Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 690: Under the peer

Wu Qi and Renee walked into the mountain pass and saw the big water beach surrounded by mountains. The water in the water beach is dark blue, and there is a kind of vegetation with dark green leaves and blue-purple flowers. The vegetation grows like floating and growing on the water surface, and it is a little bright color for the bland water beach.

The water depth of this beach is very shallow, and you can see the fish creatures under the water and the muddy soil at the bottom of the water and the pebbles distributed between the soil. The roots of the blue-violet vegetation are stuck in the gaps between the stones or in the holes in the soil.

There are also many raised platform tops in the water beach. From time to time, you can see the golden frogs jumping out of the water and screaming on the platform.

On both sides of the water beach are two entrances to the valley, one to the left and one to the right. The towering mountain is just in the middle of the distance. The mountains are covered with tall lush vegetation, and the dense sea of ​​canopy blocks the view of the mountains, allowing people to subconsciously look at the passages around the valley.

“Is the giant mud fish swimming out of the valley from this exit? It looks like the water is very clear.” Wu Qi asked. Mud mud fish, regardless of size or water quality, should be a swamp, not a clear water beach.

“The flow path of water is underground. The water flow here is often renewed and clear. It is also clear. The muddy fish can transform the surrounding wet soil into mud, but it still swims from the underground waterway, and then through the heavy rain. The weather is out of the valley," Renee explained.

She lifted her right finger to the valley channel on the right side: "Go here and take a few bends. After a few hundred meters, you can see the swamp habitat of the giant mud fish. But there are other waterways in the underground of the swamp. Occasionally, many giant mud fish gather in a swamp."

“Is there a lot of underground water in this mountain?” Wu Qi heard the word underground water for the second time.

“Well. The most mysterious and difficult area of ​​this forest is the groundwater road. Other areas such as forests, wasteland, caves, etc., have been explored by our team when they choose to camp here. Even so, the area we know is only part of the mountains. The end of the mountain is still unknown."

Wu Qi understood the nod. Renee told him to go to the left is the forest, but also through the forest on the left, and there are many waterways on the left. And the land on the right side is mostly, there are not so many tall trees, and there is a lot of wasteland far away.

Renee said that their camp was stationed in an underground cave behind the wasteland. The cave is very wide, and there are several layers deep down, connected by a few meters and a dozen meters of cliffs. There are a large number of stalactite columns, bare or exposed ore outside the rock wall, as well as insects, mosses, vines, and the corner of the underground river.

There are a lot of wind holes in the cave, and the air circulation is not bad. The number of internal and external passages in different levels in the cave is different, that is, the outside creatures can enter the cave without passing through the largest hole; therefore, in the cave, there may be plague species coming from outside, and the wreckage of the plague in the corner is also coldly seen. Not surprisingly. The caves where the camps are located have fewer external channels, and their staff is adequately guarded.

Renee did not say the situation of the cave where the camp was located. It only introduced the general situation. If Wu Qi explores the outside of the cave on the camp for 15 minutes, she will know all the information she just said. And some crucial information, Wu Qi himself does not see her camp, from the outside is not always impossible to know.

For Renee, for Wu Qi, the trust between the two and the other person is far from the degree of "trust". Wu Qi’s most important thing to watch out for is Renee’s teammates. Before being familiar with the environment of this mountain range, she would never be able to relax her vigilance, and Renee will also prevent Wu Qi from attacking their camp.

"Do you want to go back to camp with me?" Renee said.

Wu Qi took a look at Renee and walked to the left side of the road.

Renee muttered: "I asked what I did, and I thought it would be impossible."

Wu Qi’s footsteps suddenly stopped. He turned his head and said to Renee: “Thank you for taking me to this mountain range. Please also keep your teammates secret and don’t let them know my existence.”

"Can you tell me how to contact you? You will not get bored into the forest and then disappear without saying a word," said Renee.

"I can't tell you this, because I can't confirm it now." Wu Qi has no contact device, and even if he does, he will not use it with Renee. The teammates behind her are always a potential threat.

"Well, then I think about it." Renee held her chin.

Wu Qi said: "You think about it slowly. If you are acting alone and the jungle tracking skills are good enough, you can naturally find me."

Wu Qi means that he will not completely erase the traces left by his passing.

"Well, then see you."


Wu Qi and Lei Ni parted ways. Wu Qi went to the forest on the left and soon disappeared. Renee looked at Wu Qi’s back disappeared before continuing on the right side of the road.

