Black Ride

Vol 4 Chapter 723: Awareness

Wu Qi’s spirit has almost collapsed. This is the heaviest defeat he has ever suffered. Even if he first saw Arthur, the seventh throne, he used all his means in vain, so that he did not suffer such terrible defeat when he gave up his resistance in the last second.

Let a person kill the person he is close to, destroy and trample on his spirit, and end his life in the most cruel way. Kazan’s means of changing the number of implementation goals will not be a case. As long as that person has humanity and affection, he will definitely fall into the bottomless hell.

Wu Qi is now standing in hell.

On the day, the sound of the green eclipse vulture was uploaded, and Wu Qi’s eyes were lifted up hard, only to see the shadow of the green eclipse vulture group that was hovering over him.

This group of scavengers will not give up a ready-made meal. Wu Qi seems to be able to foresee the fall of the green eclipse vulture, surrounded by the unmovable scene of his beginning to divide.

"This disgusting feeling is really... the first and last time in my life." Wu Qi thought quietly.

After the madness, Wu Qi’s heart has lost its madness and become tired. The feeling of "abandoning" is very strange to Wu Qi, but only once is like a deep imprint on the bottom of people's hearts. Every time I think of memories, it is very clear, as if it is not strange, and it is embarrassing. Familiar with.

If Ruan, Guo Baibo, Gao Yuan, July, Kris, and Gu Chang are here, these people will never see them.

Wu Qi recalled the past and gradually fell into a state of being in a daze. The green-covered vultures hovering in the sky gradually descended. They drooled at the breath of Wu Qi, and only one of them was locked in Wu Qi.

After a long while, the green eclipse vulture saw Wu Qi moving, and one of the greedy ones took the lead and took a hand of Wu Qi. This move, such as a stone fell into a pool of water, immediately other green erosion vultures have turned their mouths, tearing points to eat Wu Qi off the limbs.

Although Wu Qi did not feel pain in the broken limbs, it was disgusting to see that his limbs were eaten by vultures. Wu Qi has no other way, and no one else can help him.

Renee seems to have not died yet. Once she is truly dead, she will be transformed into a "corpse person" in resurrection. Even so, she will be controlled by Kazan; as for others, I am afraid that all die, coma, and coma, it is almost impossible to make them a life-saving straw.

The gluttonous green eclipse vulture quickly ate Wu Qi's limbs with only the bones left, and the bones that were rich in ancestral power could not be spared and swallowed by the green erosive vulture. After the limbs, it was the dinner. The leader of the green-etched vulture group suddenly grabbed Wu Qi’s right eyelid and then pulled it out.

In an instant, Wu Qi was heavily stunned. He was like a dying beast returning to the light. The body's returning ancestor power broke out beyond the limit to fight Kazan's control! Wu Qi’s numerous muscle fibers under the skin, such as domino-like chain breaks, broke the limit and hit the “barrier”, breaking the 5% control in a moment, raising his neck and biting the green-etched vulture leader. neck.

The leader of the green eclipse vulture was shocked, and Wu Qi bite off his neck and ended his life without any muddy water.

Other green-skinned vultures saw the "corpse" of the leader who was dumped on the ground suddenly burst into the neck, and now they are rushing to retreat. Wu Qi’s “squatting” spit out the half of the neck of the green eclipse vulture, and in the next second, his 5% control that he managed to break free returned to his original position.

Breaking away is just an accident created by Wu Qi. He is exhausted, and such an accident will never happen again.

"Oh." Wu Qi looked at the group of green eclipse vultures in the eyes of sneer. The despicable creatures who want to come to hunt and hunt him have paid the price. The bad breath in my heart is better than nothing.

Maybe he will be torn into pieces by the remaining green eclipse vultures, but there is no way to change the future.

Let's stop here.

The green eclipse vulture group rushed up again, Wu Qi looked at them close, filled with a pair of eyes is not desperate, sad, unwilling, but pure hatred, there is no hint of hatred!

If this fire of hatred has a chance to ignite, Wu Qi will decisively give everything!

At this moment, a group of green eclipse vultures that had been rushed up and changed. Their bird legs melted and rotted, and their wings blew out at a rapid rate to reveal a large hole. When the bird's head melts, the chest smashes a hole that runs through the inside and outside, and suddenly the violent appearance looks different.

Wu Qi was shocked by this sudden reversal. He thought at first that some of the Crouching Tigers had come under his own blade and saved him on the occasion of a thousand miles, but after a second, his expression was cold. It is generally the same as the water of the ice sea.

A figure that Wu Qi vowed to smash the corpse was reappeared in front of him. Tall blood robes, gloomy masks, that is the culprit of all these, the plague throne Kazan.

