Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 686: Reappear

Wu Qi accurately caught the handle, and the eyes seemed to brew a deep black bottomless sea.

His eyes locked eight predators at the same time, and the enemy groups dispersed immediately. Only two predators were still in his field of vision, and all others moved beyond his field of vision.

Through the previous fight, Wu Qi determined that the individual strength of this group of beasts is at least third-order! Their speed, precision of movement, and responsiveness are unusually high, and the body's defense power is unknown. The rigidity of the arm is no less than the hardness of the long knife.

If he can't kill the enemy in one-on-one, the number advantage of the other party will be infinite. And the speed of the enemy group is no less than him, and the escape is a success.

Wu Qi suddenly stepped forward and his legs broke out at the limit. His figure disappeared into place, and appeared in front of a predator in 0.1 seconds!

Wu Qili licks the head of the predator, and the predator's right arm blade picks up from the bottom to the top, blocking the slash of the long knife, and the left arm blade straight ahead and stabs the heart of Wu Qi.

Wu Qi’s left hand smashed out of the oblique direction and accurately grasped the predator’s left arm blade. At the same time, the downward knife and the predator’s arm were intertwined, and the giant force fell to the predator. The face of the person.

The faceless head of the predator was smashed into two halves by a three-footed knife. The red blood and the brain were immediately shot from the crack of the head!

Just 0.5 seconds later, Wu Qi used the "gravitational" ability to divide the long knife into two, with a very fine gap in the middle, just let the predator's blade pass, and then return the complete speed at the fastest speed. The blade is full of the head of the predator.

Such a precise and fast "gravitational" operation, and applied to the normal slash, is the first time Wu Qi.

Wu Qi's escape from the sputtered plasma also evaded the knife blade from the side of the predator. Wu Qi backhanded the knife to the front of the predator. However, the other party learned to avoid Wu Qi’s “dividing edge” through the death of his companion in a short time, without using the knife arm to touch the long knife blade but the foot Shortly and shortly avoiding Wu Qi's slashing, he moved to Wu Qi sideways and cut his neck sideways!

Wu Qidang’s knife and the ambassador of power both opened their swords. Just as the predator wanted to change his position, its heel was suddenly blown away by the blades from the ground, spraying blood, and the predator's legs were immediately in place.

The long shadow of Wu Qi’s hand was gone, and the whole head was smashed down from the neck when the predator of the Achilles tendon was smashed away from the front wing.


Wu Qi Xindao. He thoroughly saw the predator's keen insight and speeding ability. He must not delay the time. He must kill all the enemies when they can't come up with a comprehensive countermeasure.

Wu Qi has a footstep, and numerous gene fragments inside the body erupted into a fierce lightning chain. The power of the perfect adjacent body parts surges like a storm, pushing the speed of Wu Qi's body beyond the limit!

The battle between you and me ended in just 25 seconds. On the ground of 50 meters, there were 8 pieces of corpses scattered around the predators.

After this battle, Wu Qi’s combat uniforms were basically scrapped. The upper body was ruined and the tactical clothing fabrics hanging around had no defense and other performance. Wu Qi directly took off the upper body of his combat uniforms, leaving only the pants and boots, and was naked.

Wu Qi’s trousers were also left with a few splits by the predators, and the legs were not bad. These wounds can be quickly regenerated and repaired, Wu Qi does not care.

Next, Wu Qizhen first used the "Wildness of the Wilderness" on the predator's body to see what information the group of beasts could get.

In the past 5 seconds of the real world, Wu Qi opened his eyes. His expression is subtle, because this is the first time he encountered a plague that would actively destroy his own genetic chain after his death.

Wu Qi tried several times on the bodies of other predators, and the results were all the same. This made Wu Qi suspicious of the origins of this group of predators.

"The information that 'Road' passed to me shows that there are no natural species that will self-destruct the gene chain. So this predator must be associated with the thirteen throne or a special third-order hegemon, with great probability of participating in the attack. The battles of other bases. Following the traces of their arrival, I may be able to find the position of other bases."

This analysis allowed Wu Qi to stand on the fork. It is to continue to trace the traces of the spinosaurus, bet that they have not used the ground for 12 hours after leaving the Noah battlefield, or choose to trace the traces of the predators to find other bases.

Wu Qi closed his eyes and thought carefully. He must succeed in this second choice. If he succeeds, he will be closer to the goal of returning to Noah's base.

"Since the spinosaurus swallowed me, it was almost impossible to escape in the visible range of Ruo's sister without drilling. The choice of the spinosaurus would have to bear the 'the plague legion led by the throne and the Noah Legion tied up' and The two risks of 'the spine dragon does not use the ground drill'. The predator's insect wings can only make one big jump at most, and can't fly long distances. It is safer to choose the latter."

