Black Ride

Chapter 1045: Under the hands of Suterte

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On the occasion of a thousand shots, Wu Qi's left palm suddenly showed the shadow of a long bow. With a long bow, he released a translucent pure white light wall at the fastest speed!

The string enchantment with a diameter of 20 meters takes shape in an instant, and the blow of Suterte's hand lights the quiet night sky with a blazing fire and rushes towards the light wall of the string enchantment!

boom! The fierce and powerful energy torrent with intensity comparable to the fourth order smashed **** the surface of the string enchantment with the majestic wave. Wu Qi ’s vision was completely obscured by the golden red fire wave, but his energy perception clearly sensed the string The enchantment could not rebound the blow of the "Hand of Suterte" but could only bear it.

The result is that the 20-meter-diameter string bond is not enough to completely block the high-energy shock wave diffused by Suterte's hand. Suterte's hand was first reduced in power, but 60% of the power was still to be poured. On the surface of the Genesis Shield!

Once the hit of Suterte's hand becomes a reality, the energy consumption of the Genesis Shield will increase more than ten times in an instant. The huge sense of shaking and danger warning will naturally interrupt Gu Changzai's wedding with Xue Xiaoman. Even if they themselves are willing to fight a hundred battles in Noah's command room, they will leave some regrets after all.

"I even had to miss half of my brother's wedding, just to stop you here! You guys, stop thinking!"

Wu Qi's eyes widened, and the green muscles on the temple burst. He clenched the long arm's left arm and suddenly there were countless blood mists exploding from the capillaries. These blood mists were incorporated into the long bow in the form of sacrifice, and the strength of the connection between Wu Qi and the long bow was raised to another height.

The enchantment of the string reversed inside and out suddenly expanded, and suddenly grew to 40 meters in diameter before the high-energy shock wave of the hand of Suterte spread to the edge of the string enchantment!

Wu Qi spent a lot of time every night after researching the longbow. It is not difficult to use a plane as a medium to perform an enchantment of a larger range of strings. The ability of such an enchantment is that "matter and energy can only enter and not go out", and any kinetic energy will touch the inner wall of the enchantment. Rebound. The second usage of the "string enchantment" later developed by Wu Qi is to reverse the inner and outer walls of the enchantment to form an "anti-string enchantment" that cannot be invaded by any external matter and energy, and will be subject to rebound forces. .

The effect of this second method of use is not bad, but the defect is that the medium for unfolding the enchantment is not selected, which leads to serious restrictions on the size of the enchantment. Wu Qi can easily unfold a string boundary of 100 meters in diameter on the ground, but under normal circumstances it can only expand a "reverse string boundary" of 20 meters in diameter.

Wu Qi is now forcibly increasing the scope of the "reverse string world", which is tantamount to putting more pressure on his own body and spirit, but he has no fear of pain, because the limit is always used to break through.

Stop it!

The impulse of Suterte's hand is slightly weakened, and the shock wave that has spread to the surroundings is far away from the Genesis Shield and will not touch the light wall. And while Wu Qi was preparing to maintain the "reverse string world" until Suterte's hand stopped, countless red lines on the body of the super weapon actually changed from red to white with gold. !

The light cannon that sprayed from the hand of Suterte and penetrated the night sky quickly changed color from end to end, and the energy intensity and frontal kinetic energy were instantly increased by 50%! Wu Qi's face changed abruptly, and a new round of light artillery poured out on the anti-string world supported by Wu Qi, and the "firework ring" that enveloped the Genesis Shield was released!

咻 ——A black gauze curtain is opened widely with the anti-string boundary as the center, forming a barrier between the electric stone fire and the front of Noah's Ark! The power of Suterte's hand was poured on this gravitational energy barrier, and finally a high-energy torrent could not touch the surface of the Genesis Shield.

The dangling soldiers who captured this scene in the sky from a kilometer away showed serious and shocked. They are the Twilight Corps dedicated to escorting the "Hand of Suterte", and from the first attack of the hand of Suterte until now, nothing can block the destruction of the hand of Suterte. .

Because nothing blocked the first gear of Suterte's hand, then the second gear of Suterte's hand became the bottom card of the box. Tonight they witnessed the first gear of the son of Suterte hit the wall, thinking that the second gear must be the enemy's shock defeat, who knows that the deflated people will be them.

This is something that the Twilight Corps officers could not have imagined. But the head of the Twilight Corps, which was supposed to be the most shocking at this time, stood motionless at the top of the command chariot, his eyes unfocused.

In a wilderness world exactly like the wilderness under the night sky, a silver-haired man in a white general's uniform, about 28 years old, stood alone in the middle of the wilderness. His bright silver hair, which seemed to refract sunlight, was combed backwards, and a strand of hair in front of his eyebrows bent to hook both temples.

Men's skin is maintained like white snow on the Tianshan Mountains, holy, without a trace of imperfections, but completely different from the unhealthy plaster; a pair of black-brown eyes is like the inside of the sword's sharp edge inserted into the scabbard. The facial features are as perfect as a patchwork.

This man's snow-white general uniform has a blue-violet sword armor decorated with 9 sharp swords "piercing" on his chest and chest. The sword armor covers his position from the shoulder and neck to the chest and the arm ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ And the end of the armor connected to the back of the neck is woven with beautiful swan feathers. He opened his eyes slowly under the wilderness shrouded in the night. When his right hand, white and slender as white as jade, was opened and raised, a pale silver armband on the cuffs sparkled in a circle of white and snowy energy. .

"The rebellious general, if you have drawn me into your spiritual world, why hide?"

The man spoke first, his expression calm and without any panic, and his seemingly casual look was actually aimed at Ruoyou hiding in the starry sky.

Ruo Xing lifted the illusion of concealment, and looked down at the general in white on the ground.

She dropped her cold voice: "Yin Xiaoyu, after so many years, you are still a Brigadier General."

Brigadier Brigadier General called by Ruo Xing as "Silver Xiaoyu", the head of the Twilight Corps said lightly: "Oh, you are talented and have a wife to help, I can't compare with your promotion speed, but for so many years In the past, I still held the position of Brigadier General, but you have been reduced to the disgrace of the hanging eagle, the enemy of the Third Highest Court. Which one is higher, which one is better? "

Yin Xiaoyu immediately turned his head, he smiled and shook his head: "But at least you and I are in the same period, after more than ten years of competition, we haven't seen it for many years now, we don't need to talk like this. In fact, I am still very Miss the time we spent together. "

"As long as you give up Noah's Ark and come back to Beijing with me to surrender, I still have you as a friend of Yin Xiaoyu. And if there is a wife, you can at least save one death. corpse."

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