"Wu Qi, let this seat hear your answer."

Kazan smiled slyly, and his sleeves burst out with a green and gray dust. These dusts scattered on Wu Qi, and Wu Qi immediately felt a living vitality pouring into the wound at his neck.

This is the power dust that Kazan specially uses to restore the wounds of the corpse and make it "longer". The cutting injury of the Wuqi throat was regenerated after two breaths.

Kazan let go of the control limit that only allows Wu Qi to speak. He looked down at Wu Qi's cold face and looked forward to the answer that would be blurted out of his mouth.

"Wu Qi is willing to be loyal to you, respected Kazan adults." Wu Qi face if frost, said it one word at a time.

Kazan said: "Do you want to listen to everything in this seat?"

"Wu Qi is willing."

"That seat allows you to kill the female city owner who is close to you, do you want?" Kazan smiled evilly.

Wu Qiru stated that it was a matter of course, cold and calm: "Kazan adults want to use Wu Qi can, because this is the price Wu Qi pays for survival. But that person is the meaning of Wu Qi's life. The two are in conflict, and Kazan adults must know the final answer."

"Oh, it turns out." Kazan is profound and authentic. He thought about loosening all the control of Wu Qi and spilling a lot of green dust.

Wu Qi lost his limbs and immediately began to self-regenerate. He instructed the power to inject new arms and legs, picked up long knives and climbed up from the ground.

Wu Qi exuded the red and naked, and his eyes looked calm and surprising. The contrast between the two is called the back of the human body.

Kazan is very satisfied with Wu Qi, who is full of murderousness. In his eyes, the person dominated by revenge is the easiest to control. This is because they are full of endless power because of the heart of vengeance. The spirit has repeatedly experienced madness and calmness. The so-called rationality has already deteriorated.

If the normal person is non-logic is a straight road, then the logic of the Avengers is a maze. They are complicated, chaotic, contradictory, and they will sell what they are crazy and what they are attached to.

The Avengers are just like all kinds of talents. If you use them well, you can't be a sword! If this double-edged sword has an insurance that cannot be cracked, it can be used as a perfect tool at any time.

Kazan slowly raised his hand and pointed to the back of Wu Qi.

"Cut the head of the blonde woman to prove that your bottom line is only the female city owner." Kazan did not have the slightest affection.

Wu Qi immediately turned around, and he walked unrelentingly to the face of Renee, and raised his long knife, the emotions reflected in his eyes, as if he had cut only the beasts on the wilderness.

Wu Qi went straight and did not hesitate and did not slow down. The blade stopped suddenly before he was about to cut Renee's neck, and then there was no tendency to fall.

Kazan controlled Wu Qi’s arm and let Wu Qi’s knife not cut the target.

"Why?" Wu Qi was indifferent. His tone seems to be asking why he stopped him.

"This woman, like you, has the life of returning to the ancestral power, and continues to evolve. The future achievements will never be lower than you. She is an important piece of this piece. How can I let you kill like this?"

Kazan smiled coldly. His face is the face of a sinister and vicious person. This kind of person has a certain vision and is one of the most difficult types of enemies.

These ideas Wu Qi are buried in the bottom of my heart. From this moment on, he will pay attention to Kazan every moment, and dig useful information from Kazan. Direct resistance is the most stupid death behavior. If you find an opportunity to kill Kazan, you will still be the same in nature. He will not choose.

Wu Qi’s ultimate victory goal is to win the real resurrection method of the corpse virus disappearing and not returning to the body! After completing this goal, he will get rid of the corpse virus in his body and find a perfect opportunity to show his fangs to Kazan. In contrast, he also did well in the enlightenment required for the moment of victory.

"Throw them here. Leave with this seat back to the abyss." Kazan gave the order and immediately turned around.


Kazan blew a whistle on the endless sky of the wilderness. A moment later, a huge bird shadow appeared on one side of the sky and flew quickly.

It was a large-scale corpse of gold eagle with a body length of 2.6 meters and a wingspan of 6 meters. The corpse of the golden eye was submerged and descended. After the two eagle claws stepped on the ground, they lowered the eagle head toward Kazan.

On the back of the corpse, the golden vulture has a pair of easy-to-ride bird saddles. Kazan jumped on the bird's saddle, and then the corpse of the golden eagle flew off, and an eagle claw stretched out to capture Wu Qi's torso.

Wu Qi did not move the corpse of the golden eagle to grasp his body. The corpse of the golden eye carved a wing and took two powerful wind pressures, and it swayed hundreds of meters high. It turned in the direction of the northwest of the wilderness, flying at an extremely fast speed. The land and objects that Wu Qi looked down could be reduced several times between the eyes and the eyes, and they kept going backwards.

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