Black Ride

Chapter 1050: Miscalculated

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Yin Xiaoyu opened his eyes wide and looked at the waist of his kidney organs, and his emotions could no longer be calm. His heart was dominated by unknown fear and appalling pain. He even felt that the turning of the body tissue at the waist was just the beginning. With the penetration of the dark energy, the **** and horrible change of flesh turning would continue to spread.

What kind of power is this?

"Get me down!"

Wu Qi shouted, and suddenly the gravity on Yin Xiaoyu's body suddenly increased by 20 times! His knee bone was crushed with sudden pressure, and his torso seemed to be sucked by the ground, hitting the dusty ground hard.

The huge impact force just hit Yin Xiaoyu's exposed kidney organs. The hot kidney was smashed into mud. The pain caused Yin Xiaoyu to roll his eyes.

In the obscure, Yin Xiaoyu still has the last sober consciousness. He tried to pull the consciousness falling into the abyss to let himself return to reality, but oncoming was Wu Qi's full whip!

With a bang, Yin Xiaoyu was kicked and flew out directly for 20 meters. When he fell to the ground again, he had a deep bootprint on his face. He almost died of a broken neck.

On the other side, Wu Qi has released a large number of small gravitational bubbles and flew to Ruo 瑢 's side. The silvery sparkling gravitational bubbles have merged into Ruo's broken neck, joining blood vessels, skin, neck bones, and even nerves.

Wu Qi can't make up for the lost blood, but at least it is a fourth-order life, and its strong vitality is enough to support the emergency room back to Noah City.

When Wu Qiluo felt it, he discovered that Ruoyou's body surface did not know when there were more burns and frostbite scars. Obviously this was all done by Yin Xiaoyu's spirit when he was in chaos.

Looking at the scary wounds on Sister Ruoyan's body, Wu Qi felt that these wounds were as if they were printed on him. He was both distressed and angry, and Yin Xiaoyu, the culprit, was now lying on the ground, not far from fainting.

The enemy was so badly hurt by this serious wound that he killed him, not too much!

Wu Qi mentioned that the crescent moon sword was about to finalize Yin Xiaoyu's final execution, and a strong red light suddenly projected from the night sky on the side. Wu Qi glanced to see that the rectangular barrel that was actually Suterte's hand was storing energy, and this time the giant barrel was aimed at them within the boundary of the string!

The enchantment of the string is sealed inside and out, and there is no way to stop the bombardment of this energy light cannon with the power of destruction.

Obviously, there were only two or three seconds left before the execution of Yin Xiaoyu, but Wu Qi could not carry the fierce attack of Suterte's hand hard, and put the fallen Ruoyou sister in danger.

Wu Qi opened his hand to control the gravitational pull, so at a critical moment he withdrew and retreated. While Wu Qi escaped from the boundary of the string enchantment, the destruction of Suterte's hand came.

The monstrous fire engulfed the earth and Yin Xiaoyu in the field of vision, forming a huge semi-circular burning field in a short time.

In this case, Yin Xiaoyu, who has lost his ability to act, is unlikely to be able to escape the damage of the energy fire, but this is what his men did, and Wu Qi couldn't understand it. Just based on the rationality of the behavior, since his men dared to fire the hand of Suterte, it might mean that Yin Xiaoyu really had the means to get out.

Facing the hot wind with extremely high temperature, Wu Qi hurriedly flew towards Noah's Ark in the sky with the unconscious Ruo Zhen.

Wu Qi had never felt such a long distance before flying to Noah ’s high wall, and when Wu Qi finally climbed to the top of Noah ’s high wall and looked down on the ground again, the violent waves caused by the hand of Suterte In; Yin Xiaoyu, who was hit **** her face and waist, unexpectedly sat on a platform of the super weapon in the hands of Suterte.

At that location, in that time, it safely escaped to this location and was not affected by the energy fire along the way. Wu Qi felt very sorry in his heart, but he had to admit that the Brigadier General who was a pioneer of the fourth order was not so good to kill.

In fact, Yin Xiaoyu was able to escape because he replaced the last "heart killer" that Wu Qi should have used for himself. His ability can make the brain signal into a real result appearing on the body, but if it is ordered to his body, Yin Xiaoyu will not do such risky behavior unless it is a last resort.

"Reverse at full speed at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour" is the command given by Yin Xiaoyu to his body.

Wu Qi on the high wall silently withdrew his gaze to eat people. He gently put the comatose Ruoyuan down, and then stood up.

He had to stay here for a while to prevent Noah's Ark from flying out of the Twilight Regiment's range, and Suterte's hand shot Noah's Ark again.

Tonight's battle, I have to say that the chasing of the Supreme Court was the right time. If it was not that Noah City was not in preparation for the time being, and the Twilight Corps controlled the super weapons repeatedly, they would have to activate the "Spear of Genesis" to return the color.

But Wu Qi understands that it is because of the blame on the bottom of the head that he could not have imagined that the Supreme High School would calculate the flight path of Noah's Ark so quickly and send troops to intercept it in the wilderness at night.

However, the interception organized by the hanging Eagle Army was also hasty. The senior officer of UU Reading only had a Brigadier General Ying Xiaoyu. Therefore, they defeated Yin Xiaoyu, and the enemy would have to be prepared to be slaughtered by the fourth-order combat force if they dared to continue chasing.

"Perhaps this is the last round of fault tolerance in Noah City. After trying Blitz, the Supreme Court will definitely exhaust its strength next time and pile up the odds to a desperate number."

Wu Qiru thought so. All he can do now is to make the battle come to a close; he raises his hand to summon a longbow, carefully observes the movement of Suterte's hand, and is always ready.

The fire and the fire faded away, and the stars were still bright. After Noah's Ark flew far enough away from the Twilight Corps, Wu Qi finally felt the long-lost silence.

The quiet night sky sprinkled with silver-white moonlight, Wu Qi leaned back on the Noah city that made him feel at ease, and Ren Weiliang's night breeze blew on his face, and his tired body grew a little sleepy.


"When did the light wall open ..."

At the moment Wu Qi's thoughts appeared in his mind, an invisible arm from nowhere came around Wu Qi's neck, and Wu Qi's throat was caught with difficulty. Wu Qi's mouth reflexively sounded, and at the same time his chest "poo" made a muffled noise!

The severe pain pierced the body like lightning, causing Wu Qi's pupils to contract sharply! His whole body couldn't move at this moment, and he struggled to look down, he saw a strange **** arm running through his chest from back to front!


PS: Yesterday's update, make up.

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