Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 682: Change

"Guo Bobai."

The balcony door was gently opened. Guo Baibai saw Gao Yuan as soon as he turned back.

"It's you, is there anything?" Guo Bobai said as he turned back and continued to return to the one-handed position on his cheek.

"Look at the door of your bedroom, you know that you are on the balcony from the aisle, so come and see." Gao Yuan sat down in the chair next to Guo Baibai.

The air was silent for a moment, and he said with a high voice: "Guo Baibo, why should you take advantage of Lao Gu?"

"What do you mean?"

"All. Wu Qi disappeared on the battlefield, and you compiled a fake content that the city owner called him on a temporary business trip," Gao Yuan whispered. "Wu Qi is missing, everyone is very sad, but I don't think it is necessary to take advantage of the old Gu. If Wu Qi did not return for a long time, Lao Gu would always know. Instead of waiting for that time, it is worse than the beginning..."

Guo Baibo stared at the moonlight fragments reflected in the blue lake. Suddenly said: "Gao Yuan, Wu Qi is missing, but therefore let the old reunion waiting for a long time to become a bitter melon face for everyone, you Do you think this is really good?"

High and speechless. Guo Bobai picked up the hair from the ear and continued: "Everyone has experienced three battles in a row, and it is already very tired. We all need to rest well and raise our spirits to meet the future that is still full of thorns. I made a false statement. On the one hand, I don’t want him to be suddenly hit in the stage of high-spirited work. On the one hand, I hope that our 'Black Ride' will start from this meal tonight and look up."

Gao Yuan took a look at Guo Baibai's side face very unexpectedly. Guo Bobai's expression is very calm, with a little temperament similar to Wu Qi in his expression, in his voice, and in his tone.

Gao Yuan once thought that Wu Qi was missing. Guo Baibai, who loves Wu Qi, would be the most sad person among them. Guo Babai’s performance really surprised him. He was surprised that Guo Bobai’s feelings for Wu Qi were not in doubt, but Guo Bobai’s speed of cheering was fast.

Guo Bobai is from the perspective of facilitating the progress of the entire team. So even if she is the saddest of all, it may be because of this, she has a motivation in her heart, wanting to actively push the whole team out of the sad atmosphere.

"I understand." Gao Yuanru is the way.


"But there is a ugly word, I think I should talk to you in advance." Gao Yuanyan turned.

Guo Bobai was silent for a short while, then said: "You say it."

"It is a good thing that you are so strong now, but please tell me honestly, are you thinking that 'Wu Qi can't die, he must be alive'." Gao Yuan slowly came.

Guo Bobai’s hands crossed his fingers, loosened, and crossed again. Finally, he tried to make his voice appear calm and calm: “No...not saying no. I didn’t deceive myself. Wu Qi is missing, he has It may die, there may be no death, the probability is half to half."

Gao Yuan saw Guo Baibai's micro-action in his eyes. He didn't say it, but he slowly stood up on the seat and walked to the door of the balcony.

"That's good. The only thing I am afraid of is that you are hypnotizing yourself. I believe that Wu Qi is alive. In case of anything, Wu Qi really left us. I am worried that you will not be able to bear this result when you arrive." In the direction of the door.

High-level concerns are not overdone. There are indeed such people in this world. People who are close to each other are suddenly absent, but they are calmer than everyone else and are not sentimental. And when it's sometime in the future or in a no-man's place, they will collapse without warning. The result is often more difficult to get out of this quagmire than the one who was initially sentimental.

Wu Qi’s disappearance, any rational person knows that Wu Qisheng’s probability is still very small, unless there is a miracle. Gao Yuan is equally aware of this.

On the time, Gao Yuan knew Wu Qi and Wu Qi together to fight side by side earlier than Guo Bobai. His inner sentiment was like a flood that overflowed the river in a rainy night. He almost swallowed his calmness and strength, and let him fall into a long section. The hustle of time. Including now, Gao Yuan is still difficult to accept the reality that Wu Qi is not around them. All this seems to be a nightmare, so unreal, scary, but unable to escape.

It is a very amazing creature. When someone else falls into sorrow with himself and this person is "weak" than himself, then he or she will have a courage to protect the weak from the mood; this courage will help people dilute the sadness , get stronger than the real ability. In the final analysis, Gao Yuan and Guo Bobai, who are worried about him, are all the same. They all want to protect and help the sorrowful teammates to cheer up and look forward, thus ignoring their sorrow.

No one can overcome the sorrow that a person who has always trusted has suddenly left in such a short period of time, but in the midst of a war full of darkness and thorns, what mortals can do is only deliberately strong and use a higher survival rate. Live.