Renee saw Wu Qi's file and knew that Wu Qi was a "hunter" with strong survivability and excellent comprehensive skills. But the skills she learns have nothing to do with the hunters. She will do the tracking skills that the soldiers must repair, but if she counts the traces of a person, a creature and the target in a complex jungle, she thinks she Not at all good.

Renee sighed with her hands on her hips. The complexity of this tone is very rich, but she quickly regained her spirit and walked in the direction of the wasteland.

Here, in order to chase a giant mud fish to the hunting of the wilderness, there is no loss. When I think of a person who is worthy of her communication and understanding in the same mountain range, Renee has a little more in her heart. Excited.

Not long after, Renee came to the cave where the camp was located along the low ground of the wasteland.

As soon as you enter the cave, the light of the environment becomes dim a lot. In the dark environment, the color of the rock wall is dark blue or gray. Going further into the distance is a stone cliff with a height difference of more than ten meters. There are slender curtain vines on the side of the stone cliff. The end of these vines is stuck in the gap between the earth and stone, and the firmness is quite good. Renee went down the vines and let go of the perception network to find out the dim light.

Make sure that no plague from outside has invaded the road ahead. Renee continued to go deep into the cave, two layers down, three floors down, until the fourth floor deep underground.

On the fourth floor of the cave, the light turned brighter. There are a large number of bare or exposed ore walls on the walls of the caves. These ores emit light light inside. The light from all the ore is concentrated and it looks quite bright. On the side of the cave road there is a pool of underground river water, the blue water in the water is white, the light of the ore is reflected on the water surface, reaching the extreme corners of the cave. And the bottom of the water at the corner of the underground river also has glowing ore.

Because of the illuminating ore and the surface of the underground river, the brightness of the fourth layer of the cave is enough to see the face of the person. This underground river also provides a very clean water source that can be used for washing and bathing without any treatment.

Opposite the underground river pool is a camp composed of more than a dozen tents, and a long torch standing inside and outside the camp illuminates here.

"The anecdote is coming." Renee walked over with a huge mesh bag that was hugely fished.

A soldier heard the voice and greeted him. Renee gave the fish bag to the soldier and said, “Do it right away.”

The daily necessities in the camp were all moved from the battlefield, including kitchen utensils and so on.

After giving the fish, Renee walked straight into one of the tents. Open the curtain, the lamp is lit in the tent, and the white light is bright. Nerro, the vice captain of Crouching Tiger, lay on the marching blanket. Song Wei is also in the same tent. He is sitting on the floor reading a book, and another soldier is taking care of Nero.

"I am back. The hunting of the giant mud fish is very successful, and the cooking team is already doing it." Renee chose a marching blanket to sit cross-legged.

Nero saw Renee come back and tried to sit up from the quilt. He said: "You have been there for a long time. It is purely for me, but it is not used."

Renee looked at Nero's pale, paper-like face and it was not a taste. Nero's skin is always white and stone-like, but since his serious injury, his face looks whiter and bloodless.

"The deputy captain, the meat of the giant mud fish is one-of-a-kind. Nutritious, it is very helpful for your injury." Renee said, his eyes could not help but shift to the abdomen covered by Nero quilt.

Nero still wants to say something, but he sees Renee's heart and the hunting is back, so he doesn't say anything more, just saying: "I am bothering you."

"Nutrition-rich" and the like For their intensively encroaching area, the meat-lived soldiers who eat the plague are a bit like a joke. But if his injury is so serious that even the potent cell active agents can't be cured, Renee will not think about the way that everyone will not understand this weekday.

Looking back a few days ago, they marched on the battlefield car, proceeded to where to investigate, and easily settled in the battlefield vehicles with resources and facilities. Now they live in a cave in the wasteland deep in the mountains, and they have specially built a camp. Half of the soldiers who survived were injured, as if the transition from the initial to the present was full of dreams.

Renee and Nero and Song Yu talked a few words, and they chatted with the soldiers who took care of Nero. They continued to stay in the camp and read the book like Song Wei.

After a while, the soldiers of the accident group sent fish soup stewed with giant mud fish. The fish soup is in front of Nero, the noodle soup is golden yellow, the hot and delicious smell is tempting; the large pieces of fish are delicate and fat, accompanied by freshly cooked rice and dishes, are the hearts of the soldiers in the accident group.

Renee saw Nero eating and drinking, and she liked the food she hunted, and she left the camp with confidence.

Time is getting to the evening.

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