Black Ride

Chapter 1061: Ambition

Gao Yuan was frightened by Guo Baibai's shouting, because Guo Baibai never shouted like this, and now this look is exactly the same as being in a hysterical state.

Because of the momentary shaking of his mind, Gao Yuan accidentally grabbed the jar by accident and grabbed Guo Baibai.

Guo Baibai opened the lid with lightning speed, and immediately an extremely strong smell of blood was released. Just smelling the smell, the cells in Gao Yuan's body seemed to open countless mouths, cheering and eager to absorb the blood in this jar.

Gao Yuan didn't know that his ancestral body was eager for Wu Qi's fourth-order blood, but Wu Qi told him that he hadn't reached the stage of steadily absorbing the rich fourth-order blood, and rashly absorbed it. Only the spirit will be put into a state of violent running, and even life may not be guaranteed; if it is really to be used in advance, it is when life is in danger, and it is necessary to use the regenerative power of ancestral evolution.

So Gao Yuan endured the natural temptation of the fourth-order blood, kept this jar of blood, and prepared to keep a dose in the combat uniform, leaving a life-saving card for himself who might be in danger in the future.

What he can't accept is that Guo Baibo, as a pure pioneer of blood lineage, even wanted to directly absorb the blood of the fourth-order ancestors to boost the strength of the seedlings. Even people like him who have gained the power to return to their ancestors for more than two years dare not touch the blood of the fourth order hurriedly. Guo Baibai has undoubtedly done so regardless of the consequences!

But now the jar has reached Guo Baibai's hands, and unless he takes the risk of overthrowing the jar, he can only watch Guo Baibai act recklessly and pay the price.

"Guo Baibai, you slow me down! Think calmly, how can you behave like a madman contrary to the idea of ​​the leader's preaching and teaching? You think you have no respect for the resources and intelligence laid down by the leader, and you have no respect for yourself. Will the boss really want to see the behavior of life! Is the predecessor planting trees to cool the descendants like this! "

The only way Gao Yuan can think of is to drink Guo Baibai. After all, he knew him earlier than Guo Baibai and Wu Qi. Now he is the deputy captain of the No. 7 investigation team. Both in life and in the task, he has a greater say Higher.

And Gao Yuan ’s actions in a hurry are indeed useful. Guo Baibai ’s action to pour the blood from the jar into his mouth is stopped in half. The eyes revealed in a pair of peach blossom eyes are not shaken at all, but are full of firmness. .

"Contrary? Gao Yuan, since you think so, then I will tell you-Wu Qi and I were originally two very different people! From the original Yan Street where you met Wu Qi, and secretly injecting you behind you The virus serum of the second-order pioneer, and then resolutely follow the way of the master of the ruling city to study the spiritual pioneer. Every time my choice is full of gambling ingredients! I know before each gambling that my ability is not enough to control the results If you fail, you can finish it completely. But what can I do if I do n’t gamble? Would n’t I watch the things in my hand lose? Would n’t I watch my life not catch up with Wu Qi? ”

"Gao Yuan, you, Wu Qi, and me are different. Maybe the destiny that God has given me is destined. I am such a person who will certainly lose something without betting before losing!"

Guo Baibai's dazzling eyes were dazzling like the sun. The words on his mouth sounded so pitiful, but when Guo Baibai said it, he had a kind of retreating momentum.

And her words refer to what just happened.

Gao Yuan insisted: "Oh, why are you so arrogant? Based on your theory, who is not the same in this eschatology! Who is not eliminated will not be eliminated. You put this objective existence in your own Do n’t you feel negative in your body? "

Guo Baibai widened his eyes and said fiercely: "Do you think it's arrogance then it's arrogance! Anyway, Wu Qi was forced to go to Xinjing this time as a hostage in exchange for the safety of Noah City. No one is absolutely reliable. If there is something that you must grasp, then do n’t assume that it will be useful every time you pray for the strong and God. If you do n’t do it yourself, you are only going to follow the wave! ”

Gao Yuan understood it completely now, because Guo Baibai's words made no secret of her grievance towards Ruoyou.

It is true that Ruo Rong is Wu Qi ’s sister, and Guo Baibai ’s teacher in the pioneering spirit department, but she ca n’t convince herself that she ca n’t persuade herself in the end, and she ca n’t forgive Ruo Yan ’s personal idea of ​​“give Wu Qi out for The behavior of the army of the Supreme Court.

Yes, if Xuan is the city owner, the overall situation is far better than her. Perhaps this is really the best way. But there is no way, she is a little woman, and the real emotional reverberation in her chest is more real than the illusory reason. And she came to the conclusion that from this moment on, she no longer aims to keep up with Wu Qi, but when she encounters a similar situation next time, it is up to her to protect Wu Qi personally, and to keep her most beloved in the world. the man.

"Isn't it the fourth order! I have to reach the height that Ruobai can reach when I pass Guo Baibai, and then make a different choice to Wu Qi from her!"

Guo Baibai threw out her final declaration loudly, and then held up the jar and poured the blood of the returning ancestors into the mouth!

The blood that has always been activated slides into Guo Baibai's throat like bright red silk, and Guo Baibai's declaration just echoed in the room. It was really at this time that Gao Yuan stayed where he was, UU reading www. uukanshu. Coom stared at Guo Baibai with a stunned throat.

Suddenly, Guo Baibai's hand holding the jar suddenly loosened, leaving a third of the jar with blood from the ancestor tumbling down. Guo Baibai coughed violently, and some of the blood he had drunk choked out.

Between the electric light and the stone fire, Gao Yuan moved around the coffee table like lightning, grabbed the fallen jar, and grabbed the back of Guo Baibai's head. With two hands, he perfectly matched with two hands, first put Guo Baibai firmly on the sofa, then put the jar back on the coffee table and closed the lid.

"Cough cough!"

But Guo Baibai's choking blood did not stop. Her face was green for a while and purple for a while. Every inch of skin exposed from the face to the hand showed a lot of twisted blue blood vessels. Gao Yuan quickly grabbed Guo Baibai's wrist and cast a revelation of the wild gods, and found that the chaos in Guo Baibai's body was not ordinary terror at all.

The countless cells in her body withered and died under the impact of the blood of the fourth-order ancestor, and the crushing and powerful vitality of the fourth-order blood could not be resisted and consumed by Guo Baibai at all. irreversible.

If you go on like this, Guo Baibai will immediately die because of a large area of ​​cell death.

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