-meter-high reinforced brick fence around the periphery of the Chang'an District. There is a fort at every distance from the top of the wall, and one in each of the eight directions is extremely high. Lookout tower. The sturdy and heavy iron city gate is tightly closed every day. If it is fully opened, it can accommodate a "Chiyan Chang'an" power mech easily.

"This is Chang'an District?" In Wu Qi's memory, the security zone does not have such strong defense facilities. No matter how strong the fence is ~ ~ The large caliber cannons are just like the steel beasts in the fortress, so that any wild mob can't dare to see them when they see them.

Wang Yan explained: "The Chang'an District has been expanded in recent years. Young Changan has done a business with a large mercenary group and built this fortified defense facility. Plus he and the border military can catch up. The point is that these cannon weapons that were eliminated by the border military are shipped, of course, power mechas and power armor. "

Wu Qi only knew that Changan District had repaired roads outside and knew that the funds in hand of Changan An were at a level of enthusiasm. The average business could not do this.

When Wu Qi asked a little, he knew that the Changan District of Chang'an had become a test area for power armor and power mecha.

There are specialized factories in the Chang'an District that can produce power armor and power mecha. There are senior mechanics and cartographers who have served in the military. There are excellent channels for outsourcing the parts used to produce power armor and armor. Chang'an District has become a safe area known for the production of power armor and power armor. The mercenary groups in nearby third-tier cities or bases must place orders for power armor and power armor from Changan District. There is no shortage of vehicles from the big men of the city on the constructed spacious highway.

As the saying goes, if there is transportation, there is economic development. Chang'an really uses the military's resources to develop the Chang'an District's operations in a manner and develop it into a special stronghold between the security zone and the base.

To be honest, it was their Black Riding Squad that attracted the Adriana of the Hawk, which led to the disaster in Changan District and the destruction of Changan in Chiyan. Talent.

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