Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 706: Hunter turns

The gray wind tornado slammed heavily on the ground, and the racing field vehicle was caught in the moment and disappeared. The violent winds smashed the ground like a rig, and a large number of gravel detached from the ground into the control of the wind tornado. It was accompanied by a huge kinetic energy and energy torrent, and began to rotate at a high speed in a circle.

The wind tornado raged in place for 30 seconds, and the air-exploding whale was confident that the "turtle shell" hidden by humans would be torn apart in these 30 seconds. The gray wind tornado became a little weaker and weaker, and at the end it was completely dispersed. The battlefield car that was involved in it, such as the empty whale, was left with only a piece of steel wreckage. The composite metal armor of the car body did not know how many cracks were broken inside and outside.

The battlefield car that turned into a wreck was motionless, and no one had climbed out of the battlefield with blood. The air-blasting whale dropped another 100 meters and wanted to check how many humans were in the wreckage of the battlefield.

A half-mountain of the valley suddenly burst out with a golden figure. Renee's slender blonde, like a waterfall, swelled in the wind, and the war-fighting suits that were torn by the wind tornado showed a beautiful dazzling rose gold scale. Her shoulders cracked a circle of cracks, like a tidal gold liquid skeleton spurting out cracks, and sighed at Renee's arms.

The golden liquid shape of the golden light is a blink of an eye, and Renee's arms once again cover the giant bones of the third-order power "Dragon skeleton". At the same moment, a dark shadow of the wind came out of Renee's back, and Renee waved the giant bones to grab the dark shadow, and then slammed it up!

The shadow of the black shadow flying into the sky was so fast that the air-exploding whale had no time to react. In the next second, he had already stepped on the back of the air-exploding whale with his feet, and looked down at the empty brown back of the whale.

The black shadow is Wu Qi. His whole body was hidden under the vine cloak, and the scalloped scales all floated on the surface of the skin. The only neck and face that had not been covered by the cloak also floated on the scales; the scales extended to Wu Qi’s nose and wrapped his chin completely. Inside, a helmet with a scale of half a beast tooth.

Wu Qizhen pulled out the long knife, and the banana leaf wrapped around the knife suddenly burst into numerous pieces. Dozens of silver-powered blades are launched to plunge into the thick back skin of the air-blasting whale. With a fixed preparation, Wu Qi squatted down and took a thick back on the air.

Wu Qi’s consciousness immediately entered the life world of the air-popping whale. The life world of the air-blasting whale is a wasteland filled with battlefields. The blood-red sky, the valley covered with blood pigments, and the plains of the blasting pits are all the pictures of its life world.

After the violent rise of the ancestral power, Wu Qi found that his detective power in the life of the third-order life also climbed to a higher level. He waved his hand toward the sky, and when he read "door open," a light door appeared in the **** sky.

This is the "capability" that opens up the light door of the fourth-order life and engulfs its essential energy. Without looking through all the life information of the third-order life air-explosive whale, you can directly obtain the "light door" from its life world.

Entering and exiting the life world of air-blasting whales is only a short half second in the outside world. Wu Qi opened his eyes and knew all the abilities and weaknesses of the airborne whale!

Wu Qi that squats in the eyes of the obsidian, screams the ruthless beast! He stepped on the giant back of the empty whale, and as a powerful arrow rushed to the head of the empty whale, the rows of blades tied to the whale's back quickly peeled off, turning into a silver stream to follow Wu Qi's Back view.

The body of the air-exploding whale is large, but its head is very small, only about 15 minutes of the front end of the body.

The air-exploding whale sensed that an extremely dangerous breath was approaching its head, and hurriedly fluttered to the enemy who had to lift off the top of the head. A second before it responded, Wu Qi first fell to the top of his head like a ghost.

He lifted a three-footed knife, and the power of returning to the ancestors exploded through his whole body. There seemed to be a thick force lightning bolting through Wu Qi’s right arm, which was split into five slender hands at the beginning of the palm. Lightning, reaching his fingertips.

All the blades were ruined at the moment, and Wu Qi broke out with all his strength, and the power that suddenly poured out was overwhelming! He smashed the thick skin of the head of the empty blasting whale, and the powerful slamming kinetic energy penetrated into the scalp of the empty blasting whale to expand the wound by 20 times!

The tension and anger were filled with the head of the empty whale. It screamed and rushed from the height of 100 meters to the height of 500 meters, and rushed to the height of 600 meters. At the same time, the high-altitude winds are also converging in the naked eye into a gray stream of air. It seems that the air-blasting whales will use gray tornadoes to sweep their heads.

Wu Qi knows the intensity of this gray wind tornado. Every wind flow inside it has the destructive power of high-speed steel movement. Its true body is the power of four giant wings "Tianxiang Steel Wind". Although it is a third-order mutated organ type, the wing of "Tianxiang Steel Wind" can hold up the huge and heavy body of the air-blasting whale, making it easy and flexible to travel the sky, and the small-scale destructive power It is even better than the natural control type of "sky lord".

"Tianxiang Steel Wind" is very powerful. When Wu Qiruo is swept in front, the variables of this battle will be more than offset by his control, so he is absolutely impossible to give the air-blasting whale a chance to fight back.

Wu Qi single palm hits the blade with the blade facing down, controlling the hundreds of blades connecting the blade. Like grasping the electromagnetic kinetic rifle, he took a "trigger" to buckle down, and hundreds of blades passed from the last bursting force to the previous one, and all the power was delivered in a flash!

The blade of the knife tip is like a supersonic bullet that cuts the thick skin, flesh and bones that are obstructing the advancement, and runs through the air of the empty whale! The blade that followed was launched into the brain of the skull of the air-exploding whale like a fish, and opened a passionate dance feast.

The gray wind tornado that has been condensed in the volley has stopped before it is completed, and it has been decomposed into a scattered airflow and returned to the sky. The huge body of the air-exploding whale was shocked by the electric shock. The four wings did not move, and the head glided toward the front body and fell to the valley.

At this time, other soldiers one by one from the rocky bunker on the mountainside to find their heads, they jointly witnessed the scene of the airborne whale falling from the sky. In the end, the huge whale's body slammed into the ridge and made a loud noise.

The thousands of blast bags on the belly of the air-exploding whale are all red, and the volcano erupts like a blast! The explosion of gold and red, like a fire of the gods, ignited all the trees on the ridge, and created a mythical flame mountain.

"Lieutenant Renee, paint without him..." Captain Jiang pointed to the blazing flame mountain, and swayed.

Renee smiled with confidence: "When he has eaten a roast whale, he naturally shows up."

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