Black Ride

Chapter 1057: Go straight to Xinjingzhong

Adriana's face was full of enthusiasm, and her red lips outlined a wide smile. She smiled and had to say that she was very beautiful, but Wu Qi couldn't relax when she saw her.

A very simple truth. Adriana is so happy, presumably because she was arrested-or should be the initiative to become a hostage in exchange for the safety of Noah City.

However, Wu Qi is not a polite person. Since Adriana shook hands with him, he would naturally respond.

After the two shook hands, Adriana moved a chair and naturally sat down next to Wu Qi. Then she saw that Wu Qi's expression did not show any signs of relaxation, so she wanted to tease Wu Qi, saying: "What's wrong, wouldn't you forget me as a great beauty?"

Wu Qi laughed self-deprecatingly: "Forget? How is it possible."

"It's good not to forget. From here, the journey back to Xinjing Road is far away, and this army will stop on the road to rest a few times. You can use me as your personal guide and professional chat. What do you want to ask? As for me, as long as I have the right to speak, I will know all words and words. "

She patted her plump chest across her crimson uniform, saying so.

Wu Qi was silent for a moment, then said: "Is this really your truth?"

"You came to command the chariot because of your work? And the commander who gave you the order is Wu Yang, Brigadier General." Wu Qi said lightly, he said that he specially observed Adriana's expression here, Adriana The pair of pretty eyes that resembled Zhu Guo's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Among the entire Eagle Army from Xinjing, you are indeed the only person I knew before, but I have never forgotten how we met," Wu Qi squeezed his palm. "I don't have anything to do with it, but can you really get along with me without staying out of it?"

Adriana's second smile squeezed out was obviously a bit stiff, and at the same time she thought about it, and quickly thought about the next perfect answer. Because she was really reluctant to admit that Wu Qigang met you and guessed everything behind; it was guessed that she was close to him because Wuyang ’s order was nothing wrong, how could the colonel be so arrogant He was guessed.

"You mean that your strength now surpasses me. When I was chased by me, I almost succeeded in killing, so don't you mind getting along with me normally? You really have a lot of adults ... but you guessed wrong One thing, I am a colonel with a hanging eagle, and the army ’s orders are above everything else. At first, you were chased because of the orders, and now you are chatting with you because of the orders. Why ca n’t I really treat others?

Adriana ended her answer with a light smile. This remark both refuted Wu Qi's face and perfectly rounded his own psychology, which was enough.

It's just that Wu Qi doesn't look half annoyed. He is still very calm. Her words falling into Wu Qi's water pool seem to be hard to shock even a ripple.

"In fact, I guess more than one thing," Wu Yang suddenly walked to the back of the garage at this time, and smiled and accepted Adriana's words. "That's in this whole army, the people you know are not only Adri. Anna one. "

"How to say this?" Wu Qidao said.

Wu Yang laughed: "And the man standing in front of you."

Know yourself with Wuyang? Wu Qi searched the memory for a long time and did not find a human face that could match the face of the man in front of him. Wu Yang said he knew, could it be ...

"It's normal to not recognize it now. After all, our appearance has changed a lot in the past 11 years. If you are not called Wu Qi and also brought by Ruoyou, I certainly can't recognize you."

Wu Qi understood this explanation from Wu Yang. It was during his childhood in Beijing that he might have met or communicated with Wuyang. Moreover, Wu Yang is also very young, at least four or five years older than himself, and he is completely in time.

"Okay, but unfortunately, I don't remember you at all." Wu Qi said truthfully. He didn't need to panic.

Wu Yang laughed and said, "Of course I will not blame you", and then said: "Then Colonel Adriana, please have a good chat with Wu Qi, and help each other to pass the boring time back to town. Go busy. "

"Goodbye." "Good brigadier."

Wu Qi and Adriana said at the same time.

Brigadier General Wu Yang returned to the front of the command chariot, leaving Wu Qi and Adriana in the back row. Wu Qi took a sip of the glass and ran his throat, then said: "Colonel, can I ask a few questions?"

"Ask." Adriana said readily.

"How many soldiers are there in this team from Xinjing."

"Three thousand sixty."

"How long did it take you from Xinjing to catch up with Noah City?"

"Counting the rest time on the road, about 72 hours."

"What if the tide of wild animals and beasts is encountered on the way back to the city?"

"Even if the fourth-order life comes to intercept, Brigadier Wuyang and several of our colonels will guarantee the safety of the whole army. "

Adriana made the answer easier and the last question seemed very confident about the team's safety.

She thought Wu Qi asked casually, but did not notice Wu Qi's hidden eyes.

It was cautious and with a faint look of fear.

Within the border, there is of course a fourth-order enemy, the throne of the apocalyptic abyss named "Kazan", whose fourth-order ability is unknown and extremely dangerous. Two days ago, Kazan successfully attacked him and seized the bow and arrow. Now his whereabouts are completely unknown.

Tier 5 is "invincible" to Tier 4, and Kazan, like himself, is a life returning from the end of the earth. Kazan is qualified to observe the power of the fifth order, as long as the hands-on experiment can naturally make a "shooting arrow".

If Kazan took the "bow and arrow" and returned to the Abyss of Apocalypse for the first time, the most fearful thing is that Kazan tested the ability of the bow and arrow and then returned.

After all, after coming out of the bottom of the ground, Wu Qi understood the truth. That is, if it is not someone who can be trusted, the fewer people in the world who have the ability to observe the fifth order, the better. Because there is no absolute master for such things as the fifth-order "Shenzhen", anyone who is qualified to observe will become a potential snatcher.

"Hey, hey, Wu Qi?" As Wu Qi thought deeper, Adriana suddenly waved a few hands in front of his eyes to show his existence.

Wu Qi recovered and glanced sideways at Adriana.

"Thinking about it. Having said that, what is the status of Dr. Greg?"

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