Black Ride

Chapter 1054: Imposing

Four mighty troops assembled under Noah City. The Eastern Army from Xinjing is more advanced than the other three armies in the formation surrounding the Noah City, and it is dominant. The other three armies are the same distance from Noah City when they stop.

Yin Xiaoyu of the Western Army and its Twilight Corps, this time without exception brought the super weapon "Hand of Suterte".

The formation of the four armies surrounding Noah City was completed without any pressure, and Noah City did not even run away. This scene is seen in the eyes of the generals. Some people think that Noah City is going to fight hard. Some people think that it is for peace talks. Thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at Noah City's direction, waiting for the action of the generals. .

The Eastern Army Wuyang, the Western Army Yin Xiaoyu, the Southern Army Nankong Hao, and the Northern Army Beihaoshu. At the same time, the four generals walked to the forefront of their respective armies, and Wuyang was the first to speak.

"The rebellious general Ruoyou, and Wu Qi, please show up immediately! Tell the Supreme Court that your answer is negotiation, or death fight."

After Wuyang finished speaking, Ruoyou and Wu Qi appeared together on the top of Noah's city wall. As soon as they came out, the eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers all fell on them. Among them, 90% of Ruoying's eyes were seen, because if Ruoxi's identity and experience, as long as the soldier officer of the hanging eagle listened to it, it was absolutely Never forget.

Ruoyan is an arrogant girl in a generation of army, and her appearance, temperament, and talent are unparalleled beauty in the army. At a young age, she became a fourth-order pioneer. As a major admiral, she was selected as one of the "Nine Favors" most representative of the dominant status of the Eagle. If her background in the military is only average or excellent, normal people will not believe it.

But it was such a promising general, but he suddenly chose to betray the hanging eagle 11 years ago, with a mysterious boy who was killed from Xinjing all the way, facing a lot of teachers, comrades and subordinates. Dissuasion and interception, resolutely did nothing, and broke down all the generals and officers who came to intercept or hunt down.

The most ironic thing is that as the youngest one in the history of "Nine Favors", Ruoyou can best demonstrate his strong record in the last rebellious battle. This battle shocked the entire army of the Eagle, shocked the Supreme Court, shocked the five Standing Committee members, and smashed the reputation of the Eagle, and achieved the prestige of Ruoyou alone.

But soon because of the password issued above, all relevant intelligence information was deleted, all military personnel who knew the matter signed the "sealing book", and no one involved was involved in the Supreme Court. Can escape the end of the killing.

As if there was no such person as Ruoyou in the history of the hanging eagle, Ruoyou completely disappeared in the field of vision of all officers and soldiers of the hanging eagle. Now after 11 full years, the woman is back-still with the boy.

This will be a big storm sweeping to the third high school, and the tens of thousands of soldiers present will be the most central witness of this big storm.

A northerly wind blew through the wilderness, blowing Ruoyan's long chestnut hair like a spring breeze idyll. She wore a general uniform that had already taken off the pale silver army medal and flew down, Wu Qi accompanied her around.

At this moment, Ruoyou and Wu Qi's perception of the outside world is the fourth-order life breath that stands on the top of the supreme. The four generals on the scene all doubled their concentration and were cautious about the two who landed.

Because if it came to sneak attack, Ruo will definitely use the spiritual world to cover the whole audience.

Eventually, Ruoxi and Wu Qi landed on the ground together, level with the four generals, and Ruoxi glanced around, and said lightly: "Relax everyone, I will not suddenly shoot you."

Yin Xiaoyu's face was white, but at the moment his eyes were gloomy like black clouds about to drip. Nankong Hao and Bei 哗 shu did not respond. They were one era earlier than Ruoyou, and one later than Ruoyou, and they did not participate in the war of rebellion 11 years ago. lake.

As for Brigadier General Wu Yang of the Eastern Army, he looked calm. If Ruoxi glanced around in a circle, she finally settled on the orange hair of Wuyang, which seemed to be full of sunlight, and then opposed Wuyang's clear eyes.

This situation, coupled with Wuyang's leadership of the Eastern Army, was clear at a glance who was the leader of the four armies.

The corners of Ruoxi's mouth slightly raised, revealing an un hostile smile.

"I let Noah City stop in the air and did not activate any weapons. It was with fierce sincerity to negotiate with the army of the Supreme Court. Brigadier General Wu Yang, please tell me the‘ appeal ’of the Supreme Court.”

There was a slight commotion in the four armies, and Wu Yang, who represented the negotiations, still maintained a smile.

"'Appeal'," Brigadier General Wu Yang repeated Ruo Yan's words in a very light voice, "Bet General Ruo Yan, the meaning of the Supreme High School is very clear, there are three. One, you committed that 11 years ago For serious crimes, the Third House must take you to interrogation, so you have to go back with us; second, Wu Qi is the possession of the Supreme High Court, not individuals who have the right to move freely in the wilderness, but also have to go back with us; third, No second independent force with high-tech armed forces is allowed in the ruling territory of the No. 3 High School, so Noah City should belong to the No. 3 High School, and the city's owners and senior officials will send a group to lead Noah City.

"My statement is finished, it's your turn."

In the face of Wu Yang ’s statement, which is tantamount to taking away all the negotiation clauses, Ruo Yunyun said lightly: "Our conditions are not many. First, Noah City can belong to the third high school but must have autonomy, senior The officials and the city lord are all reserved, and those who have left the system of the Third High Court cannot be held accountable. Second, Wu Qi does not belong to the Third High Court nor belongs to anyone. You have no right to deprive him of his individual freedom. He should have the final say in going to stay. "

"The above is over."

Ruo Yan's smile was barely ridiculous in the eyes of tens of thousands of soldiers. UU Reading If every requirement of Brigadier General Wuyang is reasonable, then the condition of Ruoyan is ‘do n’t give a single’, what is unreasonable and overbearing!

"Every rebel will dare to make self-rule with the third court! Unreasonably ridiculous!" Yin Xiaoyu of the Western Army coldly illustrated, and directly expressed the voice of almost all the soldiers officers present.

"Do you also know how unreasonable your request is?" Ruo Rong immediately sneered, and she immediately said, "This Noah City is a precious thing that I and the group of elites abandoned by the Supreme High School have worked hard for many years. Every one of you thinks the ordinary city people have experienced the hell-like living environment in the enemy-occupied area. In the military mouth of your new Beijing, you can get some achievements by performing the mission to the enemy-occupied area once and get the promotion of the officer. District, survive! "

Ruo Xing waved his arm: "This place behind me, but with tens of thousands of human elites who survived in the occupied area, has developed advanced technology that can confront the army led by the throne of the throne of the Apocalypse Abyss! Can you think of its value independently, and their value? Does the Third High School want the technology, people, and spirit here enough to compete with the abyss of the Apocalypse in one sentence! "

"According to your calculation unit, I say that tens of thousands of people in this Noah city can meet the conditions of Sergeant Eagle! Who can refute!"

If Ruoxi made a speech, the army was silent.


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