Black Ride

Chapter 1052: Swing on


"Are Cres attacked you?"

"Either Kris is related to the attacker!"

"But Kris can't do that kind of thing."

Wu Qi didn't say the exact answer here. Heiqi's teammates started to guess what I said. In the end, Wu Qi couldn't hear it anymore. Guo Baibai hurriedly made a mute gesture, signaling everyone to be quiet. Don't disturb Wu Qi.

Wu Qi finally spoke, and all he said was his own guess.

"The person who attacked me may be 90% of the thirteen throne Kazan. No, this title should also be in the past tense. The most important thing is that the guy survived the desperation and evolved into a fourth-order plague species. The qualification for observing the fifth-order 'Sacred Vessel'. And all the information is beyond my perspective, making me completely unprepared for his sneak attack, so I was successfully taken away by the longbow. "

"I remember seeing an arrow in his pocket before going into a coma. The arrow of that arrow was decorated with a scale, I am afraid it was the arrow in the" bow ". This arrow was originally given to Ke Reese keeps it. "

Wu Qi lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Kress may have been poisoned by Kazan. This is my responsibility."

Yes, this is his responsibility. Now he seemed to understand that it was probably when Kazan infiltrated Noah's Ark.

The Genesis Shield is usually in a state of alert. The only thing that can be ignored when it detects anomalies in the light wall is when it is fiercely fighting outside. Because if the energy particles around the Genesis Shield are highly active, it will be common for the light wall to fluctuate.

From the beginning to the end, the only time when the Genesis Shield lost accurate monitoring was when Omega and Maya were catching up, when Noah's Ark forcibly crossed the border, and when the Twilight Corps of the Eagle was intercepted. One of the three is undoubtedly the biggest opportunity at the beginning.

Assuming that Kazan sneaked into Noah ’s city at that time, all the information could be connected. Because the information that Kris could use the "bow and arrow" was just exposed at that time. Subsequent Kazan does not need to follow them all the time, just wait for a perfect time to shoot Kris, and no one can stop him in time.

Wu Qi had to admit that Kazan was too precise in grasping the timing, and even the goddess of luck was on his side, giving Kazan a time when the vigilance of Noah's city and outside was the weakest. But after all, if he was more cautious in doing things earlier, any link in the middle of the butterfly effect might change this result.

The loss of the Tier 5 Divine Vessel "Bow and Arrow" is undoubtedly a major blow to the future of Noah City. Without the key card over all the fourth-tier pioneers, Noah City really did not have any in the face of the High School An advantage.

Wu Qi and his teammates said they wanted to be calm and calm, and Guo Baibai took everyone out of the ward. After the door of the ward was closed, Wu Qi lay flat and quietly looked up at the ceiling where the white light was cast, his eyes gradually becoming dazed.

"I failed."

Wu Qi sighed and covered his eyes ...

The treatment and rescue of Wu Qi is the top biological power research group of Noah City Research Institute, and the attending doctor is the best doctor in this group. It was also them who carried the four thrones captured from the apocalypse abyss into the cultivation column one after another.

After careful observation and discussion by this group of people, Wu Qi got permission to leave the hospital half a day later. His muscles have gradually returned to the normal level, but it takes a long time to recover the muscle strength and speed of a step of 100 meters.

Wu Qi now does not even possess the strength of the first-order pioneers, and his weak mental power cannot control the crescent moon's ability. This is the aftereffect of Kazan's chest punch and his fourth-order ability.

But Wu Qi couldn't wait, nor could Noah City. So as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he went to the training ground of the investigation headquarters and planned to conduct rehabilitation training directly here. Guo Baibo and Gao Yuan accompanied him.

That night. Wu Qi trained to be almost upright and was carried back to his residence by Guo Baibai and Gao Yuan. As soon as Wu Qi came back, Wang Yan opened the door of her room, and she came over in a panic and asked about Wu Qi's situation.

The news of Wu Qi ’s sudden serious injury to the coma two days ago almost scared Wang Yan to death, but because she was just a recruit for the investigation team, she could not be called Wu Qi ’s “family”. At this time, she finally brought Wu Qipan back, and the worry filled with a whole heart naturally poured out.

"Restoration training is very effective, don't worry." Wu Qi finally showed an iconic "don't worry" smile to Wang Yan, and then was taken back to the room by Guo Gao and the two.

"You guys are back."

A familiar voice sounded, and the three of them fixed their eyes. It was Ruoyou sitting on the sofa in their room, who had been waiting here long ago.

"Sister, how are you hurt?" Wu Qi asked nervously. If Ruo did not answer directly, she gave a voice call to Guo Baibo and Gao Yuan to avoid it first, and she had something to talk with Wu Qi.

Then Wu Qi and Ruo Rong entered the bedroom. After closing the door, Ruo Rong waved a hand to release a soundproof wall. UU read books www.uukaanshu. com then sat on the bed.

"Archie, the situation is not optimistic."

If Ruoxi's expression was a little serious, Wu Qi only saw such Ruoyan during the period when they were still living in the mountains when they were young.

Wu Qi thinks of his physical condition, and gently releases with his left hand. He was ready in his heart, and said straight: "Sister, you say it."

Ruo Xuan spread her palms and condensed a translucent spiritual energy ball, and watched this energy ball to Wu Qi said: "Aqi, my current spiritual energy can only use this level."

Wu Qi licked some dry lips, making it difficult to say: "Sister, I can't feel it."

The bedroom suddenly fell into a stiff silence, and after a long time Ruo Rong turned over and put away the mental energy ball, said lightly: "Really, then Noah City can only sit and wait for death."

If Meng's injury recovers, his mental energy has been unable to recover to the level of the fourth order. If Wu Qi's standard of judgment is used, it can basically be equal to the level of combatants such as Lois. Ruoyou and Wu Qi, which should have been the ceiling of Noah's city's combat power, are now losing their effective combat power due to sudden changes. If this news is announced, Noah's city may directly fry.

Of course, the Supreme Court will be very happy to know the news, because they will wipe out Noah City without any effort, and capture Ruoyuan and Wu Qi back to Beijing.


PS: I have been busy returning to school in the past two days. I forgot to bring the charger. There is only one more change today. I apologize to readers here.

If nothing goes wrong, the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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