Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 678: Blood flame end

Kazan’s soon-to-be-floating double-knife stopped, and his mind was thinking about teleporting and retreating at the fastest speed. But what surprised him was that his body was still in place.

There was no power to block Kazan. It was Kazan who subconsciously chose not to obey the command of the Cursed Throne.

This battle plan was originally made by the curse of the throne. Cursed by the throne, the throne of the throne, even the throne of the throne of life, was cursed by the curse of the throne. He thought that he was the master of the combat plan, but he was trying to set off the "tools" of the war promotion plan. On the contrary, the Cursed Throne really wants to bring him Kazan to build his career. He also perfectly executed all the links of the cursed throne battle plan, and even decisively put on life and consciousness when planning a crisis.

However, at this moment, it is obvious that Kazan’s heart is listening to the order, and the body’s actions are the opposite!

You can make up the knife before going further. Even if this woman is a fourth-order pioneer, she is only the fourth-order pioneer of the spiritual system! Her body strength may be weaker than her own.

"Can be! I can kill this woman directly here! Take the highest reward of the Emperor directly!"

At the moment when Kazan’s spirit and body choice split, Kazan chose the latter by instinct! He sensed where the flames were in the flames, and combined the two knives into a 20-meter-long WISP blade, slamming his head!

Hey. Kazan worked hard to split the flames into two halves, and the surging gale even pulled out a big gap in the clouds in the sky.

In the flames of the two halves, there is no revealing figure, but in Kazan’s perception network, if it is clearly in the position of the flame gap.

Kazan suddenly realized. The fourth-order pioneer is the fourth-order, but she still has the spare power to display other spiritual abilities, and her mind can fool her five senses and energy sense. Cursed the throne of the throne is no longer strong enough to defeat the fourth-order pioneers in one time. If you have such power, it is not a curse.

At this time, he wanted to fly back, but he did not expect a fiery jade to rush from the air in the side. Kazan reacted at the last minute and couldn’t do it.

If the sly hand pats the top of Kazan's head, the mental attack like Wanxie Hell instantly slams into Kazan's brain. Kazan spurted the blood seven times, and the entire skull immediately exploded with a scarlet mask.

If she appears again in the sky, she will be unscathed. Her beautiful appearance is as healthy and rosy as usual, and her exquisite posture is straight and straight. After she smashed the head of Kazan, she gaze at the plague legion below.

The unscarred figure in the sky is now reflected in the eyes of all the soldiers. All the stones in the hearts of the soldiers have finally fallen, and the corners of the mouth have revealed a happy smile from the heart.

The city owner is really invincible!

The plague-type army on the ground was retreating from the army, and even because of the death of the commander, they began to flee. However, if the smothering heart has already begun, you can allow these plague species and the cursed throne hidden in it to escape.

If you wave your hand, it will release a strong spiritual energy to the ground. Immediately, almost all the plague species lost their way, accelerating in the opposite direction of the original escape, and colliding with other plague species.

The plague corps was in a mess, and under the command of Ruoqiang’s spiritual voice, the high-walled heavy artillery array, the ruined mechs, and all the war tanks and armed heavy-duty field vehicles all fired together. The devastating firepower strikes into the plague of the plague, and brutally devours these plagues.

The fire and smoke that ignited on the ground turned more than three times in an instant. The plague legion, such as the Purgatory Boiler that fell into ruin, fell one by one in the sound of mourning.

Reflecting the blood of the Scorpio, it is also reflected in the blue eyes of Ruoqiang. Her eyes are sharp like a sword, and the things she has done have raised the momentum of all the vengeance of the soldiers to the extreme.

The "Haidongqing" that General Hicks drove also took the opportunity to quickly harvest all the creeps of the small units. After the last crawling species fell, he suddenly felt awkward.

The life detection device of Haidongqing completely failed to detect Wu Qi’s position. At this moment, the fire smashed the original, the smoke covered the sky, and there were chaotic plagues and cokes everywhere. No matter whether it is life energy detection, thermal detection, or carbon dioxide detection, it can't work.

General Hicks glanced at the flames all around. Hai Dongqing’s mech head looked up at the sky and saw the squatting squatting.

"Adult, is your command? How did you find out Wu Qi’s position in the first place, but ordered the slaughter of the plague army!"

Hicks couldn't help but pass his voice to the heavens. He can only look carefully between the cokes of the crawling species. Then the chasing troops that came after they joined the side battlefield of the slaughter of the plagues, but only one of the battlefields had opened the enemy to Haidongqing.

"General Hicks, Wu Qi?" Yue Zhanfei even contacted Shanghai Dongqing's newsletter and asked urgently.

"Can't find it, who of you has the ability to detect Wu Qi's position?"

Yue Zhanfei’s expression was awkward and his face suddenly became very ugly. He immediately launched "global line of sight" to find Wu Qi, the fire and smoke could not block the "global line of sight" vision, but Yue Zhanfei found a half shadow of Wu Qi can not find.

"Wu Qi is not in my ‘global line of sight' ability range, we look for another position. Xiao Kui, you fly to the sky to find Yue Zhanfei on the crowd in the car, and then with Xiao Kui.

Xiao Kui "Well" immediately flew out of the top of the carriage, while flying to overlook the flamefield of the battlefield below. The battlefield car also started to explore the traces of Wu Qi in the gap between the body and the fire.

In the carriage, Guo Baibo and Gao Yuan shared Yue Zhanfei’s vision of “global line of sight” and looked for Wu Qi together. Kriss pressed his head and sat in his seat.

The battle for the oppression of the heart finally won, and the accumulated fatigue in the body of Kris finally broke out. Although he was anxious to find Wu Qi, fatigue caused him to fail.

The little red fox looked at the flaming flame outside the window, and the eyeball turned and turned. It stood on four feet and walked east and west, with a restless look.

Time is tight. Xiao Kui looked for a moment in the sky without fruit, and finally bite his teeth and fly on the height of the sky.

"The city owner, Wu Qi is missing, please use..."

When Xiao Kui’s words came to an abrupt end, he slammed his eyes and stared at the sight.

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