Black Ride

Chapter 1058: Left over

"Dr. Greg? Father's recent health is all right." Adriana replied. She did not expect Wu Qi to care about her father during the questioning session.

"What about the research? What is Dr. Greg working on recently, and have there been any special advances in the research on the McDonald's experimental body?" Wu Qi added.

This involves Adriana's information blind spot. She has always paid little attention to her father's research and has limited knowledge of McDonald's experimental body.

What impressed her the most was the two experimental subjects who lost their lives due to her underestimation and miscalculation. In addition, the name "No. 1" is heard more.

"Don't lie to you, I don't know much about those things, but if you have the opportunity, your arrival may help my father's research to climb a ladder."

Wu Qi listened to Adriana, but there was no trace of tension and fear in her heart. Because today is different from today, he is already a fourth-order life standing on top of the end-life. Even if it is studied, it is not his turn to be cautious, but Dr. Greg.

"Really? I will wait and see."

Wu Qi said lightly, just like his usual style.

The troops commanding the chariots and the Eastern Army step by step in the direction of Xinjing, the time slowly led to dusk, the orange sunset light spilled over the vast expanse of wilderness.

In the other corner of the wilderness, Noah's Ark, which maintains the low-power Genesis Shield, is flying south all the way. The entire Jin Cancan world is as quiet as a behemoth left by Noah ’s Ark, only the noise of the blue fire from the city engine.

In the underground city of Noah's Ark, Ruoyan dragged his tired body back to his office.

She just returned from Wu Qi's teammates: everyone in Black Rider lost one Kris first, and then lost the core of Wu Qi. Guo Baibai, Gao Yuan and others were greatly hit, and almost collapsed. She took great effort to comfort, but she also knew that Wu Qi ’s good teammates could not accept this result so quickly; it ’s just that comfort is her “duty” because Wu Qi was “sold” by her to the third year after all. Of the hospital.

Some people comfort everyone in Black Knight, but who can comfort her, the city owner who made difficult choices?

If you close your eyes, relax your back against the soft seat. She tried to use this easiest way to relieve eyes and body fatigue, because the use of mental energy is no longer feasible.

At this time, Hicks' request for entry appeared at the mechanical door of the office. If a thought was conveyed to Super Smart Josda, the mechanical door of the office clicked away slowly.

General Hicks stepped in. He respectfully greeted Ruoyan and said, "Sir Ruoyuan, I will finally wait until you come back."

"What's the matter?" The eyeball under Ruoyan's eyelids rolled a little, and he tried to open his bloodshot eyes.

Hicks brewed some emotions in his chest, and finally said: "I, I want to discuss with you the future policy of Noah City."

"I have stored some important information in Josda's information database. You can just call it with permission."

"Well, if you are an adult, you just lie down and rest, you don't have to sit up."

Hicks finally clicked on the portable computer projector on his wrist and directly operated on the light blue screen formed in the air.

Josda's confidential information library stated a few points. First, due to Wu Qi's departure, the research and development of the second-generation power system urged by gravity energy was temporarily put on hold.

Second, find an area with high-quality fuel veins underground to settle in two days. According to the current test results, ice stones are also produced in the human domain, and a mineral called "flamestone" is very suitable for replacing the fuel supply when the city engine is started.

Third, the follow-up transaction plan of the Supreme Court. The intelligence of the Apocalypse Apocalypse, according to the intensity of the border warfare, revealed the transaction appropriately in stages, with the intention of delaying the deadline for the start of the High School to Noah City and shifting the vision of the High School to the occupied area. The core technologies such as the Genesis Shield, Genesis Shield, and City Engine adhere to the principle of non-disclosure.

Hicks read the entire content in two eyes, and the content here is not much to tell the truth. However, if Ruoyuan had hurriedly decided to hand over Wu Qi to the Third High School, where would the time be to perfect the follow-up plan.

You have to know that the second-generation power system that has to be shelved and driven by gravity energy can be ranked first in all plans before, and it has spent a lot of research resources in Noah City. No matter from which angle, handing over Wu Qi is a major blow to Noah's follow-up development.

"It's a pity Wu Qi is gone." Hicks sighed heartily.

"I can't help ..."

Ruoxi is quiet and authentic. Her voice sounded very fragile, like how Meiyu fell to the ground and smashed into countless fragments. Hicks couldn't help but feel a little stunned, UU reading www.uukanshu. com thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong, or that Lord Ruoyan had said a dream.

He gave Ruoying a careful look, and then he realized that Master Ruoyan was not asleep.

If Lord Yan seems to have really accumulated too many emotions without venting, he only spoke the truth after he relaxed his heartstrings.

"Master Ruo, your decision is not wrong. No one can have the courage to endure pain and cut love at a critical moment. Without your temporary choices and the execution power that people look up to, perhaps Noah City is now destroyed. Not to mention future developments. "Hicks flattered two points and eight points honestly.

If Lord Yan's heartstrings are fragile now, his general in the saddle should be fully supported. Rather than lamenting the regret of losing Wu Qi there, he added grief to Master Ruoyan.

But if Ruo then fell into a long silence, Hicks did not know what to do.

"Under the circumstances that can't fight the fourth-order combat power, I Ruoyou, you Hicks, Vice President Zheng Chengzhou, and other high-level scientific research military personnel from Xinjing ... if all come together Will the situation change for the tens of thousands of soldiers who falter the eagle? We are not completely lacking in military force. The four thrones and the spears of Genesis are all ... "

Ruoyou quietly, like what he said after careful thinking, sounded like crazy words uttered completely out of his mind and at any cost-scaring Hicks.

"If you gamble on the life and death of Quana Noah City, just to save Wu Qi, you said that Wuyang Jun, who came by the order of his wife, will not eventually be afraid of our determination to burn all jade stones?"

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