Gao Yuan turned the doorknob and went out. On the balcony, there is only Guo Baibai alone.

I don’t know how many times, the loneliness that I heard from where I swept away took away the fullness of Guo Bobai’s chest. She felt the chest empty, so she slammed her heart, squatting, squatting, and using it deeper, trying to force her to go through her chest to the heart.

"How come? I obviously have no tears."

Guo Baibai wiped his eyes and repeatedly confirmed that he did not cry. However, her heart was sour, and her shoulders, back, stomach, and legs were not cold.

Originally, Guo Baibo was able to deceive herself psychologically, but the high words cut her heart and let her self-deception reveal a flaw. Now that the psychological fragility is reflected in the physiology, it becomes like this.

Guo Baibai curled up in the chair and tried to ease the feeling of cold, but it didn't work. A few seconds later, she pumped a slightly moist nose, her hands patted her cheeks twice, and said to herself: "I am still waiting outside the cold, go to bed early."

So Guo Bobai stood up, she opened the door and closed the door, leaving the balcony that gradually blows the night wind.


The next day. The sun rises as usual, and the white clouds are floating on the blue sky. The golden sunlight shines through the thin clouds, just like the warmth of the human body. The breeze blew, and rows of artificial trees on the edge of the street swayed the green leaves on the branches. The shadow of the canopy reflected on the ground of the bright hall, always sloshing.

In front of the highest command building, a man and a woman stood in the square. These two people are Xiao Kui and Ke Wei.

"Sold soldiers at other bases in Noah City, as long as they submit their resumes and applications, can temporarily acquire the residency rights of the Noah base and be temporarily incorporated into the missing soldier squad. This new rule, I don't need to repeat it again." Xiao Kui looked at Ke Weidao.

"When you go, my ears are going to be scorpion. Are you going to accompany me up?" Ke Wei was not angry.

Xiao Kuiyu said twice: "It’s a simple matter to accompany your brother. It seems that you have not been independent for ten years."

Ke Wei grabbed Xiao Kui's arm and half spoiled: "This little thing really wants me to go alone, no, you will be content, there is a sister who grows up and sticks to you. Besides, you don't I have come here, and it is too deliberate to deliberately leave me here."

Of course, Ke Wei’s ability to test alone does not need to be testified, but she will still show the appearance of someone to accompany her, and even spoiled it. Xiao Kui just wants to tease Ke Wei.

The two walked into the highest command building and took the elevator up. The elevator is fixed on the 5th floor, and the exit is the large floor of the floor made entirely of black marble.

Here is the department that changes and upgrades. After the new rules for recruiting orders, the department will have a lot of soldiers who have come to complete the transfer procedures.

The ordinary soldiers of the other four bases should apply for a recruiting order. First, they must submit an application form and pass the screening at the investigating headquarters system of their own base. Only the elite can qualify for the temporary Noah City preparation and report to Noah Base. If a small number of such as Ke Wei are already at the base of Noah, you can apply directly here.

Ke Wei naturally thinks that he is a soldier in the ranks of the elite. She prudently handed over her application materials to the staff. Although she was confident, she was still a little nervous.

"Ke Ke, you are not the first soldier to respond to the recruiting order, but it is the first to report." Young female staff said.

"I want to come. It is all sorts of coincidences," Ke said.

"Since people are coming for an interview. Although the conditions for joining the Noah base have been relaxed a lot, but personal strength is the bottom line for the Noah base to protect the low- and medium-strength soldiers. ~ Ke Wei nodded: "Good. ”

On the interview, Ke Wei and Xiao Kui greeted each other and told Xiao Kui that he would succeed. Xiao Kui’s gaze to believe that Ke Wei’s departure is equal to cheering for her.

For this younger sister, Xiao Kui is still as old as she was, worried that she will be in danger on the battlefield.

The other four bases deal with the enemy at most with only the thirteenth throne, the third-order hegemony commanded by the third-level tyrant, and the enemy of Noah’s base yesterday was the one-time three thrones and tens of thousands of plagues. Kind. To some extent, the enemies of the Noah base are infinitely strong, and the soldiers who join the Noah base are bound to join the battlefield where the casualty rate is high and the enemy is the strongest.

The truth is that this is true, but counting another account is another matter. Once a throne appears on any of the other four bases, it would be difficult for the base to win the war without the top battle against the throne.

Xiao Kui personally witnessed the dawn base, so compared to let Ke Wei return to the dusk base to fight on the enemy's weaker battlefield, he would rather follow Kei to fight against the throne.

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