Wu Qi quickly made a decision. He wants to "around the distance", first find the location of other bases and then return to the Noah base.

I want to stop Wu Qi from directly launching the action. He traces the traces of predators and keeps tracing from the dark to the end of the horizon of the wilderness east. On the way, he saw the remains of many plague species, the predator's saliva and predator marks on the wreckage, and the predator's footprint on the other end of the wreckage.

In the end, Wu Qi did not accidentally return to the remnant of the spinosaurus. Overnight, the body of the spinosaurus became a skeleton under the food of the green vulture vultures and other wilderness plague species. The skeleton is still being eaten by a litter of mutant ants.

Wu Qi has a deeper understanding of why it is difficult to find a complete skeleton on the wilderness. His steps did not stop, he continued to walk on the wasteland and traced the traces left by the predators.

Time is Wu Qi's biggest enemy. On the afternoon of the following day, he spent more than five times the unit time of tracking predator footprints. Scorpio unknowingly gathered a thick lead cloud, and it seems that rain is impossible to change the future.

Wu Qi did not sigh and sighed and cursed the weather. He insisted on tracking the moment when the rain fell, watching the rain fall on the ground and splashing the water, then gathering it into a strip of muddy water between the bumps of the soil, and then seeing all the muddy streams gathered to Regardless of each other, he washed away all the predator footprints he could find, and finally slowed down.

"Mom." Wu Qi sullenly revealed the truest thoughts in her heart.

In the wilderness, the ability to strength only determines whether a person is difficult to walk. It is always luck to really decide how far a person can go.


The lead color of the lead cloud filled the entire sky, and the rain quickly turned into a heavy rain.

Wu Qi's hair was completely wet and wet around her forehead. The rain curtain ticking constantly hangs in front of Wu Qi, even the eyelashes can not escape the fate of being wet. His boots were completely stepped on the mud and stained dirty.

It rained off Wu Qi’s only clues and helped him wash away the stains such as the spine body fluid left on his pants. Wu Qi launched the "gravitational" ability to condense a large piece of water on the ground into a "water tray" with a diameter of 1 meter, and the floating space was supported on his head.

The "water tray" blocked the rain for him, and he walked in the northeast direction in the process of playing half-training ability proficiency.

Suddenly, Wu Qi’s soles passed a series of current senses. Even if the foot was wet early by the rain falling into the combat boots, the keen Wu Qi did not miss the hunter’s sense of danger.

Wu Qi's obsidian eyes burst out with amazing concentration. He immediately summoned all the ancestral scales to form the indestructible upper body scales; the perceptual net inspires to the extreme, the water tray hanging over the head and the heavy rain falling from the sky are all excluded from the sensory world, only sensing the mudslide Earth.

Because the hunter's direct warning is from below.

Who knows that in front of the muddy river, a 6-meter-high mud wave was picked up. A four-finged giant fish with a body upper part exposed to the surface of the water swiftly swayed in the mud, and the speed of 180 km per hour caused the muddy water in all areas where the four-fin giant fish passed!

This scene reminds Wu Qi of the water spear python that was encountered when performing the **** mission in the 130th mining area. Dealing with enemies in the water is not what he is good at. The "gravitational" ability has very limited control over muddy water.

But the enemy has already come to the door. In addition to killing it, Wu Qi has no other choice.

Wu Qi pulled out a long knife and was about to move. As a result, the direction of the giant mud fish suddenly changed, and it turned sharply right at the position of 30 meters in front of Wu Qi.

"Is the goal not me?"

Wu Qi brow wrinkles ~ ~ next second he feels that the situation is different, the hunch is really in the middle!

A beautiful blonde who doesn't dye any muddy water rushes into Wu Qi's eyes, and then breaks through the mud waves is a white face that blends the beauty of the East and West. Underneath a pair of clear blue eyes, eight rose gold scales are arranged in an orderly manner on the cheeks on both sides.

In pursuit of the giant mud fish is a woman dressed in dark green military uniforms. The mud and waves that she splashed all over her body did not stain her clothes, which was too unclean. And she ran at the same speed as the giant mud fish. At this moment, the giant mud fish turned and she and Wu Qi’s sight suddenly hit.

Both sides were shocked by the sudden encounter with another person walking on the wasteland at this time. The muddy water that was flying in the air blocked the two people from looking at each other's sight.

However, the familiar atmosphere in the darkness connects each other. The moment when the two men met face to face, the force of reincarnation in the body sent out the cheers of homosexuality.

"This!" Wu Qi was shocked. He has not yet recognized the woman opposite, Renee, but Renee took the lead at this time.

"Help me stop this giant mud fish, killing the prey after half a minute!"

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