Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 666: On the contrary

Under the precision cutting of hundreds of blades, Cleopatra's flesh and blood is like a slice of fish on a cutting board. Gravitational energy penetrates into every piece of meat and every bone, and supports the flesh and blood, under the control of Wu Qi.

Wu Qiyi can change each piece of Klee's body into a repulsive coordinate, and forcefully separate it as if it were extremely repulsive. Even if Cleopatra wants to regenerate the body, it is difficult to do in this case.

But what surprised Wu Qi was that after he sliced ​​the body of Cleopatra, Cleopatra’s head, which had never been weak, suddenly became languid. Wu Qi’s palm touched Cleopatra’s head, and even though he did not have time to use the revelation of the wilderness, he could feel it, and the vitality of Klein’s head was rapidly disappearing.

That is to say, going on, Cleopatra will really die.

Wu Qi suddenly remembered that it was his own statement to Cleopatra that the phrase "slicing your body", Klein released the tightly guarded mouth. It seems now that slicing the body of Cleopatra may really be the way to kill him.

I didn't expect that the ending would be to beat Klein. Wu Qi saw that Klein, who had a single head, had no strength to speak. The light in the green and golden eyes was a little bleak, and the breathing movement of the nose disappeared. He exhaled a sigh of relief and continued to use gravitational abilities to control hundreds of body slices of Cleopatra without vigilance.

At this time, Wu Qi saw that several agile mechs were moving quickly in his direction through the purple fog that almost could not obstruct the view. The concentration of purple mist has been diluted until the chaotic effect on the energy field is close to none. The agile mechs have no worries, and they enter the purple fog world and surround the Wuqi.

Wu Qi took the weak head of Cleopatra and lifted it into the air, shouting loudly: "This is one of the thirteen thrones, the throne of life! Cleopatra! I have already beheaded! You protect me, beware of other thrones that may exist on the battlefield. Close to here!"

Wu Qi’s shouting made the drivers of the agile mechs all heard, and the agile mechs turned one by one, facing the periphery.

Now the enemy on the battlefield has lost all the powerful plagues of the generals, leaving only the corps of thousands of plagues. Agile mechs and destructive mechs don't need to be shot, and the remaining forces of the Iron Corps and the high-walled heavy artillery array are enough to deal with the remaining enemies.

Repelling the enemy's victory is basically a certain outcome, but the plague legion has not yet escaped because of the loss of command, it is difficult to say whether they still have a backbone. This is where the soldiers are worried.

However, the Noah army can in turn use the plague legion to not disarm, effectively killing one of the corps of the plague legion. Because the firepower of the Noah army has been crushed against the plague legion, it will only lose ammunition without causing damage.

The only one who did not turn around was the captain of the agile mech squad. The captain’s mech was half-squatted against Wu Qi. He raised his left finger and pointed the direction of the high wall, then spread his hand to the ground and gestured to Wu Qi. Upper Cleopatra set foot on its left hand, which brought Wu Qi to quickly return to the high wall.

Wu Qi nodded. He waved his left hand to carry all the body slices of Cleopatra to the palm of the captain's armor, and then he took Cleopatra's head and jumped on the captain's mech. The captain's mech also bowed slightly to Wu Qi, and then stood up. The roller doubled up and accelerated, bypassing the third formation and the first formation of the army rushing to the bottom of the high wall.

Crossing the war tanks of the first formation, and then crossing the destructive armor formation of the last side of the army. Wu Qi felt nervous when she didn’t come.

Although it is only 200 meters away from the bottom of the high wall, it can be reached in a few seconds at full speed of the agile mech, but Wu Qi always feels that sending a few agile mechs to **** himself back is more secure.

"Cautious is right, but I seem to be a little too cautious." Wu Qi finally dismissed the idea and did not interrupt the captain's mech.

It is not a short journey, so there is luck, but Wu Qi believes that even if there are other thrones on the battlefield, they should not have the courage to dare to approach the bottom of the high wall. After all, they don't know if the fourth-order pioneer of Noah's city is not in the immediate vicinity of the high wall. Being close to you is tantamount to death.

The captain's mech carrying Wu Qi quickly opened to the bottom of the high wall, and the door at the bottom of the high wall slowly opened. As long as this dark passage was passed, it would be equal to leaving the battlefield to reach a safe place.

At this last moment, the forward captain's mech was stopped, Wu Qi did not respond, and was almost wrapped in inertia and flew out of the arm of the arm.

After Wu Qi stabilized his body, his nerves suddenly tightened to the limit. He sprinkled the perception network in all directions! But the most strange thing is that after this sudden situation, there is no crisis that his hunters can feel directly.

Wu Qi is even more strange. He turned his head and looked at the captain's mech. He screamed: "Why stop! Have you encountered a fault or something else?"

The only answer he could think of in his mind was that the driver of the captain's mech was controlled, or simply the enemy's lurking inside the Noah base!

The mech can't talk, and naturally can't respond to Wu Qi's question. In the next second, the captain's mech suddenly raised his right hand's energy cutting knife, Wu Qiyi's eyes widened Instantly control the muscles of the legs to compress the spring, if the captain's mech really came out to him The knife can guarantee the first time to eject like a rocket.

As a result, Wu Qi was surprised. The captain's mech gripped the energy cutting knife and smashed the lower body of the mech. The energy cutting knife instantly cut off a thick dark red tentacles.

Under Wu Qi’s look, I suddenly found out that the land around the captain’s mechs did not know when it became a “liquid state”. A few dark red skins with **** lines and thick tentacles stretched out from the liquefied ground. Force to control the legs of the captain's mech!

Between the electric and the flint, a few tentacles were punctured under the liquefied earth. The two tentacles swept the right arm joint of the captain's mech as quickly as lightning. The two tentacles tied the trunk of the captain's armor in an oblique cross. !

Two dark red tentacles hit the left hand of the captain's mech, and the target pointed to Wu Qi who stood in the left palm of the mech! The hunter does not have any warning, and Wu Qi can only avoid the extremely fast touch of the action by virtue of his own reaction speed and agile danger.

The first two tentacles attacked Wu Qi and did not succeed. Wu Qi’s blind spot was stabbed with two tentacles. The number of tentacles makes Wu Qi unstoppable, and Wu Qi’s range of movement is only such a small piece of the left palm of the mech!

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